Redwings 1926

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Posts posted by Redwings 1926

  1. I hope not!! I wouldn't want to be like the Cowboys. They haven't done squat in 20 years, and won't for as long as Jerry Jones in control of things.

    With that out of the way, I'm not convinced that there is an "America's Team" when it comes to hockey. I'd say that name better describes a handful of teams, ie the Original 6 and the one team that loves to think of itself as an Original 6 team, the Philadelphia Flyers.

    Beyond that, you just have a bunch of small market teams like Edmonton and Calgary, and southern and sunbelt teams like Arizona, Dallas, and Carolina that are more fickle and/or don't have a lot of fans outside of their respective markets.

    The 7 teams that I mentioned above tend to fill up visiting arenas like none other. Growing up, I went to lots of Panthers and Lightning games. When I saw them play the Red Wings, Canadiens, or Flyers, the place was packed with everyone rooting for the visiting team. Whenever I saw them play the Devils or Sharks, however, you could practically hear a pin drop in the place.

  2. I don't know if I have a 2nd team now. When I was a kid in 1997, I adopted the Flyers as my 2nd favorite team after the Red Wings beat them in the Finals. I liked because of their name, uniforms, the fact that they were the team that the Red Wings beat in the Stanley Cup Finals, and I also liked their history of being the sort of big badasses of the NHL. I always thought of them as the NHL's Oakland Raiders.

    These days, I tend to pull for the Original 6 teams to at least make the playoffs. There's nothing worse for the league and fans than having a bunch of small non-traditional market teams such as Anaheim and New Jersey in the Stanley Cup Finals every year. It's no wonder ratings were in the crapper during the early 2000s.

    I also find myself pulling for the Blues during the playoffs since they have never won the Stanley Cup, and play in a great sports town that reminds me a lot of Detroit.

  3. I like honesty from coaches.

    And you know what happened to Jim Mora after that rant? His team continued to lose, and he ended up getting fired at the end of the season. Alot of good that did.

    Similar could be said for John Torterella.

    You want honesty? Why? He's just a coach. He's not running for president. It's not his job to make fans feel good after a loss. Frankly, I could care less what he has to say as I'm just mad that they lost. That's all that matters. No amount of, "we need to do this!!", "this guy sucks" ,"this guy's a schmuck", "I guarantee we'll win the next one" is going to change that.

    Anyone can talk a good game. Who cares? Games are decided on the ice, not during press conferences.

  4. 2 games against carolina is all i gotta say. on paper we have the easiest sked.

    That 2 games against Carolina in such a short span is not as easy as it sounds, especially when the Wings need every win they can get. I can see them getting one win against Carolina, but two wins against the same team in their final 3 games? That's tough no matter who you are.

    This playing two games against a team that has nothing to lose either way scares me almost as much as having to play Montreal.

  5. Babcock post game: "I thought we played a really good game, we had lots of chances just couldn't find the back of the net"

    He needs tof****** go. I'd be fine letting him out now with 3 games to go, bring in someone who wants to stay and can motivate these players. Absolute joke!

    Careful what you wish for. The Maple Leafs would gladly take him off our hands. Just go to their boards. It's "we need Babcock this" "Babcock for coach" that.

    Honestly, what do you want to do? Call people names on tv? Who cares what he says in front of the camera? Unless you have the ability to crawl inside his head, or were in the locker room, you have no idea what's going on behind the scenes.

    His job is to coach the players, not ensure the fans in front of the camera that he's motivating the players.

    I'll take Babcock's polished and general responses in front of the camera over some hothead who blows his top in front of the camera, calling out guys, causing discontent in the locker room, and having guys demanding trades. For coaches, that's usually the quickest way out of a job.

    Seriously, what did you want him to say? We sucked? I quit? We'll win the next one? What?

  6. I'd be willing to bet that when an athlete thanks fans, it's usually to shut them up. I'm willing to concede that I could be wrong, but I don't think I am, and I would make that bet. If you want to keep a running tab on who is giving their 110%, Coach, go ahead. The chances of your list matching up with another person's list is...well...that math sucks because there are quite a few combinations, but it is a finite number. So, please stop with your high and mighty demands to be the only reason a team succeeds.

    I would think that being a pro athlete can seem like a bit of a thankless job at times, like being a teacher, police officer, fire fighter, or military personnel.

    Unless you're spectacular all of the time, or pull off something heroic that makes headlines, most of the little things you do to be successful go relatively unnoticed by the majority of fans. With that said, I'd imagine that it would feel good to have notice and show their appreciation.

    Remember, they have pride and egos just like anyone else. They may have to distance themselves to some degree and have thick skin. Given all of the criticisms they tend to endure, many of which are unfair and misdirected, I can't say that I blame them.

  7. Basically, I believe most couldn't care less about their fans, in general. I'm sure they are glad to have fans, but they don't believe the fans effect the outcome of a game or a season. They certainly wouldn't know, or care, if their entire fanbase was transplanted by other people. I'm a fan of the Detroit Red Wings...I have an entire room dedicated to them, with an entire whack of Gordie Howe and Steve Yzerman stuff. Not one Red Wing has a room dedicated to me, nor one dedicated to fans in general. I'm okay with all of this, by the's the order of things. I agree with the rest of what you said, too.

    Claude Lemieux seemed to care what my dad thought of him.

    A friend of my dad's had season tickets to the Florida Panthers, 1st row, right beside the visitor's bench. Anyway, one night in 2000, he let us have them. It was a game against the Devils on a night when Martin Brodeur was not playing, so we got to sit next to him the whole night listening to him yelling at his teammates from the bench. By the second intermission, my dad was good and lathered up and as the Devils were heading to the locker room, he sees Lemieux, and yells "Hey!! My boy Darren McCarty is gonna kick your ass!! To our astonishment, Lemieux stops and bends down to look into the glass and says what sounded like "haw?" And my dad yelled again "My boy Darren McCarty is gonna kick your ass!!" to which Lemieux replied softly "Bring him on, he's probably at home banging your wife." A few seconds later, then Devils coach Larry Robinson walked up behind, placed his hand on Claude's shoulder, and they headed off to the locker room. I was only 16 at the time, but it was a entertaining night. That night on the ride home, I swear he must have called half the people in his phone. He called my grandfather at 11pm laughing hysterically and said "Hey dad, guess who I got into a fight with tonight!!"

    That said, I think most do care what the fans think, to a degree, and suspect that's part of the reason why Detroit was such an attractive destination for free agents all of those years, the good teams, and the rabid fan support, appreciation. No one wants to play in front of empty seats, or indifferent fans.

  8. To those who keep on posting that fans don't deserve anything or fans are not entitled to anything, look ... when pro athletes win the championship, who are the first people that they thank or dedicate the trophy to? I have heard so many pro athletes speak of the fans and how they play for them. On the other side of the coin, from the pro athlete side, they seem to know the value of loyal fans, they appreciate the fans.

    Here is what fans are entitled to ... an honest effort every night that the players go out on the ice. You can reduce it to something as simple as that. Do they deserve a championship every year ... of course not, only one team wins that but fans who buy tickets, buy their merchandise, watch them on TV (and indirectly contribute to the mega TV deals to NHL) deserve a good effort every night. Believe me, I'm reasonable. If they put in an honest effort and lose, I'd understand.

    So the reason why this post was started was because it was obvious that over the last month, the team has not given their best effort every night ... not even close. And if we are dangerously close to falling out of a playoff spot. That is unacceptable given where they were at the beginning of March. The team needs to be held accountable ... not by some silly thread on a forum board but they need to know that they are not putting in an honest day's work and they need to work harder.

    So please stop with your 'fans don't deserve anything' high and mighty reprimands. Save it for when you go out to dinner, pay good money, and get crap on a plate. See if that mantra works in the real world.

    If this were a Lions thread, I might agree with you.

    As others have said, having seen my favorite team win 4 Stanley Cups in my lifetime, enjoy 22 straight winning seasons and counting, most of which were at or near the top of the standings, and still making the post season the last couple of years when others said they wouldn't while rebuilding is fine by me.

    I don't feel like we "deserve" anything. We've been the most fortunate fans in the league since 1992.

    If you were to walk up to a Maple Leafs, Flyers, or Blues fan with such a sob story about how you think "We as Red Wings fans deserve better", they'd probably either laugh at you or throw something at you.

    In fact, I'm about 99% certain that the Philly fan would probably throw something at you. They like throwing things when they're mad. Even Santa Clause isn't immune to flying projectiles in Philadelphia. That said, 'Flyers' is a pretty good name for their hockey team.

    Every team goes through slumps from time to time. Even the Red Wings of the 90s and 2000s had their fair share.

  9. Why does it have to be an American city?

    And to be clear my main issue isn't so much that I think it's technically inaccurate, it's that I think it's cheesy and a little gross. There's several cities who love hockey as much or possibly more than Detroit. If the Rangers or Bruins had dubbed themselves Hockeytown™ and trademarked it, we'd all probably make fun of them for it.

    If the Wings go through a downturn it's gonna be awkward to see that logo at center ice with all the empty seats in the stands. Maybe they won't repaint it in the new arena.

    To answer your question, because comparing American markets to Canadian ones is pointless.

    In the US, hockey is more of a regional sport, and even in those markets, fan support is dependent on the team's winning.

    In Canada, hockey is the sport. It's a part of their national identity, and it seems every Canadian joke has something to do with hockey.

    Win or lose, they pack their arenas, doesn't matter if you're Edmonton or Montreal.

    With all of that said, michigan has long been a big hockey state, and was long before the Red Wings started winning again, so I think the title is fitting.

    Aside from maybe Minnesota, Michigan is about as close to being a Canadian province as it gets in terms of the sport's popularity and presence.

    And no, even mentioning the word "Hockeytown" and Boston or New York in the same sentence is stupid. Those are baseball towns, first and foremost. The Red Sox and Yankees are like the faces of those two cities...

  10. I would say we have the weakest fanbase (CURRENTLY) out of the "Original Six" teams. Then you can add in Pittsburgh, Philly, Vancouver, and Winnipeg. So we might make a case for #10, but even that would be contested.

    I do agree with you, though...the new arena should help things greatly. The Joe is a dump with nicely placed seats.

    Winnipeg? No disrespect as I'm pretty sure they are crazy about their team, like most all Canadian markets, but I'm willing to bet that in numbers, their fan base is a fraction of that of the Red Wings' because Winnipeg is such a small market.

    In my 31 years on this earth, most of which has been spent living in the American southeast, I've yet to come across anyone from Manitoba. Detroit, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh, on the other hand, are like a dime-a-dozen around here.

    As for Boston? I know lots of New Englanders around here too, and even have some family up there. The funny thing about most of the New Englanders I've met over the years is that they all seemed to be indifferent about hockey, or straight up told me that they didn't like it, even after the Bruins won it all in 2011. In general, I think Boston is kind of a weak hockey market with all things considered

    Similar could be said for the Rangers. I've met two who are die hard Rangers fans, and the rest of them either like the Islanders, Devils, or don't really follow hockey that much.

    I don't know what your definition of a "great fan base" is, but I have to think numbers are a big contributing factor. Another is how often they are shown on national television, which the Red Wings are a lot. It seems like every other game on NBC is someone playing the Red Wings. Other popular teams seem to be the Blackhawks and Penguins.

    If faced with the daunting task of ranking teams by fan base, I'd have to say Toronto, Montreal, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, and Buffalo.

    Buffalo did not make that list by accident as I am willing to bet most in Buffalo care more about their last place team than the people in New York and Boston do their Cup contenders, sad I know. When it comes to fan support for their hockey teams, New York and Boston are a joke.

  11. Firing coaches isn't always about bringing in a better coach. Sometimes, you just need to have a fresh start or someone with some fresh ideas on how to improve the team. I feel that Babcock's message has gotten stale. This team hit its zenith with Babcock, and is regressing.

    Bringing up his resume is kind of annoying. We could miss the playoffs the next 5 years in a row and he'd still be the most accomplished coach in the league trophy wise. But that's not the whole point and sports is a "what have you done for me lately" attitude.

    What season? The season is almost over. He should play hurt just so we can preserve the streak. He can rest when we're eliminated the 3rd week of April.

    And what he's helped this team do lately hasn't been the worst possible outcome when you consider how well this team's been doing despite being in a transition period.

    If this team were built to win a Cup, and underachieving the last few years then that would be one thing. That's not been the case since Lidstrom retired. In fact, I'd say this team's been overachieving and exceeding expectations since then.

    Comparing this current team to one that's missed the playoffs the last five years is not a fair comparison to say the least.

    What annoys me is the knee jerk reaction so many fan seem to have with this team. When they're in a slump, even in the midst of an overall good season, they want fire the coach, and clean out the whole front office.

    If they suddenly make a strong push and win 4 out of their next 5 games then all of the sudden they are heroes. If they lose in the first round, they're jerks and need to be fired. Should they win in the first round? They're heroes. After they come up short in the second round? They all need to be fired. If by the grace of God this team makes it all they way to the Conference Finals, they're all back to singing Babcock's praise again...

    Being a fan of this team sometimes feels like being a Jerry Seinfeld in a room full of Cosmo Kramers and George Costanzas!!

    For a coach whose message has become so "stale", I'd say this team's done pretty well all season, with their 40-24-13 record so far.

  12. I think they need to remove the logo not because of the mediocre team, but because it's kind of cheesy and a misnomer.

    If the Red Wings miss the playoffs even one year the attendance will probably plummet. If they missed a couple years in a row? Even worse. The Lions have lost for decades but fans keep coming.

    Hockey is popular here but this is footballtown, not hockeytown.

    The Maple Leafs have made the playoffs once in the last 9 years, and that one time they did lost in the first round in brutal fashion.

    The Wings are in a tailspin at the moment, but let's have some perspective here. We are nowhere near the level of the circus that has been the Maple Leafs.

    If you think the "Hockeytown" logo at center ice is ridiculous, just imagine how Detroit calling itself "Footballtown" would look. Don't get me wrong as I love the Lions as much as the next guy, but if I were to give that title to anyone then it'd probably have to be Green Bay, or maybe Pittsburgh at a distant second...

    I think "Sportstown" would be most fitting for Detroit, though I suspect St. Louis, Boston, Chicago, and Philadelphia might have something to say about that.

    Personally, I like the "Hockeytown" name. It's no different than folks in Green Bay calling themselves "Titletown", or St. Louis calling themselves "Baseballtown".

    Why people have to take things so literally sometimes is beyond me...

    Detroit's "Hockeytown", and screw what other fans think. Many are probably just mad that they didn't think of it first...

  13. That's the beauty of going in with no expectations or more realistic ones. I didn't belieeve the team would be as good as the standings indicated nor do I believe they are as bad as currently. The current Wings edition is one in transistion, with a good mixture of young blood and veterans but they don't have the right one when it comes down to skill and grit. When was the last time another team was intimidated of a Wings player ? I can't even remember it, Cole was supposed to fix this but sadly he got hurt and still has not played since :(

    Save for Abdelkader, Ericsson and Sheahan from time to time no one on this team is willing to man up and deliver big hits to change the momentum of a game and Abdelkader while not the most skilled fighter is at least willing to drop the gloves but does thiis team rally around him ? No, they are "middly" amused pushing the stick against the walls instead of smashing it and cheering for him. People might think it's just Mach no, that's false we've seen it all season when other teams are starting to get their forcheck going the Wings are out of answers.

    Personally I believe premium prices should give you a premium product in terms of entertainment and I'd rather see a hardworking, big heavy team than one that tries that boring "we're too skilled to be a blue a collar team" crap. At some point a huge trade, signing needs to happen to re-energize the fanbase and the team itself, also a culture change will be needed.

    So yeah keep blaming and mentioning fans but maybe just maybe a year of missing the playoffs is exactly what this team needs in order to make a culture change happen here. Compard to teams like Calgary our fourth line is a freaking joke and that's the easiest position to fix in hockey. I really hope the Wings can pull off the Phaneuf trade he is exactly what this team needs.

    Reading this makes me miss guys like McCarty, Shannahan, Chelios, Kocur, Probert, and those guys who seemed to know how to get under opposing teams' skin like Maltby and Holmstrom.

    The only thing I'm not sure I agree with is the on the Wings missing the playoffs as I'm not sure missing the post season would be the best way to lure those big name free agents to this team.

    From my observation, missing the playoffs seems to have more of a negative impact on an organization's culture than a positive one. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Edmonton Oilers fans were saying the same thing around 1992 when their team was still good enough to make the playoffs, and even make a good run, but were still a far cry from the team they were just a few years prior. Here it is now 23 years later, and that organization has only enjoyed moderate success in the late 90s and early 2000s, and that Cinderella team in 2006.

    The way I see it is that it's much easier to build on the momentum of a winning team than it is to escape the vicious cycle of being a perennial loser.

  14. I question if we do were not really a top 5-8 fan base in the league the joe is pretty pathetic

    Watch any Red Wings road game on the continent, and count the number of Red Wings fans in the stands. Yeah, I'd definitely say we are in the top 5 to 8.

    Now, one can argue that many Red Wings fans have become complacent over the last several years, but I suspect that has more to do with decades of continued success, and often times impossible expectations, what is sometimes referred to as "Atlanta Braves Syndrome".

    That'll change when the Red Wings move to their new arena. Many don't seem to like going to The Joe for various reasons.

  15. We definitely do. If we drop out of a playoff spot, we'll be on par with the Leafs fan as the laughing stock of the league.

    As someone alluded to, what a difference a year makes. We were so proud of the team playing their hearts out and fighting every night to get into the playoffs last year. This year ... this team makes me want to throw up.

    I think lumping us in with the Maple Leafs is a bit of a stretch.

    While we're worried about a one month slump and our team continuing a 23 year playoff streak in which our Wings have had a winning season every year from 1992 on, 6 trips to the SCF in 14 years and 4 Stanley Cups in 11 years, many Leafs fans are probably wondering if their team will ever get back to the Finals in their lifetime because they haven't won it, or even been there since 1967. Given the current ownership group in Toronto, the future's not looking too hopeful there.

    The Maple Leafs are run like a big, faceless corporation while the Illitch owned Red Wings have been more like a family for the last several years.

    As someone who's been a Red Wings fan practically his whole life, I couldn't ask for much better. Some of my fondest childhood and adult memories are of watching all of those great Red Wings teams of the 90s and 2000s with my dad. Such memories as seeing my 40 year old dad screaming at the top of his lungs on his bed as the Red Wings clinched their first trip to the Stanley Cup Finals in 29 years against the Blackhawks, and the "I Want Stanley" song during the 95' Finals, the fight on March 26, 1997, my dad on the floor screaming in front of the big screen when the clock hit 0, and the Wings won their first Cup in 42 years, the nerve racking 1998 playoff run and repeat, the 2002 All Star team, and rushing home from my high school graduation to try to catch end of game 7 against the Aves, and of course 2008 and 2009.

    I could seriously write a book, but I won't... tonight.

    And if you really think we have it so bad, or "deserve better", try putting yourself in the shoes of a die hard Blues, Flyers, or Sabres fan, all teams with very loyal fan bases who've endured decades and decades of frustration.

    As for what other team's fans think of us? Who cares? Win or lose, they hate us, call us know nothings, crybabies, obnoxious, spoiled etc. etc. Why you might ask? reread my post. :)

  16. Good.

    Not trying to play armchair GM or anything, but who should they replace him with? A relatively unknown because that's pretty much all that's out there, and that seems like a bit of a gamble if you ask me.

    There's not too many other coaches with 3 conference championships, a Stanley Cup, and coach of the year awards to their name. This is a guy that not only helped lead the Red Wings to a championship, but also one who helped this team make the post season even when many were predicting that we wouldn't, and until a month ago, was the best team in the league.

    Look, I'm as angry and perplexed over the last month as you, but let's keep a level head here. You don't just fire/ run off a coach like Babcock over a bad stretch. Every coach goes through them.

    I mean, were you calling for Scotty Bowman's head back in 1999 when the Red Wings were playing .500 hockey most of the year, and didn't really find their stride until that blockbuster deal at the trade deadline?

    I don't have the answers, but this whole coach carousel method that some of you all seem to be advocating for rarely ever pans out.

  17. I think Babcock want to go somewhere where he's out of the spotlight. Probably Florida or something along those lines.

    I personally don't see him going anywhere, but if he does, I don't think it'd be some place like Florida, but some place where he has a chance to win.

    Why would he want to go from a decent team that is expected to make the playoffs every year to Florida where he'd likely enjoy a handful of mediocre seasons while most of his team's home games are packed with the visiting team's fans, and eventually fading off into oblivion.

  18. No no. No no no, no team with more cups than Detroit can hoist it. We root for Detroit or teams with zero cups. That's how it works :)

    Which is precisely what we had throughout most of the 2000s, SCF matchups between two southern/expansion/southern market teams, poor television ratings, and very little talk about hockey in general.

    When the Original 6 are doing well, suddenly ESPN can't turn their nose up at hockey anymore, or call it a "stupid sport" like Skip Baseless did several years back.

  19. It's really amazing how loyal and huge their fanbase is Bell and Rogers are looking at the bottom line only and if that isn't to their liking heads will roll.

    When you think about it, hockey is to Canada what football is to the US. In Canada, hockey is more like a religion, or a part of their national identity though. Even some of their currency has images of hockey players on it.

    I'm not sure that sort of blind loyalty is exclusive to just Toronto as even Montreal's arena looked pretty close to capacity back when the Canadiens were struggling in the late 90s and early 2000s. Similar could be said for any of the other Canadian rinks for that matter.

    Back in 2011, I remember watching a documentary on the NHL Channel about the Edmonton Oilers' organization; I think it was called 'Oil Change' or something. It was just chronicling the Oilers' present day affairs at the time, following the team's players, scouts, and coaches around. It was very interesting. Anyway, there was this one scene from a bar in Edmonton on draft day with all of these fans packed in the place, standing wherever they could while glued to the tv getting all rowdy with their Oilers jerseys on. Watching that made it seem as though they were in the midst of another dynasty as opposed to several consecutive years out of the playoffs.

    With all of that said, nothing about the fans' loyalty and all the scrutiny that comes with it there really surprises me. Detroit may be "Hockeytown", USA, , but up there, they're all "Hockeytown".

  20. Well their new management is making the same mistakes as the old one instead of giving GTA kids a chance, they are signing player from the NCAA, KHL ...I mean, everyone knows the pressure in that market so why not sign somebody from the area since they know all the stuff and might be able to handle it better.

    I'm not sure if being from the GTA alone would make anyone better at handling the pressure that comes with playing there. I think that has more to do with age and maturity, which might be one of the reasons why the Maple Leafs always seem to gravitate towards veteran players.

    I mean, look at all of the notable players who've played there who won Stanley Cups with other teams before coming to Toronto over the last 20+ years. Doug Gilmour, Gary Roberts, Ed Belfour, Glenn Anderson, Kirk Muller, Jean Sebastion Gigiure, Grant Fuhr, and Alexander Mogilny are just a few that come to mind at the moment. Te latest rumor swirling around is that they're trying to sign Jesus.

  21. Still way too much for the high prices and the product they are putting on the ice. Shanahan will have to do an awesome marketing job to sell Bell and Rogers on the rebuild

    What's to sell? The team sucks, and yet their home arena is still 95% sold out. It's really a no-lose situation for Maple Leafs management because the fans will still keep coming out regardless of how things turn out. It's like most NFL markets in the US. The Maple Leafs are the Lions of the NHL. Even their colors similar. :lol:

  22. He doesn't seem to understand the concept of tanking at all lol. Of course players and coaches aren't tanking, they're fighting for jobs. Tanking comes from management.

    But sure Ken - that's just "creative roster management" - not a tank job lol


    Pro sports organizations don't tank, period... except for maybe in the movies.

    No, they find ways to remain competitive despite not always getting the top draft picks every year by creating a "winning culture" from the top down.

    Personally, I have a lot more respect for organizations like the Red Wings than I do the Blackhawks and Penguins who've only recently become contenders after being terrible for several years and stockpiling draft picks. The Red Wings current playoff streak goes back to the last time either of those teams were relevant in the early and mid 90s. Time will tell if either of those teams will get to enjoy a 25 year (and counting) playoff streak like our Wings have.

  23. I hope some of you jokers are eating your words now.

    Look I love the Red Wings, but it's posts like this that make me hate some of our fans. You know, the whole "hey let's purposely lose the whole season, so maybe land the next Crosby or Teows", as if those come around every year.

    I'm sick of some of you spoiled brats so ungrateful for all of the success this team has enjoyed over the last 25 years. If it bothers you that much that we're not the team everyone is talking about every year then please, just go root for the Blackhawks already.

    Tanking just seems like something losers, quitters, and crybabies do. The Wings are a class organization, and don't need to be rebuilt. The Red Wings have been rebuilding for the last few years, and making the playoffs while doing it!! Toronto fans would kill to have their team be in our team's situation right now.

    What? Is that not enough? Spoiled brats I tell ya.