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Posts posted by Carp

  1. That commercial kind of made it sound like the Wings were on the brink of elimiation.

    Yeah, the NBC commercial for Game 6 tomorrow. And all the clips were of the Wings getting checked and scored on, WTF? Although they did show Doan Face, which is hilarious.

  2. He was at least 2 feet outta the crease. Nothing wrong with that goal,

    Rule 69: Interference on the Goalkeeper

    69.1 Interference on the Goalkeeper - This rule is based on the premise that an attacking player’s position, whether inside or outside the crease, should not, by itself, determine whether a goal should be allowed or disallowed. In other words, goals scored while attacking players are standing in the crease may, in appropriate circumstances be allowed. Goals should be disallowed only if: (1) an attacking player, either by his positioning or by contact, impairs the goalkeeper’s ability to move freely within his crease or defend his goal; or (2) an attacking player initiates intentional or deliberate contact with a goalkeeper, inside or outside of his goal crease. Incidental contact with a goalkeeper will be permitted, and resulting goals allowed, when such contact is initiated outside of the goal crease, provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact. The rule will be enforced exclusively in accordance with the on-ice judgment of the Referee(s), and not by means of video replay or review.

    There is a common miss conception about the role of the crease, and it is also the reason the refs can call it on Homer just for looking at the opposing keepers.

  3. Good thread.


    So I guess if you wanna hate, hate the system, not the team. Obviously, nothing's proven until the playoffs are over, and it could wind up that Boudreau's system never sees success in the playoffs and never produces a Cup. But for now, it'd be a shame not to enjoy the most exciting team in the sport.

    I don't believe the problem lies with the team. I to am trapped in the DC area watching more Caps games than RW is just a fact of life out here and while we'd all prefer to watch the Wings the Caps play a good game (for the most part).

    The problem is with the 'fans' in the DC area. Many of the new Caps 'fans' are free agent Redskins fans and the have brought along their irritating and infantile behavior (if they win a game their destined to be 'world champs' for the next decade, but if the lose a game all is lost, trade everyone fire the coaches and start rebuilding tonight.) They lack any fundamental knowledge of the rules, customs and traditions, and they demonstrate no desire to gain a proper understanding. I actually had a 'conversation' with a couple of Caps fans claiming to be 'Hockey Buffs.' They didn't know the Caps had ever been to the Finals and then refused to believe that the Caps could have been swept by the Wings (they used this years standings as evidence!?)

    I grant that all teams have regrettable fans, but since the switch to red sweaters and Ovie's arrival it has become increasingly the norm.

  4. Anyone know if there is a copy of this game available online anywhere? I've seen the brawl, but didn't become a fan until after so I've never seen the entire game. Would love to learn more about my "heritage" :)

    Might I suggest an investment in this DVD set, to really learn about your Hockeytown heritage. It includes the full, Fight Night at the Joe.

  5. He is also right about leaving s*** on the ice. That's not to mean they should be golfing buddies but whatever happens in the framework of a game needs to end off the ice. Death threats and police escorts are bulls*** stuff, no place for it in any sport.

    There are lines that once crossed cannot be left on the ice, ask Mr. Bertuzzi. "The Code" doesn't work when a player deliberately crosses the line from playing hard to negligently or deliberately endangering other players.

  6. Anyone have or find a video of it (youtube)? One of my co-workers didn't see it and doesn't believe me. He's also a Caps fan, likes the Pens and doesn't mind Crosby, so even video evidence will likely not make an impression on the sea anemone he calls a brain.

    Hard to complain about much else in the game seeing as how the Red Wings apparently thought it was a schrimage. :thumbdown:

  7. With reports of Draper being healthy, how can they keep him out of the lineup. Leino has done very well in the role that has been asked of him. We need Draper's experience, face off skills, and most importantly his defense. Put him in, coach!

    I agree, and I'm guessing Draps will play. I think this is just gamesmanship. It forces Pit to prepare for both Leino and Draps, although I could see Malts sitting instead, (as much as that hurts to say). It has to be hard to pick someone to sit, when whoever you pick could likely be a first liner on at least half the other teams in the league, not including the fact that your best forward is already out (this is not intended to start another Dats - Z debate, IMO they are equally as important for all intents and purposes).

    Moving on...

    To get Cindy and Sloth, I mean Gomer, I mean Gena.. Gino.. Evgeni, the ice time the Pens so desprately need them to have, they are going to end up facing Z a bunch anyway, but since Babcock doesn't play the match up game the way most coaches do on the road, whom do people think will the Pens try to put Cry-sby out against?

  8. I've always been a believer that calls go both ways and usually workout fairly even. If your argument is that you got screwed by the refs, you didn't play well enough to deserve to win anyway. At the professional level you'd like to see a little more consistency in the calls (it is the one thing that drives me nuts about the NHL other than their crappy marketing and TV situation), but hockey is such a fast and intense game that you have to expect the refs are going miss things, there is just to much going on to quickly. (See lectures 5 & 6 on attention and perception)

    Until they start putting 16 refs on the ice (please God don't let anyone from the league read this and take it seriously) you have to play well enough that a couple bad calls against don't cost you the game. The Wings did just that.

  9. Nice idea, however this utterly disgusts me that you could associate in any manner the Red Wings to Ohio State. Yes, the colors match, but so do the Nazis colors..

    I don't know if this is what the artisit was going for, but the kid who launch the octo, goes to OSU.

    He "... remains true to the Wings and often wears a No. 13 Pavel Datsyuk jersey on the OSU campus. Goloborodko donned it Tuesday as he snuck down from his seat in Section 224 to improve his launch site." - From the Detroit Free Press Ejected for tossing an octopus on enemy ice, Wings fan tells his tale

  10. I found footage of Umberger trying to figure out where he was and how his head ended up in his own arse...

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
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    I completely agree with Mickey, that seeking 'revenge' for a clean hit, should not be part of the game. It right way ruins the flow of the game, and the advantaged gained by making a good clean slobber knocker is negated. I understand the desire to protect the stars or teammates in general. If someone takes a cheap shot (knee on knee, a Pronger elbow, or a hit after the whistle), I'm all for face punching the SOB. But if your teams star player, or anyone for that matter, skates around with their head down, especially while carrying the puck they kinda deserve a good thumping. If Umberger can remember anything that happened before the third period yesterday, then I bet he doesn't skate around with his head down for a long time (although he may have shown by now he's got a learning disability when it comes to not getting "Knocked the F*%out!")

    My 2 cents