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Posts posted by Tazer

  1. As a Hawk fan good game guys. Lets hope its a little more competitive for the WORLD to see how great the game is on Thursday, but Im dissappointed as a hockey fan at Detroit taking runs and then not accepting challenges to fight. Man up is all I ask. Dont run your mouth and run away. Thats what Ive seen tonight.

  2. Supposed to be back down in the 30s tomorrow, which will allow them to get the ice back up to standards. Monday is going to be the only iffy day for maintaining ice, even then, the temp. will be around 41F.

    I don't think it'll be an issue. Supposed to be 28-31F on Thursday.

    Plus, I read that the ice-making and maintenance system in place can keep the ice surface frozen in temperatures in excess of 70F.

    They can't paint the lines or white-wash the ice until it stops raining, though.

    31 degrees and 30% of snow showers on Jan 1. THat should be fine. Rain is the only thing that will hurt us. Looking at the Day before and day after Jan 1. Its 27 degrees Sunny and the day after is 30 degrees snow showers...so if what ever weather is coming is either early or late thats what you can expect.

  3. There's a hockey team here? Where? Seriously, outside of a couple friends, no one here is talking about this team and if there are, its only because of the Winter Classic, they probably couldn't tell you use the Hawks played last week or play this week. But then if the unspeakable happens and they win on the first, thats all I'll hear till April.

    LMAO as a Hawk fan who respects Detroit..you could not be more wrong about our team. The City of Chicago is in love with this team. everyone is talking about them. The radio is leading off with them at least ESPN 1000 is. The news networks, Comcast sports are all leading with them and talking about them for most of the time. Everywhere I go people are talking about this perenial power house we could have down the road. How are you from Chicago and like Detroit...thats f***in wrong. But that's your choice just don't be spreading lies that "noone" in Chicago cares. Attendance #'s say they do care also.

  4. OH MAN! Its going to be so special hearing 40,000 plus the people outside yelling "DETROIT SUCKS"

    Well i guess there will be a couple wang fans there, but the NHL knows this is for CHICAGO. They know Kane and Toews are what they want to push to the world. HERE COME THE HAWKS...Wings time is slowly running out.