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Posts posted by 55fan

  1. I will be taking the yelling and cheering duties until you arrive to chime in, K. See you for the W!

    I think the loss of Kronner and Miller (in particular) really shows. They quietly made room for the scoring chances, and now they're gone. I am not sure it's so much that our guys can't score, as they can't find room. Must find a way to adjust for that, somehow.

    Iines in here:


    And now... a guy called in so I left work early and have to go back later. Instead of missing the beginning, I'll miss a bit of the end.

    GO WINGS! Have it sewn up by the time I have to leave!

  2. I like to do a quick peek to see who is playing and when. It used to have 6 or so games that you could see when you logged on. Now it's about 3.

    The website was one thing that they had right before. At least you can access the standings in the same way. That's mostly what I go there for.

  3. My friend's son started college this fall. I was his Sunday school teacher in 4th and 5th grades, so we know each other pretty well. He is one of the most hilarious people I've ever met. I can talk to him for hours and laugh the whole time.

    When he left for school, I told him that if he ever needed anything to feel free to call or text or facebook. We'd gotten together to talk on facebook a lot before he started to meet people there. Mostly we just joked around, but some of it was serious. He's rather shy, especially around girls, so we talked about how to meet girls a lot too.

    He knows I have a keen interest in all things medical, so he asked me (on facebook) one Saturday about a medical question. His stools were black. I ran through the checklist of things it could be. Nothing. I told him to keep me posted. On Sunday they'd turned green. I asked him a lot of questions about what he'd eaten etc. I was pretty sure at this point that it was just something he ate, but I made sure he knew where his insurance card was (he didn't know) and where the hospital was (he didn't know) and I made him promise that he would go in if he experienced any of a long list of symptoms I gave him.

    Monday was Labor Day, so I figured he'd be sleeping in. I texted him around noon to see how he was doing. We had rarely texted before, but I was at work, and I don't have a smartphone (I know, right?) so I kept it short and sweet: "Have you pooped today and what colour was it?"

    I didn't get a response. I waited and about an hour later he texted back. He was driving a girl(!) to the store and being a responsible adult, he chose not to text and drive. Instead, he had her read the message to him.

    He thanked me for that.

  4. I think he was out of it. I've done things out of it (as in drunk) that I'd never do sober, but a person is responsible for his actions.

    I wouldn't give a terribly big suspension as if he had run a ref with the intent to injure the ref, but if a player is responsible for his stick on a high-sticking penalty, he should be responsible for it in this case too.

    I'd definitely give a suspension, but not as harsh as someone who intentionally whacked a ref.

    Any number in the higher single-digits to low double-digits is good with me. Of course if there is more evidence, such as camera angles, then that would change things.

  5. Another graveyard shift story-

    This was many, many years ago. A guy came in wearing a baseball cap, glasses, sandals, one of those half t-shirts, and a g-string. He was followed by another guy who was giggling and carrying a video camera. This was back in the days before smart phones and (fortunately) the internet as we know it.

    Videotaping was not allowed in the store, but since there was no way of it getting out for the world to see, I didn't stop him and just went along to see how it all played out.

    The guy in the g-string strutted (like he had anything worth strutting) back to the pop section of the cooler. I kept a straight face. It just about killed me, but I managed to look bored.

    He brought his pop to the counter and gave me a $10. I gave him his change. He held the coins in his hand but put the bills in the g-string, saying, "I like to keep my bills in here."

    You know how you always think of something funny to say when it's too late? Yeah. I'd been keeping the perfect straight face, but the perfect comeback was out of my mouth before I could stop it.

    As soon as he tucked the bills in the g-string, I said, "Good thing they're small bills."

    His friend was doubled over laughing, unable to tape. The guy turned beet red and I had to crack a smile.

    Wanting to let him off the hook, I said, "Is this for a bet or dare or something?"

    He chuckled and went back to the same strutting-type personality he had before and said, "Why no. Why do you ask?"

    They left laughing. I smiled and had fits of giggles for the rest of the night.

  6. I work in a gas station. That's all the intro this needs.

    One night I was working graveyards and a guy came in and announced to the entire place that his ass was chafing.

    He was wearing those long silky basketball shorts and had tucked them into his butt crack. He asked if I would recommend vasoline or baby powder. I knew we carried vasoline so I recommended it.

    He bought some, opened it up, stuck his fingers in the jar and proceeded to stick his hand down the back of his shorts RIGHT THERE AT THE COUNTER!

    Then he announced that he was going to have to shave his ass because his butt hairs made the vasoline clumpy.

  7. The previous two things were things I wrote about in the thread referenced before.

    This one I didn't share at that time.

    I used to work in a factory. The machines were lined up, six in a row down the middle in sets of two, and other machines along the walls.

    When you worked in the middle set of two, you would often feel like someone was right behind you peering over your shoulder. You'd turn and no one would be there. After a couple of weeks, I would spin suddenly, and still no one would be there.

    The supervisor, Joe, saw me do it once and came over. He said that they never tell new people about the phenomena; they just watch and see if it effects them. He said everyone feels that way when they're working at that station.

    One of the work stations involved climbing a ladder up to a platform. You could see out over the whole place. Sometimes I had to wait for the machine to catch up, so I'd look over the railing. I'd watch the people at the middle machines, and if I watched long enough, they'd do the spinning around thing.

    The company bought a new building and we moved out of that one. They tried to sell it, but only managed to rent out the office space. They donated the factory area to the local food pantry for storage and assembling of food packs.

    Many years later, Joe and I were talking about the old plant with a new worker. We described the feeling, but hadn't mentioned where the old plant was located. She said she'd experienced the same thing when she volunteered at the food pantry.

    We got her to pin-point the location in the building, and it was the same one. She said the food pantry people have the same issue.

  8. Several years ago I worked graveyards in a convenience store that was supposedly haunted by a ghost named Bruce, who was the original owner of the building. Things would jump off shelves and into your path when you walked down the aisles. Cooler doors would fly open as you walked by. Things were few and far between, but most people who worked there had some sort of experience with Bruce.

    If you just said, "Hello Bruce. Knock it off." it would stop. I know that when you walked past one set of shelves, the floorboards were not tight to the floor and if something was setting on the edge of the shelf it would fall. You could make that happen by stepping in a certain place on the floor. There it was- a perfectly reasonable explanation.

    Other times, things defied physics. There were sounds of doors slamming when you were alone and things like that.

    Sometimes the things that would fall off of the shelf (not the one where you could make it happen) would roll, wait for you, then roll again when you tried to pick them up.

    The store has been remodeled. I have been back to fill in there a few times, but didn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary. The assistant manager says that since the remodel, Bruce has been quiet. They say that ghosts will sometimes become more active during times of renovation, but I think Bruce was happy with the remodel. The store really needed it.

    With Bruce, I didn't feel too uneasy unless I was in the back room by the sink or if I went downstairs into the store room. Those places seemed unnaturally cold and they were not well-lit. There was one spot on the steps that when you passed it, a chill would go through you.

    Sometimes there was a mist, but only if the humidity and temps outside were extremely high, so again, I think there is a natural answer to that.

  9. It's been over 30 years, so my memory is sure to be faded and perhaps tainted by time, but I am only recalling 3 instances where I witnessed poltergeist activity. I know there were more- I did go through 3 roommates in a matter of 4 months. smile.gif

    They tended to be small. One time there was a pile of books on the bed that just fell off. We didn't think anything of it at the time- figured they just hadn't been stacked straight or something, but they had been sitting there for some time, and weren't close to the edge, yet every one of them fell off, not just the ones on the top of the pile. You'd think at least the bottom ones would have stayed on the bed.

    Another time my friend Rachel was sitting cross-legged on the bed, playing with one of my stuffed animals. I had just cleaned my room and the rest of the animals were sitting on the bed leaning against the wall. The bed was tight to the wall. I went to answer the door (this was a dorm room, btw) and there was a thump and Rachel screamed. The bed had jumped about a foot from the wall. Rachel said it just leaped up and landed on the floor again. The animals had all fallen behind the bed, and Rachel was still sitting cross-legged, so there was no way she could have done it by moving the bed herself.

    The other time was the biggest. We had two closets, above each of which were two cabinets. The cabinet doors tended to stick badly on the one side. My roommate at the time was rather short, so I always had to open hers for her if she needed anything out of it. I am tall enough (5'10") that I could open them and grab from the front if I needed something, but as they were quite deep, I had to get on a chair if I wanted something from the back.

    Amy (my roommate at the time) and I were sitting doing our homework when we heard a scrape like the sound that Amy's door made when opening. We looked up and all 4 doors had opened and most of the stuff that was in the cabinets fell out. It wasn't one object at a time nor did things fly, like in videos you see of this sort of thing; it was one gigantic dump.

    Amy had never believed until then. She thought I was moving her stuff around to bug her. She moved out rather quickly. I went through 2 more roommates, and they both left almost as soon as they were unpacked. The last one wanted to room with me because she wanted to see "Mike" as we called him. I figured she'd stay, but she was back out the door as soon as something freaky happened.

    The occurrences happened for only a span of 4-5 months and then stopped. I did my term paper for English that year on poltergeists. I found that there is a theory that they might be the result of over-active brain waves, and they tend to gravitate around females (check), teens (check), and epileptics (which I was at that time due to side effects of a medication I was on). Some researchers feel that running water and certain types of minerals may also contribute. The area where I lived was surrounded by limestone bluffs and was about 3 blocks from the Mississippi River.

    They also tend to last for less than 6 months in cases like mine.

    Like I said, it was a very long time ago. Once I found out that I might be the source of it, I thought it was way cool. I never felt threatened by it, just startled because it would happen suddenly. All the same, I'm glad it stopped and hasn't followed me around through life. Those dang things don't pick up after themselves. tongue.gif