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  1. LOOOOOOOOSER! I hope you're a golf fan! Bye bye troll.

  2. ducks4cup

    2009 WCSF GAME 7: Ducks 3 at Red Wings 4

    Detroit is known to dive like swimmers.
  3. ducks4cup

    2009 WCSF GAME 7: Ducks 3 at Red Wings 4

    I am 23, no kids. But right on with the personal attacks. Classy just like your team.
  4. ducks4cup

    2009 WCSF GAME 7: Ducks 3 at Red Wings 4

    Kinda like the no call on Mule's slash which resulted on a wings PP and goal. Reffing is crap both ways. How hard is that to see.
  5. ducks4cup

    2009 WCSF GAME 7: Ducks 3 at Red Wings 4

    You mean where he was tapped from behind and flailed like a women???
  6. ducks4cup

    2009 WCSF GAME 7: Ducks 3 at Red Wings 4

    It's pretty obvious to me. But apparently everyone on here is super biased.
  7. ducks4cup

    2009 WCSF GAME 7: Ducks 3 at Red Wings 4

    Don't think so man.
  8. ducks4cup

    2009 WCSF GAME 7: Ducks 3 at Red Wings 4

    Naw man like your team. Please explain to me how setting picks, diving, and interferring every shift is not as dirty as playing physical old style hockey???
  9. ducks4cup

    2009 WCSF GAME 7: Ducks 3 at Red Wings 4

    I would have to say the exact opposite.
  10. ducks4cup

    2009 WCSF GAME 7: Ducks 3 at Red Wings 4

    Hiller gets barrel rolled and you guys think it was a bad penalty, unbelievable.
  11. ducks4cup

    2009 WCSF GAME 7: Ducks 3 at Red Wings 4

    Wings announcers are trash
  12. ducks4cup

    2009 WCSF GAME 7: Ducks 3 at Red Wings 4

    dirty hit on a finesse player just like the wings never due right
  13. ducks4cup

    2009 WCSF GAME 7: Ducks 3 at Red Wings 4

    Can the wings announcers be any more biased.
  14. ducks4cup

    2009 WCSF GAME 7: Ducks 3 at Red Wings 4

    That was in no way an elbow. Alll shoulder Hossa was just crouched down like a 90 man.
  15. ducks4cup

    2009 WCSF GAME 7: Ducks 3 at Red Wings 4

    Landslides and wildfires in OC? This isn't LA man. Earthquakes? HAHHAHA wow bro the ground shakes for 2 shakes. I live in OC man 45 minutes from any fault line. No damage will be done around here. Sorry to bust your bubble. Detroit- smog, murder (worst murder rate in US i believe), crap weather, snow storms, worst unemployment rate, no money, and a bunch of cry babies who can't handle physical hockey.