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Status Updates posted by edicius

  1. Thank you, Zune, for reminding me that Psykosonik is awesome.

  2. You know what? I'm going to enjoy an afternoon beer. Simply because I can.

  3. Super 8 is incredible. Go see it.

  4. There are few things more amusing than playing fetch with a goofy dog outside, sticks and all.

  5. RT @CraigCustance: Lidstrom news coming today. Red Wings holding 11 a.m. conference call with Holland and Lidstrom.

  6. I just saw an electronic DOT sign advertising free "vacinnes" for college students. Guess I should be glad it's not for "collage" students.

  7. Whoa, Firefox 5 is official today? Time to update!

  8. Happy Junhannus to my Finn friends!

  9. Going with Oolong tea this morning instead of coffee. Wish me luck.

  10. I get up to get more tea and my dog steals my seat. Hmph.

  11. True Blood season premiere wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. You know, once you fast-forward past the scenes with Tara, er, "Tony".

  12. I actually saw a NJ vanity plate with "GOJIRA" the other day. The nerd in me loved it.

  13. My Zune's in a mood today with its shuffle. Stabbing Westward, then Nine Inch Nails, then Stabbing Westward again.

  14. Ericsson deal almost done. 3 yrs/$9.75M. Huge overpayment, IMO. Ugh.

  15. I think I may head to the gym before NHL free agency starts so I'll be too exhausted to care about inactivity by the #RedWings.

  16. Lilja signs with Philly. Grrr.

  17. Adventure Time with Jake and Finn is inexplicably awesome. I can't figure out why I'm so captivated by this show.

  18. Oops, tactical error. Only IKEA breakfast at this hour. No meatballs with lingonberry goodness. Off to Garden State Plaza for now.

  19. Woo hoo! Got all the LA Noire trophies I can get for now. Just waiting for the last DLC case ("Reefer Madness"). Guess I'll play some inFamous 2 finally.

  20. "PIGS ON MY KNEES! PIGS ON MY KNEES!" #AdventureTime

  21. Adventure Time! C'mon, grab your friends and go to very distant lands with Jake the dog and Finn the human, the fun will never end, it's Adventure Time!

  22. Listening to this right now: http://amzn.to/r4TzS0 Pretty good so far.

  23. When we would play Red Dead Redemption, our dog would always bring us a stuffed horse to throw. With LA Noire? He brings us a pig. Lulz.

  24. Is Tweetdeck supposed to post to Google+ via Buzz? I haven't gotten it to work yet.

  25. Bryan Cranston on Opie and Anthony today. Hope they're spoiler-free, we're only half-way through season 2.