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Posts posted by ihatethepens

  1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...7122001274.html

    There's another video too. It doesn't sound like a commercial like that Youtube one either.

    Just wait for the moment when they're talking to Green or Backstrom... Ovechkin is floating in the background, then he just starts staring at the camera with this huge grin on his face. Like "Look at me I'm on camera!" Classic! :lol:

    There's another October post on that DC blog too that highlights Ovie's "boy in a man's body"ness.

    "[Ovechkin] seemed to delight in the empty space between his teeth Saturday, sticking his tongue in there and smiling widely whenever he noticed his mug up on the new high-definition video screens above the ice. He resembled a little kid who loses his first incisor and can't wait to see what the Tooth Fairy leaves under the pillow."

    "[...] And here's what Ovechkin had to say about the new look today: "It makes me look hot. Girls like it." "

    Just funny stuff.

    Haha, that was Mike Green.

    There's actually another video from this jaunt on the Caps website on Caps.TV that shows OV feeding Backstrom a hot dog. I don't know how to link that directly though.

  2. Hey guys, I'm a diehard Washington Capitals fan and obviously of Alex Ovechkin too. Someone posted a link to this board showing you guys had discovered the hilarious Ovechkin and Friends on the Segways. Well if you guys really want to see the funny video (the one Steinbburg did on Bogspot himself) here's the link: Video

    This one is the really funny and shows Alex being even more of a ham. So I thought I'd share with you guys

    So, GO CAPS AND GO WINGS! (You guys played one hell of a game against us last week. :cool: )