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Everything posted by ComradeWasabi

  1. ComradeWasabi


    I'm lazy so I don't feel like googling it myself, but if you could provide me with at least one link where it says that players were told they had to go get the shots from this clinic, I'd appreciate it.
  2. ComradeWasabi

    Fastest line in the NHL

    This is a great third line. I would have loved to have this as a fourth line LAST year, imagine this roster: Datsyuk-Zetterberg-Holmstrom Franzen-Filppula-Hossa Cleary-Hudler-Samuelsson Draper-Helm-Eaves Sorry to get all blueadams on you, but that would have been awesome. Anyways, I loved watching them. They were all over the ice, especially Helm; he's managed to maintain his play in the regular season.
  3. ComradeWasabi


    I thought the players sounded more than a little self-absorbed when they were talking about how "high-risk" they were. They don't understand what high-risk means in this context; the people who are high-risk are the ones who are at risk of developing complications, getting even more sick and possibly dying. Athletes might get sick but it's extremely unlikely that they'll suffer anything worse than a week's worth of flu symptoms.
  4. ComradeWasabi

    Semins Contract Negotiations

    Did you expect the agent to say his client's going to sign at an enormous discount rate? No.
  5. ComradeWasabi

    Worst saying by an announcer.

    Not quite.. He's responsible for such travesties as "Slap me silly, Sidney!" and "beaten like a rented mule".
  6. ComradeWasabi

    Worst saying by an announcer.

    That was actually kind of funny. One of the B's went off for high-sticking on a, simply-put, laughable call. He literally tapped Kronwall on the top of the head with his stick.
  7. ComradeWasabi

    Worst saying by an announcer.

    I was going to post this. When I heard it originally I thought I heard "MASTODONIC LOVE GRAB!". On second review, I guess he said glove, not love.
  8. ComradeWasabi

    If your crystal ball is working properly

    I'd still watch. Assuming my crystal ball didn't predict the downfall of the franchise over the next 8-10 years. Realistically, I think I'd watch anyways; I still like to watch the team play even when they lose.
  9. ComradeWasabi

    50 in 50

    If he keeps scoring in twos and threes, I don't see why not. For some reason he either doesn't score, or scores more than one in any given game.
  10. ComradeWasabi

    Line Combos sans Filppula

    Wait for blueadams. He'll tell us what to do.
  11. ComradeWasabi

    What happened to the glamour?

    Touché. I was particularly unimpressed with Pavel. Come on Pav, you can do better than a weak-ass shot to the five-hole.
  12. ComradeWasabi

    Filppula out 6-8 Weeks

    Bad, bad news. I don't doubt the Wings' ability to pull through and perform, but we certainly aren't going to be any better off without Flip.
  13. ComradeWasabi

    Idea about Helm and Kindl

    If we had Franzen, yes, but with him on LTIR I think we have the cap space, no?
  14. ComradeWasabi

    10/27 GDT: Red Wings 5 at Canucks 4

  15. ComradeWasabi

    10/27 GDT: Red Wings 5 at Canucks 4

    oh WHAT THE f*** OZZY?
  16. ComradeWasabi

    10/27 GDT: Red Wings 5 at Canucks 4

    wow, whoever the colour guy on Sportsnet Pacific is a genius "he's made two goal-saving saves so far in this game" Really? his saves saved a goal?
  17. ComradeWasabi

    10/27 GDT: Red Wings 5 at Canucks 4

  18. ComradeWasabi

    10/27 GDT: Red Wings 5 at Canucks 4

    That's up to Sammy, not the D..
  19. ComradeWasabi

    Anyone watching the Leafs playing in Anaheim tonight?

    Stempniak really laid him out. Ouch.
  20. ComradeWasabi

    Attracting Free Agents

    Thank you. One bad season - and that's assuming this is actually going to end up a bad season - is not going to doom the entire franchise to mediocrity.
  21. ComradeWasabi

    Hawks and Wings Cap Situations heading into Summer '10

    !!! Me neither until you said that. :lol: :lol:
  22. ComradeWasabi

    Free deal soon to end and time to buy Center Ice

    The last two years I've dished out the money for it while I was living at home for free... but since I've moved into residence here at university, 1) that money needs to go somewhere else and 2) I don't even have cable in my room so I'd have to pay for that too. Not worth it, I can (almost) always find feeds OR just listen to it on 97.1 online. Besides, I should be studying anyways.
  23. ComradeWasabi

    Nathan Horton...a trade option?

    At first, I was going to say that I disagreed, but by the time I reached the end of my post, I realized we were arguing for the same side. This team has some pretty strong second-tier players; Filppula, Leino and Cleary I think all qualify for that status, with Franzen representing the in-betweener, somewhere between Pav and Z and Flip, Leino and Cleary. With him gone, we could certainly use someone who can provide 30+ goals, something I think Nathan Horton could do quite well. As said before though, this team hasn't got a great many assets to give up in exchange. Our roster's got a lot of one-year deals on it now for players who other teams aren't going to be particularly interested in; Florida doesn't want Bertuzzi, Williams, etc. I'd love to see Horton here but I don't think it's realistic.
  24. ComradeWasabi

    Players That Are Wasting Space