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  1. Yesterday
  2. Axl Foley

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Konecny has played 8 years and was going to be a UFA next summer. Raymond has played 3 years and is a RFA. So yeah, Konecny contract would be bigger even with similar stats.
  3. Scott R Lucidi

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Raymond has one less than what you just said at 4 years younger. ???
  4. kipwinger

    2024 Offseason Thread

    He's got three 20 goal seasons and two 30 goal seasons under his belt. If he's truly a comparable then I'd imagine Lucas would make less than Konecny given that his track record of success is much shorter.
  5. Scott R Lucidi

    2024 Offseason Thread Lucas Raymond equivalent right here.
  6. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    I dont trust lightning spies
  7. Scott R Lucidi

    2024 Offseason Thread

    TEO! You think you're smarter than the SCAM? come on.
  8. Last week
  9. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    I wouldn't call 1 min a game a significant special teams role. Regular PKers hover around 2 min a game. He was likely only on the PK at all because Walman was hurt. But then something happened with Walman when he returned, because Jake went from top pair and top PK, to bottom pair and no PK, and/or healthy scratch. Yzerman also said Edvinsson has to earn his spot at camp. I won't at all be surprised if Edvinsson plays great, earns his spot, and plays all 82 games. But if it's same as last year, and everyone's healthy, I'd send him down until an injury promotes him. Who are you waiving in favor of Ed?
  10. kipwinger

    2024 Offseason Thread

    You said Edvinsson didn't grab a special teams role as a rookie the way Seider did. I'm just pointing out that he did have a significant special teams role. He played over a minute per game shorthanded. And it's a little misleading to add Walman to that list since the majority of his PK time came when Edvinsson was still in GR. During Edvinsson's late season callup Walman was either injured or healthy scratched and Edvinsson did considerably more penalty killing than Walman during that period. You're welcome to think what you want about the guy, but he's pretty clearly earned the trust of the coaching staff based on his play and I don't think people are off-base when they say he's a lock for the roster based on his play during that late season call-up. Edit: Also, Yzerman confirmed during his press availability that he "expects Edvinsson to play a bigger role". He was already playing 18 minutes a night and killing penalties. Sure sounds like the GM is figuring on Edvinsson to A) make the team, and B) play in the top four.
  11. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Maata, Fischer, and Veleno don't PK on a regular basis. He was behind Seider, Chiarot, Petry, and Walman on the PK with only 19 minutes.
  12. Scott R Lucidi

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Dude, CTEO loves Eddog as much as we do. You're overfeeding him now!
  13. kipwinger

    2024 Offseason Thread

    You're welcome to think whatever you want about him but it's simply not true that Edvinsson didn't play on special teams. He was on the PK and logged more shorthanded minutes per game that "defensive" guys like Maatta, Fischer, and Veleno. It's not a stretch to imagine he'd have logged even more special teams minutes if he were trying to beat out guys like Hagg, Juolevi, etc. (as Seider did) rather than trying to take minutes from guys like Seider, Chiarot, and Walman. Overall I think it's a good thing that young guys have tougher competition for roster spots and the team is going to be better for it, but it certainly effected the types of minutes that were available to Edvinsson as opposed to Seider. But again, I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I don't really care if you like the guy or not. I'm just suggesting that if I HAD to put my money on the line I'd wager that Edvinsson starts the season in the top four based on his play last year and the coach/GM comments about his play during that stretch.
  14. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    I dont really agree on the comparison. I think Ed has all the potential to be just as good offensively and defensively as Mo. He's just not having the lightning fast development that Mo had. Sure Seider got PP time right away... but he also got PK time as well. Ed got neither. Because Seider was clearly a stud from day 1, and Ed is clearly not a stud yet. I don't dislike the prospect, i just dont see the need to rush him onto the roster, and if he's the Dman we can waive, it makes sense to waive him.
  15. TLGTrico

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Here's the thing, how often do top 10 picks live up to their draft position after spending multiple seasons in the AHL? For that matter, Kasper needs to either be in the NHL or light up the AHL this season or I'm going to start to worry that we wasted a top 10 pick on a third line center
  16. Scott R Lucidi

    The Griffins

    I don't get it.
  17. Scott R Lucidi

    whose #1?

    Like your elite level night moves. Not everybody can do it.
  18. Scott R Lucidi

    2024 Offseason Thread

    He played well enough to help Jeff Petry limp out the season. There is zero reason to compare Edvinsson to want to play like Seider or Seider to want to play like Edvinsson. Edvisson is a better skater with better reach and better offensive situational awareness. Seider is a tougher player with better defensive situational awareness and great shot blocking abilities. Both help us get the puck out of our zone and move it into ahead into the attacking zone in their own ways. If ASP turns out the way everybody thinks he should, we should have (3) guys that can play 1A/1B minutes and (5) more in Al. Johansson/Wallinder/Buium/Tuomisto/An. Johansson that can play mid and bottom pairing minutes for any team.
  19. kipwinger

    2024 Offseason Thread

    They're different defensemen. Seider gets powerplay time, it's no wonder he'd score more. He was running the top powerplay from the first moment he hit the ice for the Wings. Credit to him. But that's not really going to be Edvinsson's value. He's a lot more like Mathias Ekholm, Brandon Carlo, or Devon Toews. He'll have a bunch of even strength points, few powerplay points, and be a stud defensively. I'm not worried about his points if he's making stops, and he was absolutely one of the best DEFENDERS during his late season stretch. Aside from Lalonde confirming that this was the case you can also point to the fact that he played well enough to make Jake Walman expendable. I'm not here to tell you Yzerman is "penciling him" into a roster spot. But I'd bet my paycheck Edvinsson starts the season with the Red Wings if I had to handicap it.
  20. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Seider did the same in GR, but with him it translated to the NHL immediately. That didn't happen with Ed last year, so it may very well not this year.
  21. Scott R Lucidi

    2024 Offseason Thread

    He scored a point every other game in GR. How many do you want to see?
  22. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    I don't think this at all. He's been REALLY good in GR. But IMO he didn't look ready for a top4 NHL role last year when he was up. If his game is at that same level coming out of camp, and we don't have room on the roster, he should absolutely go down and play the #1 role in GR some more. Intead of waiving a different player. We signed Gus because no one on the backend can score besides Seider, Edvinsson included last year. Had Edvinsson put up pts last year we likely don't sign Gus, and Eddogs place in the NHL is guaranteed. But he didn't put up pts. So here we are. We have to excercise patience with a prospect like Edvinsson. Worst thing we could do right now is say "here's a top4 spot and a pp unit, go be what we hope you can be one day be" and then have him fall flat. 100%
  23. LeftWinger

    whose #1?

    Yes. Whose shows ownership. Whose house is that? Who's is Who is. To answer both: Who's #1? Talbot will be the #1 goalie. Whose #1? Terry Sawchuk owns the #1.
  24. LeftWinger

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Edvinsson better impress because as long as he is just ok, and he is the one with waiver exemptions, he'll be sent down. That's the business part of the NHL. Maybe he impresses and gets a spot, but that would either mean 8 D on the roster or Lagesson/Holl gets waived. Yzerman will not waive AJo or Berggren for that matter. They'll either be in Detroit or on another NHL team, neither would clear. Unfortunately, if nobody gets waived or bought out, and if Edvinsson makes the team, I can see 12/8/3 as an opening night roster.
  25. Scott R Lucidi

    2024 Offseason Thread

    I'm ok with this, so long as you're ok with saying the SCAM is an idiot for creating a "roster squeeze" situation. Deal?
  26. TLGTrico

    2024 Offseason Thread

    If he doesn't improve immensely, we may be approaching bust territory
  27. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    I think we are going to see a lot of Edvinsson next year. But in the event of a roster squeeze, if he's playing anything like he did last year still, he's the one going down.
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