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Posts posted by DangleDangleBeach

  1. i was just saying i liked the idea of a 2nd punch of franzen fillpula hudler with a 1st line with pav and hank maybe holmstrom.... between that and my "wish to trade cleary" i was pretty much called an idiot. as soon as i saw the article on mlive it seemed fitting to give this thread a little bump.

  2. Why does everyone seem to ALWAYS forget that Cleary has a no trade clause and a few more years on his contract? Draper also has another year. So "not bringing them back" would entail trades. Cleary simply cannot be traded. Period. End of discussion. Not even a fantasy, 1000 to 1 odds chance. And if Ken Holland traded 4 time Stanley Cup Champion and long time Wing Kris Draper in the last year of his contract, well, he and the Red Wings organization wouldn't be the group everyone here claims to be a fan of.

    I know you said "dream", but it's annoying how repetitive you people are about things that just can't happen. And your lines ignore real life too... no way Z and Pasha are on a line together, and there's no way Bert stays on the 3s with as high as Babs and Kenny are on him.



    you should tell babcock that!

  3. Sorry to burst your Hudler-hate bubble, but the head coach of the team already has stated Hudler will play top six minutes next season. You are no different -- in fact, actually worse -- than the Hudler "slappies" with your extreme hatred of Hudler. Beyond the big three, Hudler is the most talented offensive threat on the team now.

    hes about on the same level as flipper, maybe with a little better nack for scoring goals but i feel flip is probably a little more dependable without the puck. i agree though, huds is a stud, knows the system, got like 59 points for us not too long ago why cant he do that or better again? i know he was a ppg in the khl last year like 7th in the league in scoring or something and all under 3 mill per year.... thats a bargain IMO.

  4. Ok we don't want draper to retire now, we'd rather have him since the wings will eat the cap anyways.

    I've heard Poni a locker room cancer. Idk how true it is but I have a friend who knows Toronto's old Medical Trainer and he told me that Poni was just a slefish dick. I know i'm gonna hear the stories of i know so and so from so and so and so and so kinda poke fun at me stories but take it for what it's worth.

    not to mention EXTREMELY lazy defensively, sort of looks to me like he is playing drop in or something . i have also heard he isn't a very good team guy from when he was in toronto and now in schittsburgh.

  5. lidstrom has cashed illitch out for what, 50 mill? 100 mill?

    i understand money is money, and you "can never have enough" but in reality how much money do you really need? if you can afford to live the rest of you life worry free off of the red wings / illitch's money then in my opinion its selfish to take more then you need. yeah hes worth more on the open market, but hes been here his whole career, has made SO MUCH money i mean come on... be a class act like stevie take a pay cut and still make 1-2 mill MORE THEN ANY NORMAL PERSON MAKES and lets sign a rental stud to win nick one more cup. he has the power to make this team better then anyone else, all he needs to do is return cheap and the rest is in kennys hands.

    will he do it? idk... should he do it? stevie did

  6. i will cheer for yzerman for sure obviously behind our red wings.

    ill put tampa right there with some of the other teams i kinda like next to the wings, for some reason the ducks i like except when we play them then i HATE THEM, ottawa, washington is fun to watch.

    teams i hate.... schittsburgh!!! chicago, sjs, calgary, vancouver

  7. 1.

    sorry for dreaming!!! i said i knew we wouldnt be getting rid of draper and cleary, does it really bother you that much that i speculate the if we did aspect?? i mean it would make the team a hell of a lot more attractive and isnt that what we all want? i understand the wings are loyal and draper isnt going anywhere so just relax... im just speculating what if


    zberg and dats could play on the same line but they like to spread the talent to go with a more well rounded 1-2 punch as well as a center on each top line that is elite on both ends of the ice. instead of having 1 top line you get 2 i understand it. i also understand that they both are amazing on both ends of the ice and they possess the ability to shut down a teams top line while throwing either our 1b unit (dats or z line) at their secondary unit.

    flipper can also play center and has been watching dats and z for years and seems to have been taking notes on their defensive play. therefore i say put zberg on dats wing giving him less defensive responsibility and more time to concentrate on the offense and have filpula centering zbergs line it could seriously open things offensively while having the same overall idea of a 1-2 punch. flip franzen hudler could be a great potent 2nd unit and dats and z together could mean 40 goals+ for z.

    ohh wait i was dreaming again, sorry i forget how im not supposed to do that on LGW

  8. i am excited to have hudler back. a flipper hudler franzen line excites me.


    zetterberg datsyuk holmstrom

    hudler filpula franzen

    bert helm cleary


    my dream is that we dont bring back cleary (gets on my nerves, BAD) or draper but i doubt that will come true.

    take out cleary/draper... maybe go after frolov maybe a center like lombardi... not gonna happen but i can wish

    zberg dats frolov

    huds filp franzen

    bert helm holmstrom


    wont happen once again, but it sure would be sweet

  9. Yeah they are alot faster and dont get beat to many pucks, and since they are faster theny dont take stupid penalties when they battle for pucks. Not to mention both are great on the PK and are defensivly responsible. Chicago can keep Kopecky so they can buy him out in the next few seasons...

    exactly... the only player on the team this year who is just as ineffective is williams but even so, he is solid in shootouts, can man the point on the PP idk about how well but he can. so you could still argue he brings as much to the table as kopecky does. even williams had 15 points in 44 games which by the math is a better average then tomas once again. .34 points per game, or tomas with his .28

    for the 1.2 per year, id take helm, abs, miller, eaves, or even ritola any day over kopecky. this is what i will forever remember about having him... trying to fight and getting his cheekbone rearranged. it looked like it was going to be a good fight before haha

  10. yeah he has been so good.... that 21 points in 74 games for the hawks... how did we ever do without him? how about that whopping 4 points in 11 playoff games. MAN DO I MISS THIS GUY!!!

    eaves had 22 points in 65 games this year.... miller with 19 in 66

    eaves and miller put up just as many points as old tomas... but bring a lot more to the team for less money, kopecky makes 1.2 per year.

  11. I kind of agree. I was just thinking the other day, "Who can replace Holmstrom?" Nobody. Franzen should only play that role on the power play. Cleary is a warrior who's absolutely willing to take a lot of punishment in front of the net and battle for pucks. Yet, he doesn't draw as much attention from defensemen and isn't as good as Homer when it comes to following the puck.

    I hope Lidstrom and Holmstrom never age and thus never have to retire. Both are truly original and one of a kind.

    ryan smyth is the next best thing... probably more effective 5 on 5 though.

  12. I saw an interview on norwegian television a couple days ago, where he said that he thought it was OK to play in AHL. He understood that he would have to fight for a position in NHL. I hope Detroit will sign Zuccarello Awesome!

    for norway in the olympics i started to notice how much i heard his name and started trying to watch the guy and i must say that hes got speed, dangles, vision but sure lacks the size aspect. his puck possesion style of play and his ability to hold the puck just that extra second reminds me of my first impression of filpula/hudler/leino(when he looked confident). something i would definitely be interested in after he has proven he can adjust to the north american puck

  13. I agree with the last part. We don't necessarily need to move players as much as we need to get rid of McCrimmon. Our defense has gotten a lot worse since he got here.

    i dont think lidstrom will be back personally. he could come back, still better then 90 % of the D out there. my thing is, if i was that much better then everybody else then this season hes still great dont get me wrong but hes just not where he has been in the past which has got to be discouraging. therefore i feel he is going to say, "i want to go out while im still the best and not be the next chelios"

  14. From CapGeek.com.... I'd try and resign Lilja instead of Meech. Id also let Drew Miller walk. I hate how we have so many grinder types on our roster this year. When healthy, and with Hudler back, we dont need so many next year. Under this scenerio we would have 3.332 million in cap room and two spots to fill. Id use one to sign a 13th forward for the league minimum. If Drew Miller wants to play for .500 then fine. If not, he can walk. Then with 2.8 to fill a final spot, I would go after a forward better than Bertuzzi/Williams. Possibly Slava Kozlov for one year.... Just a suggestion, I dont know what kind of player we could get for 2 million, as Im sure wed probably want to leave some room for flexibility.

    Pavel Datsyuk ($6.700m) / Henrik Zetterberg ($6.083m) / Johan Franzen ($3.955m)

    Valtteri Filppula ($3.000m) / * Jiri Hudler ($2.880m) / Daniel Cleary ($2.800m)

    * Tomas Holmstrom ($2.000m) / Kris Draper ($1.583m) / * Darren Helm ($1.000m)

    * Justin Abdelkader ($0.850m) / * Patrick Eaves ($0.700m)


    Brian Rafalski ($6.000m) / * Nicklas Lidstrom ($4.000m)

    Brad Stuart ($3.750m) / Niklas Kronwall ($3.000m)

    * Andreas Lilja ($1.250m) / Jonathan Ericsson ($0.900m)

    Jakub Kindl ($0.883m)


    Chris Osgood ($1.417m) / Jimmy Howard ($0.717m)


    ROSTER: 20; PAYROLL: $53.468m; CAP ROOM: $3.332m

    personally i dont see holmer coming back next season. though an effective pp player, 5 on 5 he has really slowed down... not saying hes a liability but if he wasnt snug on datsyuks wing he may be. nevertheless, the guy hasn't played a full season in like 3 years i just dont see him wanting to struggle through another season in the league after all his recent injuries and the abuse he has endured from since before i can remember. great player, great career... just am not sure he has any left in the tank and if he does it will be another half season because he just cant stay healthy anymore. personally, i wouldn't mind holmer back as long as he produces but it has got to be frustrating for him since he hasnt been able to get a healthy season in, in awhile.

  15. If you compare Ryan Malone is scoring at a better rate, is more efficient, has more assists. He is quite a bit younger as Holmstrom is getting up there. Holmstrom isn't a franchise player that we should just let retire without getting something back now for him. Ryan Malone would add more to this team then Holmstrom can right now even when healthy.

    why would tampa bay trade malone for holmstrom? holmer hasnt been healthy for like 2-3 years now.

  16. I don't understand why people would trade for Williams? Nobody made him an offer over the summer...no one. Why now, for some reason, would other GMs want him? It's not like he's had a stellar year, he's barely played.

    totally agree here, if someone in the offseason didn't want him why would they want him now after an injury riddled / unproductive season? (shootout goal last night was tight though)

    the loyalty the wings organization have to its players is killing us....

    rafalski has taken a step in the wrong direction, dont recall last year him making the amount of mistakes he has this year. with his ntc its unlikely he will be moved but 6 mill a year for him is too funny.

    lidstrom started slow, but nick is nick. he is the man but at 8 mill a year he needs to take a paycut or something because we cannot lock up 14 mill to do D over 35 anymore.... its killing us.

    cleary, malts, drapes, thanks for everything but these guys could EASILY be replaced by helm, abs, miller eaves, cheaper replacements too

    holmer, though a PP specialist is a liability on the 5 on 5. great career, but i feel he will retire soon especially with the amount of time he has been in and out of the line-up the last couple of years.... how long can an individual take that beating he takes? anybody seen how good miller is in front of the net? he is.

    lilja, please get another headache.... seems like a nice guy and i feel for him but i dont think my heart can take to see lilja ericcson together, you think jimmy is hung out to dry now? just wait.

    ozzie.... well.... what can i really say? we cant even give jimmy a night off anymore, we need another young goalie, halak would be great with jimmy.

    i could keep going but ill stop there.... this team needs to take a step in the younger direction... being loyal only gets you so far.

  17. on espn forums its the exact same thing... people dont like that this organization has been so competetive for long and now they are underachieving this year people are going to definitely kick our team and our fans while were down.

    sucks, but im confident we can make the playoffs, and look forward to this offseason because it sure is going to get interesting. imo players like malts, holmer (effective on pp but how much longer can he really take abuse in front like that?) draper, ozzie, even cleary could EASILY be replaced but due to our loyalty wont be unless they retire.

    a lot of memories in this group mentioned, they did great things while here but lets face it, abs, miller, eaves, helm, howard, have proven that they can take on those roles and are younger and will come cheaper. you either bring up larrson/mccollum or pick up a ty conklin type who can back up howard and boom, you have a younger, hungrier team and it frees up salary.

    the real interesting thing will be lidstrom, and his 7.45 mill per year. would be great if he would sign for cheap but i doubt it.... but say he doesn't sign. i think kronwall, rafalski, stuart, ericcson, meech/lebda/kindl/ even maybe lilja would be a solid group. solid core, gain 7.45 more mill of salary, and lidstrom goes out as the lidstrom we want to remember.

    so say liddy doesn't resign and retires and we go the route of using what we have already got, and draper, maltby, holmer, ozzie cleary, and "replaced" by helm, abs, miller, eaves, mccollum/larrson then we could really have some salary left over. i trust ken holland, but i like the idea of a younger approach and like 10 million extra dollars to spend... just me dreaming, sorry guys, at least the first sentence was relevant.

  18. Yep, trade our fifth or sixth best forward prospect (which Fleischmann was) and a draft pick for the league's leading scorer. Dumb trade right?

    ummm lang didnt do s*** for us, st louis lead the league in points that year and where was lang after that season where he was so productive FOR WASHINGTON, NOT DETROIT, he only got us like 5-6 points.... did he ever lead us to the cup? ever have a point per game season for us? yeah that trade was dumb, buddy. fleischmann could really help right now, mike green was one of those draft picks.... lang never accomplished anything or produced when it came down to it.

    wheres igor grigorenko? he was probably our number one prospect at that point 5 spots in front of fleischmann.... hes really excelled for us dont you think? better player then fleischmann, thats for sure.

  19. if the thrashers haven't made progress closing in on the deadline he will be sent packing but if dats during the olympics told illya to keep negotiations rolling just never bite and then in the offseason the wings will have the space for him haha not going to happen. in all reality, we dont have the cap space for him or the pieces atlanta is really looking for. dont think they want leino maltby and raffi with his ntc? haha

    they probably will want helm kronwall ericcson ferraro + other prospects.... not the guys on our team whose salaries are worth moving but we can all dream.