sandyeggo wingnut

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Posts posted by sandyeggo wingnut

  1. I had to take the brake off of any pair of blades that I've ever owned. That protrusion is just..."wrong". That being said...

    Stopping and cutting on rollerblades is COMPLETELY different than on ice. If you try to do a cut stop on roller blades you will be on your ass. On the other hand, toe drags and trailing leg drags are really effective on wheels. Just make sure you rotate your wheels on a REGULAR basis.

    The best I can describe the difference is like the difference between surfing and snowboarding. While the main principles are the same, the execution is very different. You just have to remember which you are doing (I grew up in SoCal and we would go snowboarding in the morning and wipe out surfing in the evening because I would forget it's not the same thing)

  2. No. This is the most inconsistent year in terms of injuries. The Wings prior to the injury bug played incredibly consistent, top notch defense and a great PP.

    Let's wait until we have the core (Datsyuk, Lidstrom, Zetterberg and Howard) together for a few more games and then see how it goes. This team can still make it far in the playoffs if healthy, even as a 4th seed.

    Puff puff pass...I want whatever you are smoking if you thing we had a great PP this season.

    That said, the playoffs are a different animal...and with long injury outrages it does take a little bit to get back into the swing, for both the injured player and his line-mates.

  3. Has Lidstrom ever missed say 10 games in a season? I can't remember it.

    If they know they're not going to win the division, I wouldn't be surprised if they sit him for a while longer. Maybe even until the playoffs start.

    The most games he had ever missed in a season is six when he played 76 games in 2007-2008 (note: 1994 1995 was a the lockout year where he played 43 of 46 in the NHL but 13 in the SEL)

  4. We have a "HWSNBN" here. Maybe ESPN should be give "CTSNBN" (channel that shall not be named) haha

    Seriously though. Giroux said he's been practicing that move, while I bet it just comes to Datsyuk naturally. And THAT is the biggest difference...

  5. In a somewhat related topic to this, I noticed Detroit is 4th in the West now with St Louis taking our spot at the top of the division. Anyone know how that worked out? We have the same exact number of points, more wins, more goals for and we've beaten them 3 out of 5 games this year. How do they come out on top in the tie breaker? :blink:

    The first tiebreaker is regulation (edit: or non shootout) wins, the blues have one more (36 to 35) than the Wings.

  6. They seem to play a different style of hockey in from of the crowd at the Joe. It seems like the city of Detroit has almost rallied around the Red Wings like New Orleans did with the Saints. .

    This. I've was at games 3 and 5 last year vs San Jose and #21 vs the stars. Insane atmospheres (i swear i lost some of my hearing At that game 5) I'm a transplant to Detroit (but have been a fan since about 1990) and one thing I love is that the players here absolutely love the fans. The salute to us at the end of the game vs the stars I will never forget. Detroit is a blue collar sports town I would say unrivaled anywhere because the players also realize that and what this city is going through. When a fan base and team both appreciate each other (see also tigers and lions last year) it makes for great memories for both sides. I truely hope the players (some of whom make more in a short career than we all will make in one lifetime combined) realize that...

    That said, I'll quote someone I absolutely hated (because I am a Charger fan through and through). "just win, baby"

  7. Except I doubt any NHL fan hates Ilitch.

    Steinbrenner, Cuban and Jerry Jones are larger than life personas who get lots of sports coverage and are more widely hated.

    Actually you just brought up a good point. A lot of hate against those teams (including mine against the Yankees) is directed at the owners. But you cannot deny passionate owners (try to) bring success

    Edit: I am talking about "irrational" hate here. I mean I understand why fans of say the Avs or the Leafs "hate" the wings. But fans of oh...say...the Devils? No history.wrong conference. Etc

  8. A buddy and I have just figured out why "everyone" hates the wings. It is the same irrational "hate" I have for the Yankees (world series defeat of my padres notwithstanding). Illitch is the Steinbrenner of hockey.

    1) he wants (needs) to win

    2) he LOVES the sport

    3) he is not afraid to spend money on someone who he thinks will help him win

    4) he surrounds himself with people who are smarter (I mean hockey/baseball sense) than him

    5) did I mention he wants to win?

    Say what you want about owners like Steinbrenner, llitch, and extending to other sports Cuban, Al Davis, the Rooneys, etc. take a look at the history of those franchises, and you will see that the stability and passion is there. And that tends to help them win more often than not.

    And that, more than anything, pisses fans of everyone else off. More often than not.

  9. How to explain last night. Loud, rowdy, raucous, happy, partying atmosphere. From the very start with Homer getting a nice standing ovation, and going all the way to the end with cheers, hugs, high fives and cannot put it into words. You had to be there to know just what it meant.

    Ran into a fellow who was there last night, and we said we were too...told him where we sat (top of section 124), and he said, "Section 222." Anyone who was there last night will always remember where they may not for any other game in your life, but this one you will.

    I was thrilled to be there...I will never forget it.

    After the game, while we were waiting for the shuttle back to Hockeytown, some guy in a car along the river had his window open yelling, "Steve Ott sucks!" :lol: We loved it. What a total idiot - not five seconds out of the box, and he goes right back in. I was so wishing he'd get Kronwalled. If anyone ever deserved one, it's him.

    It was almost...but not being at a playoff game (the best of which HAS to be game 5 last yr vs the sharks. I think I lost 5% of my hearing that night). I had SRO tix but I think will remember the section (217B) I was standing at the end of the game. LGRW

  10. I actually caught him salute the fans after a save when they were cheering too in the middle of gameplay. :clap:

    Saw that. How many times does the crowd start a chant for the third goalie just called up?

    Aside from the defensive breakdown with *30 ******* SECONDS LEFT* he made some killer saves.

  11. I've noticed something this year, Kronwall is leading ass first rather than shoulder first on a lot more of his hits. Granted, the hit on Kessler was borderline, and could arguably be considered suspension worthy...HOWEVER I'm wondering how much of that is "anticipation" and just "missed timing" than anything. IOW is it just the fact that he was lightening himself off his skates and mistimed it slightly? If he stayed down, feet heavy, what would happen? The biggest difference here is that Rinaldo's head was even with Ericsson's at contact...even though Ericsson is what, four inches taller? (although if our favorite s***box had kept his ******* HEAD UP I don't think the hit even connects...)

  12. His head was turned looking behind him 3/4 of the second he possessed the puck.

    It is college hockey, they play with full face masks, they do not want east-west blindside checks regardless of the positioning of the attacking player.

    It is mainly to protect these kids so they can have a future in a better league and choose to destroy their bodies for pay instead of for a education.

    I don't know what replay you were watching but Oliver had his head down from the blue line to the point he turned INTO Ramage. It almost looked like he was more concerned about the backcheck than what was in front of him on the ice

    I'm sorry but it was like three full speed strides he had his head down and that's three strides too many. Don't blame it on the cage, blame it on the fact he was looking in the wrong direction. And like I said, Oliver actually turns into Ramage. What do you want HIM to do, the play probably came on faster than he intended with Oliver's turn. Look, I'm sorry that the kid got hurt but it was a lapse in fundamentals that caused this, not any goonery.

  13. Those are the exact hits the league wants to end, Ramage comes from the other side of the ice with the sole purpose of making a hit, not to play the puck.

    With that much time to make your hit, if you appear to make head contact you should expect a penalty, at the refs discretion, 2 or 5, and possibly a game misconduct.

    How about this, there is 45 mins left in that game, after 15 mins Ramage's team is down by 1 and a guy who barely saw the puck coming gets blind-sided without regard for his safety and no way to defend himself.

    Ramage saw the play coming, bravo, he made the wrong play in response.

    As much as everyone hates it, the checking player has a responsibility to the puck possessing player in blindside instances, real hockey is not a video game where you can turn off injuries and they are trying to protect these possible future stars.

    Seriously, stick lift right there and you are in a position to score instead of the showers.

    Incidental/minor contact with the head, in college, perfect time to teach.

    I don't agree alot with refs, but, I think they got it right sending off the trailing team's captain when that kind of disregard for safety is shown.

    Sorry goon fans, this was spot on.

    Sorry, I disagree. The puck possessor also has a responsibility to "keep his ******* head up". Where is that video of the linesman (I think) yelling that to a player?

    This hit could have been mitigated into a whiff or just something else if Oliver had his head up. This is exactly what Kronwall takes advantage of. Kinda interesting what Ramage's number is :)

  14. Not defending the attack on the mascot but...Silly string is NOT something you want sprayed in your eye. The evaproating propelant can cause frostbite and the solvent is flamable as it come out of the can. In addition, the stuff is a skin irritant, and people can have allergic reactions to it. What the mascot did could be considered battery.