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  1. gob

    Why is soccer the only sport.....

    Soccer is the probably the cheapest and easiest sport out there. You only need a friend, a ball and something to shoot at to begin playing. And I don't agree soccer can't be exciting and interesting. Sure, some games can be boring as hell, but others can be just as exciting and exhilirating as any other sport. The zero action and zero goals thing, is the most overly used cliche out there.
  2. gob

    Arsenal vs Barcelona

    It started out great, then Lehman was kicked out and ruined the game. The ref should have let goal stand and not given the card.
  3. gob

    Soft Europeans

    I'm hoping for an all scandinavian final And by the way, I didn't think Canada played the same physical game as they usually does in tournaments like this. And why can't they score on the pp?