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Posts posted by ClassyPensFan

  1. I was just listening to the radio(97.1) on my drive home, and they were discussing this same situation. Apparently, it's Bettman that won't allow NBC or CBC to give the rights for Joe vision & Mellon vision. How accurate is the radio station with this information, that I don't know. Just thought I'd share what I heard.

    They're wrong. I know that Bettman called NBC during the playoffs to try get them to allow the Pens to have an outdoor screen. The only people accusing the NHL is NBC they're trying to put the blame on them.

    Eklund: NBC is now trying to pass this off as an NHL issue. IT IS NOT. They tried that with me at first as well.

    An NHL source told me the following last night, " NBC has exclusive distribution rights in the United States -- so, absent NBC consent, Detroit doesn't have right to exhibit NBC or CBC feed. as long as NBC refuses to allow this practice, there's not much we can do about it. it certainly wouldn't be fair to Pittsburgh if Detroit did something Pittsburgh was not permitted to do. again, other than acknowledging NBC's legal and contractual rights, this has nothing to do with us."

  2. So We Have 2 tix in a standing room section and my friend has one in a different standing room section, i was wondering if you could easily sneak into a different standing room section? it doesnt seem like it should be that hard...

    No, you'll most likely get caught. Just trade your two tix with another Pens fan in your friends section. I'm sure they'll be happy to do it trade if you explain your situation.

  3. I don't care if there is no screen at the igloo now. The point is that they allowed the igloo to have a screen this whole time. They can't just change their mind at the end and expect everyone to be okay with this.

    Uhhhh.. NBC said no to Pittsburgh and Detroit. Only reason why we had the screen is because of VS. and FSN Pittsburgh allowed it.

  4. Pens fans are nice to away fans during the regular season but during the playoffs they can be really bad. I'm a STH here in Pittsburgh and I've seen a lot. They have port-a-potties outside for the big screen and a Wings fan went in one. Next thing you know a teenager comes and starts pounding it extremely loud and the Wings fan storms out with his pants unzipped and starts swearing like crazy and the policeman who is standing right by him does nothing to the kid being an idiot but starts yelling at the Wings fan. Also, last year there was a moment of silence during the SCF last year (don't remember why) and their was a family of Wings fans. During the moment of silence this guy starts screaming expletives at them nonstop. He was a total buffoon and all the Pens fans around him told him to shut up and after about 20 seconds he finally got our message. And those are just a couple examples...

    You'll be fine wearing Red Wings stuff as long as you don't talk back. You'll hear every word in the dictionary and if you talk back then an entire swarm of people will turn against you and you will get kicked out of the arena. I've seen this happen to quite a few. Enjoy your stay in Pittsburgh :)

  5. To everyone childishly crying about NBC;

    So, stop blaming NBC for something the NHL told them to do.

    That's not right. Bettman actually called NBC and tried to get NBC to show the games outside here in Pittsburgh and NBC wouldn't budge. Then CBC called the Penguins and said that they would let them show the games outside but the Penguins couldn't accept CBC's offer because NBC has the exclusive rights in the USA.

    Here's what Eklund wrote for further proof:

    The word was "The screen came down because word had it that NBC would not allow the screen. They wanted people to watch from home to help the ratings." That seemed ridiculous that NBC would be that shortsighted. So I went to work calling all of my contacts at NBC.

    I was finally contacted by Brian Walker who is the Senior Director of Communications at NBC Spors. Brian emailed me some hope.

    "This is an NHL Policy. I would check with the league. I can't speak for the NHL so you'll have to check with them but my understanding is the league communicated this policy to the clubs for games on broadcast television prior to the start of the playoffs."

    GREAT! I thought. It must not be the NHL (they allowed it for Versus) so I went to clear that up and the NHL did.

    "Of course it is NBC's call."

    and then later

    "If it's the NHL's policy, why did Versus do it Tuesday and Thursday. Ridiculous."

    So I went back to Brian and told him that NBC had a golden opportunity here to thank the NHL fans for these superb ratings and bring back the screen. I told him I would give him two days of advertising for free to thank the fans.

    Now I get word that they are reconsidering and I am pretty confident that this misunderstanding could turn into a HUGE PR win for NBC who I feel will do the right thing...

    I am getting that impression.

    After all, as I said in an email to NBC earlier today:

    "What is being reported is that NBC wants those 8,000 people watching their TVs at home despite the fact that Pittsburgh has a 48 share! What would look better than to show those 8-10k people outside on NBC as they watch a GIANT screen broadcasting NBC to them. I know the argument that the NHL only has the 20k fans in the arena. Let's show the world otherwise"

    But at this point the answers aren't coming and we need to step it up. Moments like this are too rare to not jump on. For the sake of our game I ask that you start making some calls.

    I have many phone numbers of important people at NBC and their emails, but for now, on Saturday let's start at the top.

    NBC is trying to put the blame on the NHL and that is an ABSOLUTE LIE! NBC only cares about themselves.

  6. Was funny watching them get pulled over right before the game.


    You should have seen it. You would have thought the thing was involved in a robbery. There were about a dozen police cars/motorcycles that were behind it when it was pulled over. The police had these books and a couple of them would be flipping pages through them just to find violations on the thing. It was hysterical.

  7. Thank you for the help, ClassyPensFan. You live up to your name.

    Might we spread this campaign to the the Pens board? It would help both sides if we came together on this.

    Pens fans already started when the NBC announced that they wouldn't allow the games to be shown for the entire playoffs. As shown by the below links.

    Right now, Eklund/ has started an email campaign in the past couple of days...

    According to Eklund NBC is receiving lots of emails and with Wings fans now emailing it could make a difference.

  8. Here are more emails that I found on thepensblog.


    If you disagree with this decision and feel the need to respectfully have your opinion heard, NBC Sports can be reached at

    Brian Walker, Senior Director at NBC Sports can be reached at

    Adam Freifeld, Director of Communications at NBC Sports can be reached at

    Mike McCarley, VP Communications and Marketing at NBC Universal Sports & Olympics can be reached at

    Lyndsay Iorio, Communications Coordinator at NBC Sports can be reached at

    Kathy Connors, Manager, Sports Communications at NBC Sports can be reached at

    NBC can be reached by phone at 212-664-4444 or by fax at 212-664-4426

    NBC Sports can be reached by phone at 212-664-2642

  9. Fantastic!

    Here are more emails that I found on thepensblog.


    If you disagree with this decision and feel the need to respectfully have your opinion heard, NBC Sports can be reached at

    Brian Walker, Senior Director at NBC Sports can be reached at

    Adam Freifeld, Director of Communications at NBC Sports can be reached at

    Mike McCarley, VP Communications and Marketing at NBC Universal Sports & Olympics can be reached at

    Lyndsay Iorio, Communications Coordinator at NBC Sports can be reached at

    Kathy Connors, Manager, Sports Communications at NBC Sports can be reached at

    NBC can be reached by phone at 212-664-4444 or by fax at 212-664-4426

    NBC Sports can be reached by phone at 212-664-2642

  10. i already left them a message and emails saying the Nothing But Crosby network better as hell NOT have a screen outside

    Instead of emailing saying the Pens shouldn't have a screen outside complain about NBC saying no to Joe Vision. If they feel the anger from not just Pens fans and Wings fans then they might (very slim chance) allow both.

  11. Make your voice heard:

    NBC comment line 212-664-2333

    NBC: 1-818-840-4444

    Jeff Zucker 212-664-4444

    President NBC Entertainment

    c/o NBC-TV

    3000 West Alameda Ave.

    Burbank., CA 91523

    Dick Ebersol


    Ken Schanzer


    It can't hurt to have your voice heard.

  12. Hi, I'm from Pittsburgh and I will likely be attending game 7 at the Joe. Where would be the best place to park? I'd prefer to park close to the Joe since I don't want to walk to far since I'll be with my kids and I don't want to get into any confrontations. Also, I'll be sitting 225B about midway up, are these seats decent? I'm looking forward to going to Detroit and I've heard great things about how nice Wings fans are, unlike the Pens fans here. I can't wait to see the Pens or the Wings win the Cup and I'll enjoy the game no matter which team wins just like I did last year at the Igloo.

    Thanks Wings fans and Good Luck!