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Everything posted by Pucks

  1. Pucks

    Lets offer Draper and Maltby 5 year contracts!

    That would be awesome. 08 would have been the perfect opportunity.
  2. Wings group is better Offensively but I like the size and grit of Calgary defense better. Both are great though.
  3. Pucks

    Lets offer Draper and Maltby 5 year contracts!

    He's good value for that salary. That I will agree.
  4. Pucks

    Ed Belfour

    WTF this guy must have been out last night with the drunkin eagle.
  5. Pucks

    Lets offer Draper and Maltby 5 year contracts!

    Yep that guy. The HOF uber awesome goalie that was the best that ever lived.
  6. Pucks

    Lets offer Draper and Maltby 5 year contracts!

    I'll dance a jig at my house when he plays his last game as a wing!
  7. Great news. Both players were completely useless.
  8. Pucks

    Hossa to be re-signed after postseason

    What I think some fail to realize when they argue to keep our depth vs. Hossa. Were going to have far too many players for too few spots. Ericsson will be on the team. So you'll have to let go or trade two of Meech, Lebda, Chelios, Lilja. Helm and Leino will be on the team. They both played good soldier along with Ericsson last year down in the AHL when they didn't belong there. Abdelkader will probably be fine with first line duties down there again next year. We have a full team right now and with Datsyuk, Kopecky, Draper, Lilja injured. People that want to keep our depth. Keep it where? In the pressbox? There's not enough roster spots. We might as well move some pieces so we can keep the best player. Then fill in the holes that get created with players we have coming up. All teams will have to make these same decisions with the cap. It's all you can do. Hulder and sammy can be easily be replace by Helm and Leino. There's no one on the farm that's going to replace Hossa. Obviously Kenny needs to move some players, maybe even some well known vets to create some cap space. This is the smartest move though, without question. Now that the cap has finally caught up with us, this city can't be the HOF rest home like it was pre lockout. The lockout forced us to get younger, hungrier, better and will continue to do so IMO.
  9. Pucks

    Phoenix Coyotes -- Worst organization in sports

    I thought they did excellent today with the moves they made today. Way more depth will help the younger guys.
  10. Pucks

    Time to line up for your crow.

    Yeah all you moron's step up and take you kick's to the clock weights. Or better yet ,learn the game so you don't post such stupid comments in the future.
  11. Pucks

    The goaltending deficit in Detroit

    Agreed, there's a definite mental component to his problems, but the lack of movement and positioning are the real problem here. The quotes from Ken Holland are just posturing. He doesn't want Gm's to rob him blind when he goes looking for a goaltender. Unless Chris can have a miracle turnaround in the next few weeks, Kenny will have to make a move, and he will.
  12. Pucks

    Chris Osgood- What do we do?

    Legace didn't have this group in front of him either. This team can play a lot more hard nosed when they need to in the playoffs. People try to make things all about one thing in terms of winning and losing but it's not like that. Hasek was great in 02, not so much in 08. Osgood was good in 98, not so much in the next decade, until plying well in relief last year. I think 20 competent goalies could have won the cup with the wings last year.
  13. Pucks

    Convinced yet?

    I would truly love an enforcer is he has a nice set of goalie pads, and can stop more pucks than a shooter tutor.
  14. Pucks

    Support Chris Osgood (and the Detroit Red Wings)

    QUOTE (mackel @ December 5, 2008 - 10:03AM) * Thats like comparing a Warship (Roy) to a Row-Boat (Osgood). Yup. They'll both get you to the Cup, it's just that one has oversized equipment and costs millions of dollars more. Correction. One will win you a cup, the other will be given the cup!
  15. Pucks

    Support Chris Osgood (and the Detroit Red Wings)

    Finally there we have it plain as day. Osgarbage has been horrid. The coach is starting to let it out in the media because he sick and tired of it. People want to bash Lebda and others, but give Osgood a pass...please. He's easily been the worst player on the roster this year, and with some of the performances put in so far that's saying something, and not in a good way For those who want to blame the defense, Ok sure maybe the firs 7-10 games but they have tightened up quite a bit. The goal tending from Osgood still hasn't improved. They are scared, not playing solid in their own end. It's because of Osgood not the other way around. Use your eyes and your brain people....yeesh!
  16. You mean like the rebound osgood dumped in front that got deposited in the net last night? I mean look at Tim Thomas, he gives up alot of rebounds and most the time they dont cost him. He keeps most of them out of dangerous areas. The ones he can't he saves with his athletic ability and great lateral movement. Osgood can't afford to give up rebounds because he can't recover to make the next save anymore because he has no lateral movement. People who want to try to use stats to somehow give Osgood a pass need to actually watch some games. If you know hockey and actually watch games is been very obvious Chris is not been helping his team this year. I hope it changes since his play was a postive story for the Wings cup last year. Will it? we shall see.
  17. Pucks

    Helm up, McCarty tp GR (+ line combos vs Habs)

    Sweet! been looking forward to seeing Helm play some more.
  18. Pucks

    11/24 GDT: Red Wings 2 @ Canucks 3 (OT)

    Score me 4 still at it.
  19. Pucks

    Kyle Quincey

    Quincey looked a little nervous but not that bad. What really stood out was how bad chelios was. The game has passed him by. His brain is too slow to keep up with the pace of the game. He looked brutal with every shift tonight. It was actually a blessing when he got injured to keep him off the ice sheet.
  20. Pucks

    Do We Want Chelios Back?

    Chris appears to be one of those players that needs to be told to retire.
  21. Pucks

    Why Isn't Stuart Playing on the Powerplay?

    Darn you, you made me spit up my cereal.
  22. Pucks

    Watching the games online on your computer

  23. Pucks

    Jonathan Ericsson

    I'd love to see an ericsson, Quincey 3rd pairing next season because it's a perfect combo of offense and defence with lots of size and good speed and range. Having said that I fully expect Ericsson to be in the ahl until he's over ripe. Losing one of Meech, Quincey, Lebda because Chelios doesn't know when to hang em up would be a waste. Hopefully we win the cup so he can exit stage left on top.
  24. Pucks

    WCF Game 2 GDT: Red Wings 2, Stars 1

    Terrible he wasn't going for a dive he was taking a shot at the net...lol
  25. Pucks

    Versus Live Feed

    Ive tried many but had no luck so far