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Posts posted by bonan78

  1. Gary Thorne and Bill Clement please.

    This please. Why not reunite the best hockey announcers in the history of US television.

    Also, more Sam Rosen and Joe Micheletti, and bring back Dave Strader and Darren Pang too.

    Anyone but Doc, Edzo, and Pierre Mcguire. Hate those guys, they almost single-handedly spoiled my enjoyment of the '08 finals.

  2. give Yamaguchi, I mean Setoguchi the frickin medal right now, world-class diving. What I don't understand is not only did he go down way too easy on the stick near his feet, but in the process he nailed Mule in the face with his stick, should have been 2 for diving and 4 for high-sticking. The high-stick call on Filppula was accurate, but he really embellished it too.

  3. Actually, Peckham call for Tampa and Reaugh calls for the Stars. I don't really have a problem with either of them overall, but Reaugh gave us such head-scratchers as "Mastodonic" and "Vaselinity". Plus, tonight they were pretty anti-Detroit, unlike when they called the Phoenix series where they were pretty level.

  4. he has already been cleared to play....he wants the next 2 weeks to get his endurance and speed back to game shape.

    he stated that he was a bit winded after a few aggressive skates around the rink.

    before the Olympics start, he wants a few games in to determine if he is good, or needs time to round into form.

    whether or not he gets into the olympics, is up to other injuries and his own feeling.

    as for the olympics this year...each roster has to be named at midnight before the first game. it can then not be altered, at all, for the duration of the games.


    He has been cleared to play by his doctor, which likely means that the doc feels that the risk of re-injury is low.

    If he gets himself back into game shape a few days before the Olympics, and someone on the Sweden roster gets injured, then I see no reason he shouldn't get to play, and besides, that would essentially be the equivalent of a conditioning assignment, and the Olympics are not as physically demanding as the NHL (bigger ice, less hitting), so that would mean that if he plays regularly he would likely be back to game speed, which can only help us with our efforts to claw our way back into a playoff spot.

    Besides, my wife wants to see her favorite player in the Olympics.

  5. If it's going to be blacked out anyway, then why do they even bother scheduling the game on GameCenter?

    Because it's not blacked out everywhere else in the world, just in the US.

    I work for the company that supports GameCenter, and the above statements about blackouts are correct. Tonight's Red Wings game on Versus will be blacked out in the US due to Versus coverage.

    In Canada (except the Windsor/Sarnia areas due to proximity blackouts), and all other countries (except Europe, where ESPN360 has Center Ice Online), the game can be viewed on GameCenter.

    Furthermore, if anyone has any questions about GameCenter, feel free to PM me, I can help with any technical questions, blackouts, requirements, etc.

  6. No actually sir your missing the point that chances of losing / missing is much greater then your opportunities for a rebound or a goal.

    I rather get the faceoff win, get the puck possession give it to the point ... get a legitimate shot with someone in front of goalie and have a chance for an actual rebound or deflection.

    You are making it sound like it's all or nothing. I'm not saying that the Wings should abandon trying to gain possession on every faceoff, but just like any set play off a draw, there is the opportunity for it to work as drawn up or not. Let's say for example, the other team ices the puck, they have a tired line on the ice, why not try it and see if you can catch them flat-footed?

    Once again, to clarify for those who think in terms of absolutes: I am not advocating this as something they should do every faceoff, or even every game. I was merely pointing out that if Jeff Carter can do it, our centers could also do it, and I wouldn't mind seeing it every now and then.

  7. It's pretty damn low. And I don't see a problem with trying it maybe a few times a season other than the desperation tries, but it makes a lot more sense to just win a faceoff.

    Thank you, that's all I was trying to say. I was simply pointing out that other than the desparation situations, I hadn't seen any Red Wings player try it, although titamium2 recalls seeing Z do it against Boston a couple of season ago.

    P.S. crossed out the unneeded retaliatory jab. It's just as low a percentage as any other set play off the faceoff, and considering that most teams manage to win draws about 50% of the time, and anything less than 50% is usually considered to be "low percentage", trying to aim the puck off a draw is doable.

  8. The reason they don't try it is because it's an astronomically low percentage play, and it's an automatic faceoff loss to boot.

    Except they do try it if there's not enough time left to win a drag and get a shot off.

    It's not as "astronomically" low as you think, and to reiterate, I'm not saying do it every time, but other than the last ditch situations where that is the only way to get a shot on goal, it could be done in other situations to get a jump on the defense.

  9. If you do have a good faceoff team then why even bother with it. It would be much better to get the puck possession then just shoot it and have the chance to either miss or lose the faceoff. Carter just got lucky nothing to do with talent just the lucky shot at the good moment. I guarantee you he tried that 10 more times and he won't get none of them in.

    Did you not read my post? I said try it every now and then because it might generate a cheap goal or a rebound that a winger could jump on before the defenders have a chance to react., not do it every time and give up trying to win faceoffs and get possession You're missing the point.

  10. I don't mean this in a dickish way, but have you seriously never seen that happen before? Guys try it all the time on faceoffs with only a second or 2 left.

    Of course I've seen it tried before, I started watching hockey the same year you were born, my point is why don't the Wings centers try it more often, we have been one of the best teams at taking faceoffs for some time, and I could see Zetterberg, Datsyuk or even Filppula picking up a cheap goal every now and then if they would run this play. Like I said, even if the initial shot doesn't score it could generate a rebound chance, and if our wingers are expecting it, they could get that split second jump on the defenders to take a whack at it.

  11. I mean this as no disrespect to Maltby, but he has become redundant at this point in his career.

    Basically, his only role on this team is to kill penalties and play on the 4th line, and we have guys 10+ years younger that can fill the same role and have more upside.

    I think that Helm, Abdelkader, Eaves, and even Miller have to be given more consideration come contract time than Maltby. Nothing but love for the many years of 100% effort and sacrifice for the team, but everything comes to an end, and hopefully he doesn't end up taking a roster spot away from a promising young up-and-coming player (ala Chelios last season)

  12. Believe it or not, I actually saw a hockey highlight on Sportscenter that wasn't Crosby. :ph34r:

    As good as the Wings are on draws, I'm surprised they don't try this play, as you can see the goalie wasn't expecting to have to face a shot from the centerman taking the draw.

    Obviously it would have to be the right situation (for our centers it would have to be from the left faceoff dot) surely they try stuff like this in practice, why not try it in the game, worst case scenario the goalie makes a save and we get a rebound off of it. Actually, worst case scenario is that Lebda is playing the point and decides to pinch in and leads to a odd-man rush the other way.

  13. Good read, thanks for sharing. I've never had a problem with having teams in California, and given the recent success of all 3 teams, the loyal and knowledgeable (albeit often unsophisticated and violent) fanbase, hockey is in the Golden State for good. Other teams need to be moved, get some teams out of the southeast and into the northwest (and at least 2 more Canadian teams) so that Detroit can move to the Eastern Conference where they belong and all will be well. Seriously, if Detroit were in the east they'd be tied for 5th place right now, not to mention having to make 2 west-coast road trips a year as opposed to one every 2 years.

  14. I missed the Bertuzzi call (my stream froze), but I am of the same mind as the OP, I can handle the fact that my team will lose occasionally, I can even handle if they lose frequently (I'm also a Lions fan), but when the officiating has been as abysmal as it has been this season, not just in Wings games but league-wide, then fans of the game have the right to voice their displeasure, no matter which team they cheer for, because when the refs are as piss-poor as they have been, every team's fans are going to have ample opportunity to lament a bad call costing their team a game (or several games if you're a Wings fan).

    Sorry for the run-on sentence, but whether it's a iffy penalty call that results in a game-tying or winning goal against, a game-tying or winning goal for being waived off due to "intent to blow", or the deciding goal in a shootout being allowed because one official who did not make a call on the original play overrules the official who was in the best position to make the call (and was the only one who did), the overall body of work for NHL officials this season has been maddeningly awful, and if I were to perform this badly at my job I would be disciplined or even fired, but there is no accountability for the refs and it's got to be fixed somehow, I just wonder what it is going to take for someone to wake up and start taking action.

  15. Of this season's signings/pick-ups, I'll say this:

    Williams, wasn't a big fan of his when he played here before, and not a fan of retreads in general, but before he went down he was playing better than I expected, and was looking forward to seeing his chemistry with Flip and Leino continue.

    Bertuzzi, was on the fence about him, he was definitely one of the elite power forwards in his prime, but his last stint in Detroit led me to believe that he was well past his prime. However, I was impressed with how he stepped up his game this year, he has not been the defensive liability many made him out to be, and we would have been in a whole world of hurt if he hadn't had that 8 goals in 8 games stretch, he basically carried the whole team on his back.

    Eaves, I was probably the most excited about this signing, I pictured this being a similar situation to Cleary's arrival, a high first round pick who didn't live up to his scouting report, but who still has what it takes to play and be a solid contributor, and he has done nothing but impress since he cracked the regular line-up.

    May, his contributions have not been as tangible, but then again he was not brought in to be an every day player, rather someone who is rotated into the lineup when we are playing a team with goons and "enforcers".

    Miller, I thought he would end up being the 13th forward, but as more and more regulars went down, he was able to step in and play solid hockey, killing penalties, finishing checks, providing energy, and most importantly chipping in timely goals.

    That being said, I could care less if May or Williams are back (in fact, I think Williams should have to earn his roster spot back given how well Miller and Eaves have played in his absence), Miller should be offered a contract, Bertuzzi will most likely merit a modest raise and a 2 to 3 year contract, and I think Eaves should be given a multi-year deal at around 2 mil per, similarly to Cleary's deal.