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Everything posted by DallasStars

  1. DallasStars


  2. DallasStars

    Avery comments & suspension

    I'm guessing by your seat location the last thing you need is free beer. Not too mention my pockets don't run that deep.
  3. DallasStars

    Avery comments & suspension

    Hello folks, If you don't remember me, I'm a Stars fan who was here last playoffs and did my best to give you guys some insight on our point of view on things. Well, I figured with all this hoopla going on and our game against you guys coming up that I'd make a return for a bit. 1. Avery. I have never, ever liked this guy at all. In fact, I'd go so far as t say he is on my "most hated" list. With that knowledge you wouldn't be surprised that I was not too happy with signing him. Especially at 4 mil a year. Well, I still do not like the guy whatsoever, but what he said does NOT warrant an suspension, in my mind. It's almost silly. I know the intent with searching out a camera and all and the fact that it's not Avery's first time doing something stupid, but really? A suspension? 2. The game coming up. It's pretty simple. We will have to play our best game of the year to have a chance at a victory. Our defensemen are hitting their sophmore slump...hard. And with injuries to key players(Zubov, Lehtinen, Morrow) we are really hurting rightnow.
  4. DallasStars

    Price Gouging or....

    We do this in Dallas. The tickets aren't doubled by any means, though. It's just a ratio increase that usually on average would equal to about 10 extra dollars a ticket(varies). We do this on weekend games against "quality" opponents. Detorit, Anaheim, San Jose, and pretty much all of the Eastern Conference because they (last year) didn't come around too often.
  5. DallasStars

    Are we really Hockeytown?

    In all fairness, wasn't "hockeytown" just a marketing term that stuck? It's just like "don't mess with texas", that was just an anti-littering slogan that stuck. Honestly, I don't care if you're the best city in all of hockey. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. Does it really matter? We live in a "what have you done for me lately" world and Detroit just won the cup. Therefore, making you currently the best until the next champion. Is that not enough?
  6. DallasStars

    Avery to Dallas

  7. DallasStars

    Avery to Dallas

    This entire off-season has featured people getting paid more than they deserve. This is no different. I personally don't like the guy, but whatever. We've had players I dont fancy before and will continue to as well. I do believe this means Barnes is getting closer to retiring and I'm hoping the rumors are true that he'd join our bench as an assistant/pk specialist.
  8. DallasStars

    Marian Hossa a Red Wing, 1yr, $7.45m

    I guess we'll see.
  9. DallasStars

    Marian Hossa a Red Wing, 1yr, $7.45m

    Well, the rest of the NHL is now f***ed.
  10. DallasStars

    Wings jacked up Cup

    After we won it in '99, Craig Ludwig, with some help from Pantera, threw it off of a balcony and one-hopped it into a pool. It received a couple of dents. Nothing serious.
  11. DallasStars

    Stevie Y, Still a Class Act

    Call me crazy but yourself should be pretty high on your list.
  12. DallasStars

    Did anyone notice Bettman

    Good lord.
  13. DallasStars

    Most difficult playoff opponent

    Of course Nashville would be the "toughest". The two played eachother 8 times this season. They would have the best "idea" of how to beat you guys. Although, they lacked the talent. Besides Nashville, I think Dallas gave you guys the most "fits".
  14. DallasStars


    Congrats on winning the cup. You guys had a great team top to bottom and were clearly the best team in the playoffs. Enjoy this moment for sure. My time here is done. It's been a pretty good time for the most part. I wish you guys the best in the future and heres to the Stars knocking you guys out next year See ya.
  15. DallasStars

    2008 SCF Game 6 GDT: Red Wings 3, Penguins 2

    4-2 Wings despite that horrible thread about the playoff shirts haha. Bad karma.
  16. DallasStars

    Southern teams lining up to sell to Balsillie

    Phoenix isn't going anywhere. While their ticket revenue is down, their team is improving year after year. Also, as stated before their lease with that arena is out of this world. Atlanta or L.A. get to steppin'. I would like to see a team back in Hartford or Winnipeg.
  17. DallasStars

    Southern teams lining up to sell to Balsillie

    Take Atlanta. They'd be willing to relocate, too.
  18. DallasStars

    Outsiders view on lastnight...

    That game was amazing. What a great night for hockey on the national stage. I understand things didnt pan out exactly how Detroit could have hoped, but nevertheless such an entertaining game. Up and down, loud crowd, two great teams...all of it. I dont see this series going 7. But, since the start I've been hoping for an entertaining and exciting series and thats exactly what we all got lastnight.
  19. DallasStars

    Outsiders view on lastnight...

    I think I saw 4.2 nationally, but I dont remember perfectly.
  20. DallasStars

    Outsiders view on lastnight...

    Well, I've found that when my team isn't involved I dont notice the officiating as much. But, what I did notice was just plain inconsistency. There weren't any calls/non calls that I think were "horrible", but I do hate the inconsistency of it all. Like the goalie interferences...they NEED to define that penalty black and white in the books. This judgement call stuff just leads to a bunch of sloppy, inconsistent officiating. Maybe if the same refs did every game....ok judgement call...but when the refs change, and every ref, when it comes down to it has a different interpretation of the rule, your going to get inconsistent rulings. But as for hookings/slashings and things of that nature, I didnt see them so I dont know about it. And when I say I didnt see them, I mean I dont watch with the same scrutiny that I would the Stars...I dont know the players as well, so I just watch the puck carrier or the loose puck.
  21. DallasStars

    Outsiders view on lastnight...

    I appreciate that.
  22. DallasStars

    Outsiders view on lastnight...

    The game reminded me alot of the Stars' 4OT game against San Jose in the 2nd round. There wasn't a penalty from the third period until late in the 3rd OT, and then not again until the 4th OT(which was our winner ). But the energy from the players is to be recognized from us fans. Those guys were FLYING in those OT's. I'll always pay respect to superior athletes when they demonstrate why they are where they are. I kind of wanted Detroit to win lastnight so I could watch the celebration in front of the home crowd going nuts. I still want that, so I guess Im rooting for Pitt next game(sorry). But, more than anything I want exciting hockey and so far thats what I've got.
  23. DallasStars

    Thank you all for a wonderful time!

    Best of luck to you.
  24. DallasStars

    Refs: No Accountability

    haha thats about all I got last night in the GDT. I would say the most obvious observation(some negative) and I was attacked with troll accusations haha.
  25. DallasStars

    Refs: No Accountability

    And it's not like Detroit was exactly lethal on the powerplay anywho. If Detroit doesn't win in Pitts, i'll be very surprised.