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Posts posted by FunkedUp

  1. Pav is just the odd man out in this situation. You're not going to separate Ovie and Semin, so this is just the way it works. The Ovie-Pav-Semin line seems good on paper, but I don't think they were very good. There seemed to be indecisiveness. If you had the luxury of time, then I'm sure they'd develop some chemistry.

    I think Pav needs to be playing on the top line, because you need some defense. Ovie-Malkin-Semin is definitely defensively challenged. If they end up playing teams like Canada, the US, or Sweden then this will show. For Olympics sake, I think they should separate Ovie and Semin and Keep Pav with Ovie, but like I said before that probably won't happen...



    Russia also needs someone to drive the net. If Holmstrom was Russian then there PP would score every time.

  2. All of this Olympic talk has made me wonder what a Team Michigan roster would look like. How do you guys think they would do in international play? What about a US tournament between the states?

    Anyways, here's my idea...

    Team Michigan

    David Booth - Ryan Kesler - Chad LaRose

    Dave Moss - David Legwand - Jim Slater

    T.J Hensick - Mike Modano - Brian Rolston

    Mike Grier - Justin Abdelkader - Kevin Porter

    Jack Johnson - Brian Rafalski

    Tim Gleason - James Wisniewski

    Jeff Finger - Matt Hunwick

    Ryan Miller

    Tim Thomas

    Wow, after getting the first couple lines and d pairings...this was much harder to do then I thought it would be. What do you guys think?

  3. Better check your cable or satellite channels, American TV viewers, because NBC won't be carrying most of the Olympics' hockey action. Instead, games involving NHL players are scheduled for CNBC, MSNBC and USA for the bulk of the action until the semifinal and medal games. NBC will not carry the U.S.-Canada game; that will be on MSNBC. Instead, NBC's prime-time schedule will feature women's figure skating and speedskating.


    Saturday, Feb. 13


    3-5:30 p.m. -- Women's Hockey -- Sweden vs. Switzerland (LIVE).

    8-10:30 p.m. -- Women's Hockey -- Canada vs. Slovakia (LIVE).


    3-5:30 a.m. -- Women's Hockey -- Canada vs. Slovakia (replay).

    Sunday, Feb. 14 (DAY 3)


    3-5:30 p.m. -- Women's Hockey -- USA vs. China (LIVE).


    7:30-10 p.m. -- Women's Hockey -- Finland vs. Russia (LIVE).


    3-5:30 a.m. -- Women's Hockey -- USA vs. China (replay).

    Monday, Feb. 15 (DAY 4)


    5:30-8 p.m. -- Women's Hockey -- Canada vs. Switzerland (LIVE).

    3-5:30 a.m. -- Women's Hockey -- Sweden vs. Slovakia.

    Tuesday, Feb. 16 (DAY 5)


    Noon-6 p.m. -- Men's Hockey -- USA vs. Switzerland (LIVE).


    5 p.m.-5 a.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Canada vs. Norway (LIVE); Russia vs. Latvia (LIVE).


    5:30-8 p.m. -- Women's Hockey -- USA vs. Russia (LIVE).

    Wednesday, Feb. 17 (DAY 6)


    3-8 p.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Finland vs. Belarus (LIVE); Women's Hockey -- Canada vs. Sweden (LIVE).


    5 p.m.-5 a.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Sweden vs. Germany (LIVE); Czech Republic vs. Slovakia (LIVE); Women's Hockey -- Switzerland vs. Slovakia (LIVE).

    Thursday, Feb. 18 (DAY 7)


    Noon-5:30 p.m. -- Men's Hockey -- USA vs. Norway (LIVE).


    5 p.m.-5 a.m.; Men's Hockey -- Canada vs. Switzerland (LIVE); Slovakia vs. Russia (LIVE); Women's Hockey -- Russia vs. China (LIVE)


    5:30-8 p.m. -- Women's Hockey -- USA vs. Finland (LIVE).

    Friday, Feb. 19 (Day 8)


    3-5:30 p.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Belarus vs. Sweden (LIVE).

    Midnight-3 a.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Finland vs. Germany (LIVE).


    5 p.m.-1 a.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Czech Republic vs. Latvia (LIVE).

    Saturday, Feb. 20 (DAY 9)


    Noon-5:30 p.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Switzerland vs. Norway (LIVE).

    7:30-10 p.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Slovakia vs. Latvia (LIVE).

    Midnight-3 a.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Belarus vs. Germany (LIVE).

    Sunday, Feb. 21 (DAY 10)


    Noon-6 p.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Russia vs. Czech Republic (LIVE).


    7-10 p.m. -- Men's Hockey -- USA vs. Canada (LIVE).

    Midnight-3 a.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Finland vs. Sweden (LIVE).

    Monday, Feb. 22 (DAY 11)


    Noon-6 p.m. -- Women's Hockey -- Semifinal (LIVE).


    5 p.m.- 1 a.m. -- Women's Hockey -- Semifinal (LIVE).

    Tuesday, Feb. 23 (DAY 12)


    12:35-2 a.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Elimination Round Game (LIVE).


    Noon-6 p.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Elimination Round Game (LIVE).


    5 p.m.-2:30 a.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Elimination Round Game (LIVE); Elimination Round Game (LIVE); Elimination Round Game (LIVE).

    Wednesday, Feb. 24 (DAY 13)


    3-5 p.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Quarterfinal (LIVE).


    7 p.m.-2:30 a.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Quarterfinal (LIVE); Quarterfinal (LIVE); Quarterfinal (LIVE).

    Thursday, Feb. 25 (DAY 14)


    2-4:30 p.m. -- Women's Hockey -- Bronze Medal Game (LIVE).

    6-9 p.m. -- Women's Hockey -- Gold Medal Final (LIVE).

    Friday, Feb. 26 (DAY 15)


    3-5 p.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Semifinal (LIVE).


    6 p.m.-Midnight -- Men's Hockey -- Semifinal (LIVE).

    Saturday, Feb. 27 (DAY 16)


    10 p.m.-12:30 a.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Bronze Medal Game (LIVE).

    Sunday, Feb. 28 (DAY 17)


    Noon-6 p.m. -- Men's Hockey -- Gold Medal Final (LIVE).

  4. Let's see, who has a bigger list of questionable plays? All you can come up for Crosby is he hit someone while he still had his gloves on...

    Anyways, this is off topic. I just feel like Crosby can make up the point differential toward the end of the year. I don't see the Capitals staying this hot down the stretch.

    No where did I say that Ovie was a saint. This is an instance where Crosby clearly is the 3rd man in, throwing punches with his gloves on, and then giving someone a low-blow. I think that is pretty questionable, at best.

    Anyways, Crosby has had a good year, but Ovechkin is having a better one.

  5. This game is relatively important. If Nashville gets any points then they could start pulling away. As bad as the Wings are doing, it's amazing that they're even in the hunt at this point. Hopefully we can get a little help from NJ tonight.

    __________GR PTS

    6. Colorado 59 74

    7. Nashville 59 69

    8. Calgary 61 67

    9. Dallas 60 66

    10. Detroit 60 66

    11. Anaheim 60 65

    12. Minnesota 59 62