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Posts posted by Urlosing96

  1. I watched the game last night, the wife is a huge Leafs fan. The penguins looked mighty sloppy and their passing sucked, but I have to admit, the leafs didn't look all that bad. Even the fight was mostly one-sided, until the 'pen caught Orr with an overhand and put him on the ice...

  2. Wings and LGW'ers....

    We've had A fabulous run this year. You've brought me trmendous highs, unbelevable lows, from stevie and shanny leaving to bert and calder showing up. Yes, this is oklahoma, and my ice time is now over (yup, i've been skating in my mind) but there's always, always next season. With the likes of grigorenko, flip, and our younger kids coming up, and the vets hardened by our roughest playoff run in recent history, boy is next year gonna be a ball!!!

    To the Flames, Sharks, and Ducks... Thanks for the opportunity to prove what LGW has been argueing about for months!!! We 're too old. too young. too soft. Dom's groin? Bert's washed up. who's calder? that's all clear as mud now, and everybody knows the comments won't ever stop!

    To all y'all next year, babs will pull out some magic for a new body or two, and the wings will be back (on bert's back) and our favorite whipping boy(langer) will show up for regular season games. :P

    ducks v. senators. who'd a thunk it?

    see ya in a day or two, I'm going to go rage now.

  3. Ok be nice this is my first post. I've been lurking around for all of this year and most of last year on the ol' boards.

    I found the wings in 95-96 after the sale/poke in the eye :angry: buyout of the NORTH STARS to texas in 91-92. One of my supervisors was from the detroit area and was talking about the team and the back to back wins in 96 and 97, :clap: (thanks Russ) After hearing of stevie and his leadership, and the tragedy of 97 and the limo accident, I've labled meself as a die-hard winger, Since my home team and the next closest thing the winnepeg jets were thrown under the bus, i guess i should be happy i didn't find the blackhawks or blues! :crazy:

    But even so, since i've lived in OKlahoma here, i did get to see steve play last year in dallas. Jan 19th was my first live NHL game. I've also been blessed enough to :siren: "put my hands on Lord Stanleys Cup!" :siren: Scotty Gomez brought it home to Anchorage when the devils won the cup and brought it out to the Air Force Base. (hell of a guy, nice to talk to,sorry... a different thread) what a truly remarkable event and i'll never forget feeling the names engraved on the side of that monster.