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Posts posted by jollymania

  1. I really don't understand why the league seems to go lighter on elbows and stickwork to the head, when those are usually obvious dirty plays that have a clear intent to injure.

    Most elbows or sticks to the head are not a hockey play gone bad, and should be among the easiest to crack down on and eliminate from the game.

    because there is an overall trend in sports against violence, they are attacking clean hits because cheap shots will always exist.

  2. Isn't Sproul struggling defensively? Haven't watched GR much but that's what I've read.

    Good to see this kid, but it should be because Quincey or Kindl got scratched not because of an injury.

    saw a game in milwaukee a week ago, srpoul looks like a carbon copy of smith

  3. That wasn't a charge. Wilson was forechecking the puck obviously racing in from the bench, the collision was spontaneous and incidental to the forecheck and wilson joining the play. When wilson initiated contact Schenn was in the grey zone. No way you can pin it on Wilson, the game is moving fast. Schenn is known for his big hits anyways, can't a player taste his own medicine once in awhile.

  4. I agree play wasn't dirty but as has been said since kindergarten you are responsible for your own arms, you can't just waive them around carelessly. This game was used as an example, plenty of games to choose from, this one was just the most recent. I had no desire for anyone to go after a certain player but I just wanted a little more intensity.

    datsyuk is also responsible for his head... The main wings hitters were playing against neil, they obviously didn't want him going after them like he was last game. The wings never respond heavy during the regular season but looking back at playoffs in the past they have been able to answer, looking back at the hawks series in particular when they hammered the hawks into submission until letting up and eventually losing the series. The wings also deflected the sens intensity this game far more handily than the last 2 when the sens were all over the wings.

    My understanding of constantly is spot on just because Datsyuk is quick enough to avoid a big check doesn't mean teams don't throw them.

    As far as another instance how about Kronwall getting run into the boards a couple years ago.

    Gooning is bad for the sport being tough is not.

    People rarely go after datsyuk, zetterberg a bit more. I would be more after Methot who really hammered datsyuk last game, cowen barely even touched datsyuk. I wouldn't be surprised if they are just giving pavel his few yearly games to rest up his body.

  5. The elbow was not an inherently dirty play, illegal yes, dirty not so much. Neil played the entire game against abdelkader who is pretty much the only guy who would go after cowen so there was no way it was going to happen. Abdelkader would have made a fool out of himself. That is the same reason why helm and abdelkader weren't dishing out big hits. Kronwall tried a few times but the guy is clearly stuck in a hitting rut.

  6. If we're talking about the same kinds of hits, no they haven't. I can't tell if we're arguing semantics or not. I'm talking about hits where a player explodes upwards, his skates sometimes leaving the ice at impact, and a lot of energy is directed towards the head, often without much contact to the body. That became acceptable as a clean hit.

    There may have been occasional hits like that but it certainly wasn't the prevalent hitting style like it had become. So no, I'm notf****** kidding myself.

    On the other hand if you're talking about flying elbows and dirty hits or just headshots in general, then of course those have always been around to some degree. The game was much dirtier back in the day than it is now.

    Lol there have always been "explosion" hits. That is the point of a big hit, guys have always left their feet, I really don't know why this is even an argument. It really is just you saying "oh hey" it was different before and now its worse. No... now it is just a bigger deal thanks to the media.

  7. Yes, your three youtube clips have convinced me. :P

    I'm not sure exactly what your point is here. Even in the hits with elbows, the guys skates are on the ice and there's pretty good body contact. But an elbow will always be an elbow. I wasn't saying that was a new phenomenon.

    But for those who complain about hitting being taken out of the game, clean hitting used to be much more skates on the ice with solid body contact. But the trend of exploding up like Kronwall used to do and prevalence of fly by hits is a relatively recent development to the NHL. Maybe the past 15 years or so?

    ahha i could post 100s more. I just posted 3 clips that i found in about 4 seconds. Exploding high into hits has always been around, don't ******* kid yourself.

  8. I think the key is to make solid body contact. If you hit a guy hard to the body, head contact is legal. It won't take hitting out of the game. It should get hitting back to how it used to be. Skates on the ice, no exploding up, no fly by hits that only contact the shoulder/head area.

    The league is trying to send that message but gets in its own way with the erratic suspension lengths. Grabner's hit, for example, should've gotten more than 2 games.

    Hitting has always been explosive, there always have been head hits, blindsides, and even back in the day they threw in elbows for good measure. Don't even act for a second like hits like this didn't occur previously.

  9. So, make sure you at least get the head, in order to not get caught pinching?

    I understand that things happen quickly, but Hertl was bent over from his own blue line to center ice. That's enough time to make an adjustment, if you're Edler.

    I really don't care about this play that much, but these types of hits are useless, and it's a textbook example of what the NHL is trying to eliminate.

    You try to make contact with something, he clearly wants to go for the puck but switches when he believes hertl has a chance to pass him, i doubt he is looking at hertl being bent over, that play happened in a few seconds, that is not a huge amount of time. It was an unfortunate play, if you don't want it to happen then you have to take out hitting, it was a natural play.

  10. No offence, but that's a stupid thing to say. Anyway, like you know what he was trying to do. "Looks like"?

    I know you're a big hit guy. Last time I checked, you were president of the Mark Fistric fan club. I'm surprised you'd disagree with my original statement. Especially in such a smarmy way.

    Let me rephase. If you're not sure you're going to get the body, give up the hit. Otherwise, open your wallet and get used to wearing a suit when the puck drops.

    That has nothing to do with it, he was stepping up to make a pinch, if he avoided contact hertl would have been gone. It was a split second decision by edler, again I don't think you understand the speed/decision making process involved.