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Posts posted by alabarrie

  1. Outside of Larkin, we don't have another high end center prospect with potential to be on the 1st or 2nd line. I think Mantha had a rough year and will bonce back, but we have enought depth on the wing in our system to afford trading him while is stock is still high.

    Mantha and Smith for Draisaitl, I'll take that everyday this summer.

  2. Where would you rank Hank and Pavel in the league as a teams top pair of stars?

    1. Crosby/Malkin
    2. Toews/Kane
    3. Hank/Pavel
    4. Getzlaf/Perry
    5. Sundin Twins

    This is obviously a down year for Hank and Pavel because of injuries, but when healthy they can put up 80+ points a year and they are two of the best 2-way players in the league. You maybe put Weber and Rinne in the mix of top 5 pairs, but I would assume most people would think about forwards.

  3. What is a first round pick worth when it's in the 20s? With Weber on this team, I can't see us missing the playoffs or picking any higher than 20 in the next four years. To me, I would rather give up 4 first round picks and keep the young players and prospects that we know are quality, like Tatar, Gus, Jurco. These guys are NHL ready now, while whoever we would pick in the draft are 3 years away from playing at best. Weber would make us a contender now and for the next 5 years easily.

    I don't see Pav or Z waving their NTC, but if I had too...Yes, I would trade Pav. To get a player like Weber, we would have to give up something big like that. I love Pavel, but I would rather have one elite center and Dman than having two elite centers that are well into their 30s.

  4. Just putting the question out there. What would it take and are you willing to give it up?

    Weber is everything Babs and Kenny wants. A physical right handed player that eats up minutes. His contract was front loaded, so a lot of the money owed to him has already been paid out, and with the cap going up we can easily take on his cap number.

    The only untouchable young player for me are Mantha and DeKeyser.

    I wish Kenny was more aggressive when Weber was a RFA. 4 first round picks sounds like a steal to me.

  5. Where is Nyquist?

    We are going to have to score a lot to make up for our lack of quality D this year if we want to win. I haven't seen much from Mursak or Emmerton to feel as if these are must keep players. What's their upside? 3rd line checkers at best.

    Nyquist is going to take Filppula's spot in the top 6 next year. Maybe this year if we can trade Filp for some help on the blue line this year.

    With Nyquist in the line up, he is helping the team this year and building for next.