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Everything posted by Donaldjr2448

  1. Donaldjr2448

    2/12 GDT: Red Wings @ Flyers

    I don't want to ever hear Notre Lame in a Wings game EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Donaldjr2448

    2/12 GDT: Red Wings @ Flyers

    Another cheese-dick penalty
  3. Donaldjr2448

    2/12 GDT: Red Wings @ Flyers

    And A picture perfect Lemieux Turtle it was!!!!!
  4. Donaldjr2448

    MLive: Forsberg talk heats up, deal "in days"?

    DO IT KENNY!!!! DO IT DO IT!!! We need Forsberg!!!!
  5. Donaldjr2448

    ok, besides...

    The rumor I heard in the hockey news was that Williams and Hudler will be delt and probably a draft pick or two, it doesn't seem like Holland wants to touch the young guys in the minors,but since Joey Mac has been playing I was wondering if the Wings will use him as trade bait. I would love to see Marty Lapointe back in the Winged Wheel.
  6. Donaldjr2448

    Nashville loses to Los Angeles?

    I wouldn't be too worried about Nashville, because if they run into a team that playes Defense, then they will be swept. They rely on speed and transition and I think if they play Calgary, San Jose, Vancouver and even Detroit,I don't think Nashville can compete in a seven game series. But that is just my opionion.
  7. Donaldjr2448

    2/11 GDT: Flames @ Red Wings

    Do ya think Ken Holland is taking notes??? I hope so!!!!
  8. Donaldjr2448

    Sean Avery traded to Rangers

    WOW!!! Avery is making 1.1Million, that is unbelieveable!!!!, Just think I could sit in the penalty box for 3/4" of the game and make 1.1 Million. WOW!!!!!!!
  9. Donaldjr2448

    Nikolai Zherdev on the Trade Block

    I would make a trade for him, but we still need another grinder and I hope we go after Gary Roberts or Martin Lapointe,I think between those 2 or 3 we would be very hard to beat, I'm just worried about Zherdev because he doesn't like Hitchcocks Defense system and I worried that he may not buy into Babs system, but we need a scoring winger so I'll take the goo d with the bad. I think Williams and I first rounder for Zherdev. But who knows!! What do you all think!!
  10. Donaldjr2448

    Aebischer a Wing?

    62-29 now!!!! At least the Tigers are making moves (winning that is)!!!