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Posts posted by 81Hossa81

  1. hahahha.... "How will Pittsburgh beat the Red Wings? They have the same team as last year, and now they have pittsburghs best player...Marian Hossa." HAHAHA. For all of you bandwagonass red wing fans... you guys don't know hockey and it's a joke to listen to you crybabies ***** about the refs. LOL. It's pathetic. The majority of you guys are pathetic too. Dude refs screwed us waaaaa waaaaaaaa waaaaaa. Dude Crosby didnt shake hands. hahahaha even the players on your team are a ******* joke. Fact is pens are a better team and please believe when you idiots make those dumbass commments about how Pens are a joke...us Pens fans are gunna bust you up. You're morons and it's pathetic. As for filing bankruptcy...do you detroit dumbasses even realize the state of the economy in detroit? or aRE YOu guys too ******* stupid to understand it? Pittsburgh will be a cup contender as long as Crosby/Malkin are on the same team. We will win back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back cups in the next few years. Hopefully they are all against you cry babies. Quit calling Sidney Crosby a cry baby... you guys are the biggest ******* i've ever come accross.