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Status Updates posted by edicius

  1. Bah, found an open Tim's but already got Sbux. And I decided against fattening donuts. Just grabbed a 6 inch Subway Club instead.

  2. Gord Downie is awesome.

  3. And now, we wait...

  4. Nice to see NJ Transit finally put ticket machines at Convent Station.

  5. Baseball! Go Tigahs.

  6. THAT'S TEN! #LetsGoBlues

  7. People, people, people...the external display ports on Macs are not "standard"! Bring your adapters!


  9. Shoot, it just dawned on me that I had been playing Machinarium...but totally forgot that I had been playing it. Damn console games distracting me.

  10. Coffee #2, coming up.

  11. Just noticed this (positive) feedback for me on eBay: "me likey da boom-boom". lol

  12. Danielle's been watching Torchwood lately and now, any time I hear Gwen, I hear Merrill from Dragon Age 2 at the same time. Next season of Torchwood should be interesting with that.

  13. Saw a Jimmy Howard McFarlane figure at Toys R Us today. Shame I don't collect them anymore.

  14. I was never really a Cap fan, but the new Captain America trailer looks pretty decent.

  15. "Apparently the pigeon population in Ferelden has taken a nosedive. What kind of sick individual preys on those innocent things?" Epic lulz.

  16. Need audio clip w/ long Homer Simpson scream. The one he interrupts it in the middle with "Ah, that's better" then keeps screaming. Help?

  17. The poor groundhogs on campus must be really confused.

  18. Again, I thought we were done with this crap. This time, couldn't get back up my driveway after having gone to the gym. Snow = UGH.

  19. The perfect before-bed drink: @Starbucks Tribute Blend with a splash of Jameson. Yum.

  20. Just pre-ordered Portal 2. Amazon's knocked $5 off the price, plus a $20 credit on a future purchase too. I'll use that for inFamous 2. :D

  21. Really enjoying the tracks I've listened to thus far from the SXSW 2011 Showcasing Artists torrent. Lots of great, diverse talent there.

  22. First round exit in five games or fewer for the Wings this postseason. This team isn't going anywhere with this goaltending or defense.

  23. Matt Cooke suspended the rest of the regular season and the 1st round of the playoffs. Close enough.

  24. I'm curious if it's a good sign or a bad sign that the Matt Cooke hearing is taking so long. They're probably cracking bottles of wine and laughing at us rubes for thinking they'll do "the right thing" to a member of the Penguins.

  25. Forgot my Zune today. Thankful for Pandora.