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Everything posted by Donaldjr2448

  1. Donaldjr2448

    Johan Franzen wants to 'have more fun'

    I am happy that everyone is beginning to feel the same way I have all season. Franzen is a complete joke and I have not been happy with him in a few years now. It is obvious that Holland made a huge mistake by signing this guy to a huge contract, but it was a 50/50 kinda thing. Like others have stated, I think its time for Franzen to move on. The guy has so much talent but simply does not know how to bring it each night. I thought it was amazing the one time he went to the net in the Nashville Series he scored a damn goal. Not to mention Jiri Hudler out scored Mule in the playoff. If that does not get you excited then I guess nothing will. To defend Franzen though, this team needs change badly. That first round exit was one of the worst I have ever seen. 0 effort by just about everyone on that team during the playoffs and for that I will defend Mule.
  2. Donaldjr2448

    Preds not allowed to play ping pong at Joe Louis Arena

    POST OF THE YEAR!!! Love it! Nah! I use to live in Nashville, its a DUMP! Trust me, it makes Flint look good. They just sweeten in up when big events come around. Really the only city in Tennessee that is worth a s*** is Chattanooga. Plenty to do there and its nice and clean and thats a far cry from what Nashville can offer.
  3. Donaldjr2448

    Preds not allowed to play ping pong at Joe Louis Arena

    Figures a Preds clown would bring up some kind of rebuttal. Anyway, Love it Bert. That is absolutley AWESOME. Glad to see this team has some snarl now. Hopefully they watched the Philly/Pittsburgh game yesterday and took notes.
  4. Donaldjr2448

    Shea Weber fined for Zetterberg "headslam"

    This is exactly why fighting needs to stay in the game. 10 years ago Weber would have had to drop the gloves with someone, but since this league is a waterdown pussyfest you can get away with cheap shots. League and game is a complete joke, no wonder the ratings blow.
  5. Donaldjr2448

    Wings meet Preds in First Round

    Nashville in 4. Our Defense is weak, we have forwards that turn the damn puck over all the time, along with defensive errors over and over. Oh yeah, our Powerplay is nonexistant and they happen to have the best power play at home. Did I mention the fact this team is 17-21-3 on the damn road................... Game, Set, Match. Sorry Folks.
  6. Donaldjr2448

    4/7 GDT : Blackhawks 3 at Red Wings 2

    Personally I would like us to lose this one in regulation. I think we would be much better in the 6th seed than 4th or 5th. Let Nashville and Chicago beat the hell out of each other while we take on the Kings, Coyotes or Sharks. I think we match up better against these Pacific teams better anyway.
  7. Donaldjr2448

    Needs to be said

    Exactly! We can still catch St Louis, not to mention the Blues have struggled as of late, as has Nashville. Chicago is the team right now that is HOT! I really feel now that this team is getting healthy can make a run at the Blues and I am sick and tired of people saying we cannot make this happen. I totally understand where the OP is coming from, but a 6th seed will only hurt later on, lets face it, this team even healthy is not good on the road.
  8. Donaldjr2448

    Which team would piss you off the most if they won the cup?

    Without a doubt my top three are 1. Nashville- I hate the team, their fans, and their s*** city. Nashville is the biggest dump on the planet. 2. San Jose- Cannot stand the Sharks and I really cannot stand one single player on that team. 3-Pittsburgh, eventhough watching the Pens ***** slap the Pretenders I mean Predators around lastnight, I still cannot stand them. Other honorable mentions: Chicago, St Louis, Vancouver.
  9. Donaldjr2448

    Are Chicago fans not as bad as we thought?

    Thats kinda the way I viewed it! Its just kind of funny when you hear it at White Sox and Bears games as well. Quite honestly I have a ton of respect for the Hawks organization as well. They are an original 6 team and all the teams that are O-6 teams I have nothing but respect for. It has been kind of nice that 3 of the last 4 Cup Winners have been O-6 teams.
  10. Donaldjr2448

    3/21 GDT : Red Wings 1 at Rangers 2 (OT)

    Alright! Enough of the doom and gloom on here. As much as I want to fold up the tent and move on to the Tigers, but if there is one team or organization I believe in its the Detroit RedWings. Look at 1997, 1999, 2002, 2008, 2010, and 2011. All those years we were down at some point and just like the RedWings always do, they come right back. Sure, they may not win tonight, but in the end they will put it all together. I have faith and most of all I BELIEVE.
  11. Donaldjr2448

    3/6 GDT : Red Wings 2 at Flyers 3

    Damn, I Wonder how Franzen is taking the fact that Conner is on the second line???? Oh yeah, its cause Franzen doesn't like regular season games. I am beginning to hate Franzen, he could be the new Robert Lang "Lazy and Sucks".
  12. Donaldjr2448

    Post-TDT: Red Wings stand pat, no additions

    Add me to the disappointed crew. This team needed serious upgrading and we did nothing. Thank Goodness the Tigers will be starting in April, cause the Wings will be done in the second week of April. This team had 4 players that actually show up each night, so whatever Holland. If I were Lidstrom I wouldn't come back to this next season. Oh well the 20 year ride has been fun. GOOOOO TIGERS. What a complete Joke. How can anyone watch this team the last 2 or 3 months and actually be impressed??? Seriously?? We SUCK On the road and I mean SUCK, we barely pull games out at home (until recently)and lets face the only line producing now is the third line. WTF!! Season Over, sorry guys and gals. I can honestly say I won't be disappointed when we get KO'd in round 1.
  13. Donaldjr2448

    Johan Franzen Depreciation

    Honestly I am sick and tired of the excuses with Mule. I am sick and tired of the lack of play from this guy and his china-doll performances in the last couple of years. This guy is making nearly 4 million a year with this team and plays like he is making the league minimum. I really hope Kenny can move this guy as soon as possible. I have had enough of this joke of a player. His intentional offside yesterday caused a goal, he took his time getting onside the other night against Vancouver and what do ya know, he was flat on his back when the Sedin scored with 15 seconds left. I could go on and on with his lackluster performances, but I feel that I do not have to preach to the choir. Yes, by far this guy has been the most disappointing player in the last couple of seasons. (not including 2009-2010.) Time for a change Mule. Step up or move on. We've got guys in GR that are rotting away because we have your lackluster ass here not wanting to play because its the regular season or whatever your excuse is now.
  14. Donaldjr2448

    Ericsson out One Month

    As much as I hate Ericsson and hos play, I had the same issues with Lilja in 2005-2006, but soon after Lils became our biggest penalty killer and I thought was a major impact on the Stanley Cup Team in 2008. I really feel that Ericsson may become that player in the years to come. It sucks that he is injured, just gives other guys a chance to showcase. I surley hope Kindl is moved, I personally do not see an upside to his game and I think we would benefit more by having Smith in his place. Like others have said, I think Kindl is going to be a package deal tomorrow and thats has to be the only reason he is on the ice lately.
  15. Donaldjr2448

    So I Met Some NHLers Yesterday

    The only NHLer I met was Darren Pang in Chicago as I was leaving Great Lakes Training Center (Navy BootCamp) and of course I was decked out in my Whites. Darren and I were both in line to go through security and after we made it through I asked if he was Darren Pang and he of course stated yes. He was actually heading to Traverse City to golf with the Wings that afternoon. Panger and I talked about the Wings and the upcoming season for a while. Panger is a nice guy and was extremly friendly. Very Cool experience
  16. Donaldjr2448

    Sharks May overcome your streak. Otherwise it would be a great game.

    I'm confused by this OP. I'm not sure what to say about this. You come on here and run your mouth, then run off???? Come on now!
  17. Donaldjr2448

    2012 NHL Trade Deadline Thread - February 27th, 3:00 PM ET

    Well Hopefully the Kubina deal will include Kindl. Kindl is lazy and sucks! Kindl and Errorson together are known at my house as the turnover twins!
  18. Donaldjr2448

    Steve Ott has praise for the Wings

    Very Cool on Ott's part. Say what ya want about the guy, but I would love to have him in the Winged Wheel Uniform. I must say a pretty classy act by Mr. Ott.
  19. Donaldjr2448

    What the F has gotten into these wings?

    I personally think when the Wings drop the gloves it opens up the ice for guys like Z, Dats, Mule, and Flipper. It just seems that theys guys do not take hits as much when the boys drop the mits, or maybe like other have stated the team picks up its play when the boys drop the mits. And the fact that Kindl gets the nod over Commie flat out pisses me off, but whatever. FREE COMMIE!!!
  20. Donaldjr2448

    Ramage hit on Oliver

    Yup! Kronner's hit was perfect and legal. However, the Oilers still saw the need to want to fight Kronner after a clean hit! Finally FINALLY FINALLY The refs called a penalty on the team that starts the fight. I honestly think the only reason Barker got a penalty on the play was because he high sticked Kronner and drew blood.
  21. Donaldjr2448

    Ramage hit on Oliver

    Here is the biggest issue with the hit. The hit is clean as clean can be, but every DAMN time a player gets hit he or team of the player that gets hit decides they need to fight the hitter. This is whats wrong; fights after clean hits. I am so sick of these meaningless fights after good clean hits. As far as I'm concerned, the scrums after clean hits need to be penalized in either 5 minute delay of games or 5 and 10. Keep your head up and hits like this will not happen. Or how about getting the hitter back later on with yet another clean check. I don't know about anyone else, but nothing frustrates more than these scrums, just like our buddy Kesler wanting to fight Kronner after a good clean hit.
  22. Donaldjr2448

    NHL Investigation

    I wonder if the NHL could give LA a shootout win instead of a regulation win? Since once the season is over and Shootout wins are the first tie breaker maybe thats an idea. I don't know, maybe too far fetched.
  23. Donaldjr2448

    Ferraro CHIRPING Phaneuf

    Well played Sir. I don't believe I'd care either. WOW!! I knew I should have played hockey as a kid. DAMN!
  24. Donaldjr2448

    SI: Sidney Crosby to visit spine specialist in Calif.

    A word about the doctor's missing something. Does anyone think that possibly its the Pittsburgh organization pressuring the doctors at all to get Crosby back on the ice??? Lets face it the Pens organization is paying these doctors and I could see this organization pulling somethingh like that. I'm certain that this is not the only time this has happened in sports with a star player and a team. Just doesn't seem like a team of doctors would simply let a injured player go back on the ice knowing what they knew. Like someone else stated, these doctors would lose their license if they allowed an injured player to continue on the ice or anyone for that matter. Call me a skeptic I guess.
  25. Donaldjr2448

    The SuperSkills competition is an embarrassment

    I didn't watch it at all. I simply cannot get into the All Star stuff! I wish the league would simply say these are the all stars this year and wrap that up at the end of the season. There is no reason for an all star break and all this silly hoopla. I'm certain the ratings will be down on the Skills Competition as well as the game itself. I consider myself a huge hockey fan, and eventhough I am in the Detroit area I subscribe to Center Ice to watch as many games as possible, but I usually skip out on the all star stuff. It simply doesn't interest me or the average hockey fan. Sorry to be a hater.