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Posts posted by hockeybill

  1. Wow... some of you people are really pathetic. You have absolutely no idea what was going on before Ken made that comment, and yet you come up with all this crap! Mickey Redmond is more with it about hockey than most anyone I've ever heard talk about the game... then, and now. And Ken Daniels is no slouch either. You know it's talk like this that get people thinking about things they shouldn't. Maybe Larry Murphy got let go just because someone started talking trash about him in a forum like this. Larry Murphy is another person I regard very highly as a hockey announcer. It sure is easy to sit back and listen to half of what is said, and go then go away and start making up things out of mid air, so that you can then spew it all over this forum... like you know something about the game. If you don't like listening to Mickey and Ken, try changing over to the Golf channel instead. I don't want you to ruin my game.

  2. Does anyone remember back in the late nineties there was a NHL commercial with Mike Ricci in it? He was at some high class dinner party, and the servant/butler set this fancy sterling silver dish in the middle of the table...all the while the narrator was telling about Mike's great faceoff stats. Then the guy takes the lid off the dish so you can see what's inside...and it's a King Dong on the platter. In a second they show the empty platter and then show Ricci's ****eating grin face stuffed with this King Dong. I've searched all over the internet and can't find it. It's got to be out there somewhere. That was a classic, even if he did play for Colorado.

  3. I just did a little search on Gordies from Toronto, and there was a Gord Hannigan. His number was 22 and 23. The number on the back of that jersey looks like it is 23 or maybe a 29. And according to the website ( one stripe on the pants in 1955-1956 could have only been the Wings or Toronto. Any Red wing jersey beyond that had a number on the sleeve which you don't see in this photo.

  4. And anyone know where I could Download Organ Music? Say, to put in for Chicago?

    Just last week I submitted an online survey for being a Red Wings season ticket holder. They asked me what I would like to see changed the most about attending a game. I didn't have to think twice. After being a season ticket holder for 20+ years I hate the predictability of the music. I don't care what they play as long as it's not the same thing over and over and get the point, I hope. With so many avenues of getting the word out, why doesn't the Red Wings organization use forums like these to drum up new stuff to play? You mean you can't come up with more than 2 songs to choose from to follow up with when an opposing team scores. I think I'm more upset with hearing the song, than having the other team score. And why someone would want to replicate this on his or her gaming system at home is beyond me.

  5. Ranger Fan,

    I also agree on renting a car. I go to quite a few Nascar races, and I can tell you that it pays to plan ahead. Once you think you know where you want to go, use google maps and use street ( view to get a better feel for what things will look like when you go. Then, try and make time to drive the area or the route you plan to take the day before in the daytime. This pays off big...believe me. One place I can think of to stop at before the game is Cobo Joe's. It's a Wings fan's bar within walking distance of the Joe. There is plenty of parking around the bar (cheaper than the Joe Louis Garage). And easier access the Lodge freeway, which connects to the other expressways out of town within a few miles. Also, I'm sure if you google Red Wing shuttles, you can find numerous eating/drinking establishments in the suburbs that will shuttle you in and back out after the game. Don't worry about wearing your Ranger's jersey in public, as long as your not to obnoxious, people will be cool and very helpful. There is also the people mover that loops around downtown and stops at the Joe. It only costs 50 cents a person per ride. Have fun, and go Wings!!!

  6. Physics........look where Hudlers head is. His chin is about where the number 1 in 13 is on Brown's sleeve when they made contact. I doubt Brown could bring the butt end of his stick that high with Juri's chin there........and he certainly didn't get him with his elbow. I thought the worst when I seen this on tv, until I watch the CBC replay from this angle on youtube (

    ). Look at about the 9 second mark.

    Keep up the whining and Kronwall will get suspended for a good hit like this at center ice, which you know is long overdue. How many times have you heard Mickey Redman say "Kids, never have you head down in the middle of the ice". Get over would say this was a great hit if Kronwall handed it out?


  7. Do you all see what is happening here? I think we should change to this... I think it should keep it the same but if we did, maybe we could.... The only consistent thing I see here is what I have always seen when it comes to the Wings. Don't change a dam thing. Are you ashamed at wearing your Classic Red Wings jersey? Do you think it’s going out of style? It’s only been in style for over 75 years. What other attire has been in style this long? You should be glad that if you buy one it won’t go out of style. One thing I've noticed about the other teams that have changed their jerseys, or have a third jersey. They can't make up their minds what they want. Do you want to watch a Red Wings game on TV and not be able to tell what team your watching because there are so many different color jerseys in the stands, or do you want to see a sea of Red and White? One thing that makes the Red Wings so great is that the tradition hasn't changed. I really feel bad for other teams like the Phoenix Coyotes that had such a great original jersey with such unique colors. They just caved in and changed them just like that. Now they look like some generic jersey that could be from anywhere and nowhere. We have a jersey with so much great history behind it. How can you possibly want to change it? If you did you would just want to change it again in a few years. If you don't like what you see in the stands at the Joe, maybe you should buy a new Phoenix jersey and root for them!

  8. budd lynch?!

    come on, man. the guy's been doing it for like 100 years (and i'm not exaggerating by much!) and the lack of enthusiasm from the crowd hasn't really been a big deal until post-lockout. sorry dude, but i have to respectfully disagree w/you on this one.

    Sorry I didn't make myself clear. I hope Bud Lynch is around as PA announcer as long as he pleases. I was referring to the DJ. I stand corrected. GO WINGS!!!

  9. I think that the PA at the Joe messes up most of the good chanting. I've been to almost all the playoff games at the Joe for at least the last sixteen years. Nothing screws up an awesome chant more that the PA system at the Joe. The guy behind the PA has absolutely no sense of timing when it comes to this. Just because his job is to make noise does't mean he has to do it from the time you walk in the door until you leave. The PA is so predictable I can't stand it. Can you imagine what you could do if given the chance at running the PA at the Joe? That guy would be out of a job the next day.

    I remember one time the crowd was shouting at the Wings "Shoot the puck!" so loud during a powerplay I thougt the roof was going to cave in. Next thing I know, Brett Hull scores a goal.

    GO WINGS!!!

  10. You must have been reading this article at the same time you we're watching Jerry Springer. TSN quoted Alex Tanguay in regards to we are missing Lidstrom and Refalski due to injuries. Later in the article they brought up the other Wings that are injured, but I guess you didn't get that far. I thought they we're on the money with their reporting. The only problem I seen is they failed to recognize the fact that the Red Wings and the Flames both had the number "18" on their helmets, not just the flames.