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Posts posted by boomer

  1. Really? Talent but no depth? And Pittsburg has depth? Pittsburgh has almost no depth.

    I think that if Boston hadn't lost that game seven in OT to the Canes, Boston would have been hoisting the cup. IMO that is one of the biggest reasons Pittsburgh won the cup.

    1. Detroit's Injuries

    2. The ridiculous schedule

    3. Malkins non-suspension

    4. Boston's game 7 OT loss to Carolina

    The hokcey gods were very good to the Pens. I don't expect them to be as blessed next year.

    Your right about that, but neither will Detroit for years to come with what they've locked into with their stupid longterm deals.

  2. I don't want to talk too much about winning the Cup next year right now.

    A few hours ago, we had 15 wins and were one win away from the damn Cup. It's not easy to get back to that point, and even if we do get back, I've lost some faith in this team's ability to finish the deal.

    Well I guess you had way more faith in this team than I did . To be honest I didn't think they would even get that far, mind you Columbus was a cake walk. And the Penguins who would have thought they would even be in the playoffs. It shows you what shrewd management can do with the right moves at the right time - kudos to Fred Shero jr. his father would be proud. Osgood I have to admit he shutdown all the naysayers which I was one. He was solid in the playoffs. I've been a fan of Detroit for 30 years but at playoff time I decided to pack it in. I was actually rooting for the Ducks imagine it had come to that. I had become disenchanted with the team's direction it had been building for while , I guess ever since Stevie Y left. I don't like the make-up of the team any longer I couldn't stand Holland's longterm deals that I believe will sink the team. I'm sick of all the imports year in year out. Anyhow I experienced all the lows and the highest of highs- ' THERE AIN'T NO MOUNTAIN HIGHER' : but now its time to leave. Good bye Detroit.

  3. Detroit had a cake walk against against Columbus. With the series against the Ducks face it they just squeeked through, they weren't too impressive. Had the Ducks got any secondary scoring from their other lines they would have been gone. After watching the Hawks beat Calgary and then dispose of Vancouver convincingly and with scoring coming from all over thier line-up and Kabibulin being rock solid I see Detroit gone in 6. Detroit's defense along with its goaltending will not be able to contain those dynamic young Blackhawks.

  4. Abso-fricken-lutely true. And RMWG nailed it on the head too that Ozzie isn't the game stealer, nor is he the game loser. He's just good enough to help the Wings win, which is all that's needed. Interesting how people can be critical and at the same time level-headed.

    What's also cool is how my ignore list has grown immensely from a select few who love to piss all over the Red Wings goalie, Osgood, as well as other select players, and claim they love the Red Wings. You know, because pissing all over players on your favorite team, especially when they're winning, is surely a way of showing how much of a level-headed and tolerable fan you are. I prefer puckbunnies and complete homers to unsatisfiable malconents with an OCD-like penchant for crapping all over players on a team most of us enjoy watching.

    Keep hitting that little ignore button Caligula you'll be having dialogue with you and the mirror- but we know you will peak from time to time, afterall whinning is your calling!

  5. Abso-fricken-lutely true. And RMWG nailed it on the head too that Ozzie isn't the game stealer, nor is he the game loser. He's just good enough to help the Wings win, which is all that's needed. Interesting how people can be critical and at the same time level-headed.

    What's also cool is how my ignore list has grown immensely from a select few who love to piss all over the Red Wings goalie, Osgood, as well as other select players, and claim they love the Red Wings. You know, because pissing all over players on your favorite team, especially when they're winning, is surely a way of showing how much of a level-headed and tolerable fan you are. I prefer puckbunnies and complete homers to unsatisfiable malconents with an OCD-like penchant for crapping all over players on a team most of us enjoy watching.

    Your just a whinning drip Shoreline with a bone up your panties I would never put you on ignore your hockey lack of hockey knowledge is gives me immense pleasure especially as you mask it with your petty little rants that you try to pass as rational dialogue. Yeah you would be a real tough guy in sports bar to get into a tuss with. Man thanks again for the laughs I got go now and have a bowel movement.

  6. Osgood wasn't very good vs. the Avalanche in 2000 or the Kings in 2001. Can't say he lost those series for the Wings - but he didn't help. Hasek provided a much needed revival in goal at that particular time.

    Name a playoff series the Wings have won because of Osgood. I can't think of one. That's because he's a mediocre goalie - he will not win you a series, maybe not even steal you a game, but he is also unlikely to lose the series on his own too

    Just because some of us don't have alot of confidence in Osgood doesn't mean we are "lacking the facts" - everyone is entitled to their own opinion. How could anyone have confidence after his regular season performance? - even Oz was disappointed in himself.

    Just because Oz makes me nervous does not mean I won't root for him to reincarnate himself come playoff time - hell if I could suck it up and support Legace in the POs and he was brutal - this will be a piece of cake....

    Exactly, this guy hits the nail on the head, yeah will root for him that is all in the name of the team ; but some of us will always regard him as a liability and that's the bottom line. And if he gets stellar and brings us all the way Im sure I'll have to suck up a lot of s***. But on the otherside of the pond be prepared to come down from your high horse and suck your fair share too if he's the reason were bounced early!

  7. It also seems like people think just because you're critical of Osgood, you WANT him to do badly. When osgood plays, I want him to do good, if he starts in the playoffs I'll be cheering for him just like I would anyone. No one WANTS him to lose, it's just we don't have a blind confidence like all these "true fans" do.

    Exactly what the situation is.

  8. By everyone you surely mean the 2 or 3 other Osgood bashers that have nothing better to do than tear a winning team's goalie down and rightfully get put on ignore by a good portion of the board.. those "everyone"? Then again, I'm not so zealous like you are to trash players on my team just because they aren't playing up to the previous season's standards, or whatever your unrealistic standards are. Kinda hard for any rational person to suggest you're anything of a useful fan (if even a Red Wings fan at all) when you take dumps all over your team's players constantly. Winning is winning regardless of the other stats, as was just suggested, winning is the only stat that matters. This team is #2 with Ozzie. This team just won the cup last season.. with Ozzie. There's far more to this season's few lapses than merely goaltending, but I don't expect you to realize that given how foot-up-solely-Ozzie's-ass you've been throughout. Those people who can post rationally I agree with, far more often than not. You just confuse yourself for a rational poster when you're way out of your league compared to one.

    Imagine the jubilation it is to be put on ignore by this guy - I'm lovin it!

  9. Actually, everyone seems to think that you have a circus act going with the way you defend Ozzie blindly, like he was your lover or something. Just admit that he's sucked this season, and we'll all let you off the hook.
    Yes Shoreline definitely is an Osgood sychophant; what a pursuit.

  10. Actually, everyone seems to think that you have a circus act going with the way you defend Ozzie blindly, like he was your lover or something. Just admit that he's sucked this season, and we'll all let you off the hook.
    That will end it all here right now, but no this is going to go all the way into the playoffs with your mentality - so be it!

  11. So I guess we should all cast our Vezina Trophy ballots for Ozzy because of this??
    Osgood blowers thats who they are . Backstom 44 shot to handle Osgood 22 enough said! Thank the team effort for the win . When your Chris Oscrap stops 35 shots and lets in 2 goals ; then turns in another simular performance, then he start to get respect from the lot of us who think he sucks and is pulling down the team down. Until then keep flogging the dead horse pumpers were not impressed.

  12. You aren't wrong, but coaches just seem to want to activate goalies even if they might be high risk. Ozzie obviously isn't a good puck handler, so he's probably going to make a few more mistakes than others. When's the last good puck handler the Wings had?

    Stop blowing your excuses he had years to improve on this dimension of his game, but he never has in over 15 years.

  13. Eh, bad pass by Ozzie, but we've seen worse from him.

    The only thing I'm concerned about is, if this game were a playoff game, and the Wings came out flying like they are, and they're up 2-0, and then a goal like THAT goes in, its a HUGE momentum swing.

    Don't worry you will be seeing this transpire in a few weeks, and the blowers will blame the defense.

  14. Well, now that Osgood has said he is ready to lead the team in the play offs I really do feel much better. Why esle would he say that? He says he feels great out there and he is going in the right direction going into the play offs. Who needs on-ice performances to backup your words? Playing good hockey is so over-rated anyway, talking about playing good hockey is really where its at! Atta boy Ozzie keep up the great work.... because your good enough, and smart enough and dog gone it people like you!
    yeah try standing on your head for change for the team instead of inflating your ego- has been!

  15. I don't think you'll get much of an argument from anyone over that, but coming off last seson Ozzie was considered solid at the least. He had a great year and a great playoffs last year; who would have thought he would struggle as much as he has this year? On paper going into this season, with Ozzie coming off of the season he had and Conklin as backup, our goaltending looked pretty good.

    Yes coming out with Cup it looked good, but let's face this season the trouble signs had been there from the start; though Conklin put up a small run that gave us some hope, and maybe were still hoping he is going to shine through. But nevertheless there were plenty of goalies around the league up for grabs, maybe not the high profile ones , but hey we could have gotten someone reliable for 25 shots a game; there a lot of thos guys around. At one point I kept saying to myself Gerber's on waivers why not take a chance on him. The guy was treated like crap in Ottawa and guys like that would love to prove something especially if they got a chance like Detroit. Burke took him and the leafs have won a few games . Point is if you recognize a problem you address it , Holland felt their was none though his was winning team it was at the near bottom in save percetages and defense period. But then again ,when you see the mentality of some who will defend Osgood no matter what it explains the lunacy of it all. By the way look back to game 5-6 against Pittsburgh when he started looking shaky. Remember how he bobbled the puck on the line with seconds left and we won the Cup. For me then and there I said I hope we get another goaltender next year. I'm glad there wasn't a game 7 let me tell you.

  16. This:

    was in response to this (note the bold):

    The implication is that Holland has knowingly set us up for failure and then plans on bailing out, a la Brian Burke. Do you have any evidence that this is in fact his plan? Because you are talking about a guy who has helped build the Wings into the most successful NHL franchise in recent memory. It's one thing to disagree with Holland's decisions, but it's another to suggest that he's intentionally harming the team.

    If you construed that I meant he intentionally has gone out of his way to screw the team, no I don't believe that and he would, and I would never claim so. Listen he has done some exstemely successful things with excellent scouting draft picks and some last minute deals going into the playoffs. But this goaltending issue is something which he has totally mishandled, and what ticks me off its all about allocating funds here so that the pile of the money should go there for the scoring elite in our team. How much do we need? I guess by his logic a hell of a lot because we have become a team that primarily plays catch- up hockey. Do you like the Canucks? Some think they could go far this year, I'm not so sure with their road record . But the solid reason is Luongo there and he can steal games. I like Hossa but I'd take a solid netminder over him any day of the week, because playoffs is all about getting the timely goaltending.

  17. Not sure where the Holland leaving stuff is coming from either....

    Problem is we CANNOT go out and get a star goalie with the cap system - not w/o giving up something precious in return. Plus before the lockout, Holland did sign/trade for big name goalies - Hasek, Cujo - and we STILL didn't have a clearcut #1 save for '02 with Hasek. So it is not just about the cap, although that doesn't help. It's like a curse on the Red Wings that we will never have a long term clear cut #1 starting goalie. We have won 4 Cups though in this interim so obviously the Wings are getting away with it - I personally think we would have had more with better GT a few of those years, but cannot complain about the number of rings for sure....

    Next season it starts all over again - our starter will surely be someone who has not played the position for us before.....

    I'lll have to agree yes we have been getting away with it. Hasek and Cujo when they came here were not at the top of their game, but we did manage with Hasek for awhile because of our solid D. But you look at this year with the goaltending lapses its draggging the team down mentally and physically. When Detroit plays catch-up hockey like they have been doing all year means they are not playing their A game of puck possesion that has sucessfully frustated teams in the past. The focuss becomes all offense out scoring the opposition this leads to a further increase in D breakdowns. Plus we have a lot of veterans that get worn down further than they should have to . Look how we have declined defensively in the league this year despite our winning record. Ken Holland goes and give Zetterberg a 12 yr. contract , I'm sorry its ridiculous. Look at the team with all its abundance in finesse and scoring, you can't tell me that you could do not away wth some of that for a netminder that can steal for you when it counts. IF this team had this capacity now they would be favoured for the Cup again. Theirs no justification for a championship team to have 2 back-ups as starters. Holland is the prime reason it is so;along with others in the organization that have gone along with his logic. And no I don't think he will be around for the duration of the Zetterberg contract. And if he is I'll be gone by then.

  18. Dumbest thing I've ever read.
    Really that's why when you hear hockey commentators around the league continually mentioning how sub par the Detroit goaltending is and how their D is really going to have to step it up a few notches if they ever hope to repeat this year- I think it says it all what a joke its all become" goaltending on the cheap in Detroit ". Come on Doc wake up and smell the bourbon.

  19. Good post. I'm not a huge Conklin fan either - but it is all we've got right now. The writing is on the wall for Osgood - has been for months - but I too believed he would pull it together. Didn't happen. I hate that the Wings rarely have the #1 guy who makes it through the season and the POs, but for some reason for being such a great organization we just don't have a franchise goalie - or even a guy who is the starter for several seasons in a row. It drives me nuts. And here we are again a few weeks from the POs with NO clearcut starting goalie. I suppose all teams must have an Achilles heel and this is ours.

    The reason is simple his name is Ken Holland. Fans of other teams comment to me often that they can't fathom how Detroit has not gone to get a goaltender that mirrors the teams strength ; I just give them my standard answer "goaltending on the cheap in Detroit" What else can you say with all the big longterm contracts that Holland likes to dole out. Wait until the cap shrinks further those type of contract can only come back to haunt you. And by then Holland will be long gone!