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Posts posted by DangleDangleBeach

  1. Howard's been letting in more and more weak goals lately too. Again, I'm not saying that to knock, I'm just saying, this isn't as one-sided as so many think. And when you let Osgood get frustrated on the bench, all the while getting cold and struggling to find a rhythm, and then put him in a game and have him play well only to be sent back to the bench for 4-5 games (it's happened at least a couple times lately)...

    Well, then it really should be no surprise that he'd struggle a bit against a team like Chicago. But Osgood struggles and comes back and tends to have a killer "next game." But he hasn't had a "next game" in far, far too long, despite deserving one on multiple occasions.

    That's not on Howard's great play, nor on Osgood's supposed "weak" play. That's Mike Babcock making some stupid decisions.

    as long as howard continues to give the chance to win why not keep him in? in his last 12 he has only let in 18 goals which is good for a 1.67 gaa and the games he has been in when we have lost he did everything to get the win but score goals. howard is playing solid, is the goalie of the future so why not let him get comfortable in the net since he will be here in 5 years, (idealy) and ozzie wont.

    teams gameplans against the wings while howard is in net is completely thrown off... in the past to beat the wings all you had to do was put everything at the net and ozzie was good for 1-2 cheesers and would get outplayed by the other goalie more often then not regardless of the team winning of losing. howard doesn't let in those cheesers once per game like ozzie did and has outplayed anderson and bryzgalov in his last two starts which have been two of the better goalies in the west for their respective teams. you actually have to work to put something behind him and their gameplan of throw everything at the net is not as effective as it was prior to having him in net.

  2. 1 - Lilja

    2 - Franzen

    3 - Zetterberg

    4 - Williams

    5 - Kronwall

    i hate those five for being injured lol. But really, here's my real list

    1 - Shea Weber (lilja was becoming one of my fav wings when the fight occured)

    2 - Chris Pronger (no explanation required)

    3 - Sydney Criesby (Way too overrated and overhyped. I personally think malkin is better)

    4 - Mike Ribeiro (everytime we play dallas this guy just irks me to no end)

    5 - Jarrko Ruutu (i don't know why but i just wanna sucker punch this guy)

    Now, for something a little different here's a list of NON wing players who I DO LIKE.

    1 - Scott Hartnell (i'd love to have a guy like scotty in a wings uni)

    2 - Evgeni Malkin (I don't hate the pens, i just hate crosby)

    3 - Brooks Orpik (love his no give up attitude)

    4 - Jonathan Toews (I think kane is overrated and toews, underrated)

    5 - Dustin Bufglyen (reminds me of a young Homer with a mean streak)

    what did lilja do that you liked so much? get burned? cough up the puck? losing battles? getting his clocked cleaned for trying to be an badass when he is just a soft european and he clearly showed us why teams tend to stick to north american hard nosed D, and though there are rare exceptions (charas a perfect one) your phaneuf bouwmeister weber suter whitney pronger SCOTT STEVENS are way more common for good reason. lilja reminded me way too much of kuznetsov, krupp, none of which were worth salt and neither is lilja.

    watch a couple of lilja highlights for me and tell me you still like him... heres some fights that he had, seems to end up on the bottom in just about every youtube fight video on there.


    and this one right here is my favorite right here, tune into the 7:20 mark and watch whos guy ends the season for the red wings.... your beloved lilja. this is the lilja pattented dont pick up your guy / let him walk to the hole and end the game move.

    classic lilja doing what he does best.

  3. i swear, if all of our players return and are just given their spots back after the way a lot of our depth has performed i will be very upset. i feel that injuries will help us in the long run, creating competition between players fighting for the same spot. i just feel that guys like williams should have to earn their minutes from guys like abs when they come back...

    healthy competition is always a good thing, and the kids who are filling in have performed imo, hard to just send em back down. im excited for next year to see these kids turn into regulars, and hopefully see malts drapes holmer etc... retire as sad is it is to say, it needs to happen. that way we can resign helm abs miller eaves etc... because they all have earned it in my eyes.

  4. The entire team is struggling offensively. Bert included. He should of had 15 goals by now considering all the goal posts. Hopefully things ave turned around and he starts doing what he has "almost" been doing all season

    well, at least he is doing the right things. thats more than a lot of our more pricey players can say.... cough cough datsyuk

  5. well first off, it is not going to happen. second, he likes the talent atlanta has surrounded him with, the club is moving in the right direction. off the top of my head, peverley, kane, bagosian, little, armstrong, white, antropov, afinegenov (who the team offered a contract to try and make kovalchuk happy, and well, it did) i mean the team has a lot of young talent going. they are building that team around kovalchuk and will pay him whatever it takes (way more then the wings could) to keep him in an atlanta uniform the rest of his life. kovalchuk is a force, and from what i have heard is happy with the direction in which the club is heading, therefore it seems like he is probably gonig to stay there.

    an actually logical trade for kovalchuk since they arent just going to give away a top 5 forward in this league for a sack of potatos (filpula, malts, draps). they wouldn't want franzen, since he cant stay healthy, they would more likely either want datsyuk or zetterberg + some change.

    wings send: zetterberg, leino

    wins receive: kovalchuk

    they might want to target young talent too, but umm we dont have too much salary space here. another logical trade that the cap prevents could be like:

    wings receive: kovalchuk

    wings send: leino and/or filpula + a prospect or two + a pick or two.

    you may say this is a lot, yes, but kovalchuk has scored 184 goals over the last 4 seasons, i think they are going to want someone to overpay if they cant keep him themselves.

    my 2 cents

  6. I would consider something like Roy + Myers for Dats or Bergeron + Lucic for Dats... Still I think we are better keeping him.

    This season I red at least three interviews where he said he is feeling exceptionally tired. I know he is getting 6.7M per season, needs to earn his money and that stuff but... It just happens. He'll be much better by the end of the season.

    so your telling me you would trade a player who has 194 points over the last two seasons for bergeron and lucic? LUCIC????? i know LGW is pro-enforcer... but if we get an enforcer it should be one whos bones aren't made of glass. lucic broke his finger, came back, then hurt his leg.... you really want that *****? you dont think dats is worth a little more then that? if your answer to that question is no i would suggest finding another sport because your just not understanding hockey.

  7. To those honestly considering trading Datsyuk, I hope you have never ever once criticized a player's loyalty before (Fedorov anyone?)... An MVP caliber player who is committed to the franchise long-term, has helped us win two cups, and is a year removed from the finals.... and there is trade talk? Sheesh, talk about malcontents. 1 bad stretch in the guys career with us and he's suddenly Mr. Expendable.

    the way i see it, 1 goal and 9 points in 16 playoff games at 6.7 mill a year is hilarious. 21 points in 28 games is just as unacceptable. we can all sit here and talk about what he has done, 194 points over the last 2 seasons is beatiful, but lets talk about what he is doing... counting last years playoffs datsyuk has scored 30 points in 44 games and that isn't superstar material imo but you never know, but i mean, since last years playoffs?

    to the guy who wants to send datsyuk to the sharks.... think about it like this, would you want datsyuk on the sharks when he started playing more like datsyuk? or any team for that matter.

    (even though there is NO WAY the sharks could ever make that work contract wise unless they gave up one of boyle/heaters/marleau/thornton which i dont see happening).

  8. umm Brad May is anything but a punching bag.May is a warrior and one of the most respected players in the game.you go out there and attempt to do what he does night after night.what a dumb post.

    how about how may would WHOOP downeys ass!!!>!??!! hes got old man strength, dont f*** wit it

  9. Either you're ignorant of the Wings' prospect pool or you're confused about the meaning of the word "pathetic".

    Howard is a former blue-chip prospect playing well in his rookie NHL season.

    Larsson is a standout who won the SEL's top goalie award 2 years ago, was named to the AHL All-Star team as a rookie last year and is on the All-Star ballot this season. He's done nothing but play outstanding hockey. This month he's 5-1, 2.14 GAA and 0.926 SV%.

    McCollum is a 19 year old 1st rounder who was one of the top 2 goalies in the OHL last season. Now he's playing his first season of pro hockey. He looked good early but has been struggling more lately. Still, the entire Wings organization's been buzzing about Thomas since he showed up at training camp and blew their socks off with his technique, size and ability.

    Pearce just entered the system as a college standout. He's playing in the ECHL right now where he's struggled but should hopefully adjust as he gets used to the game there. He would be playing in the AHL but the Wings already have their top two goaltending prospects there.

    I just can't understand where your comment came from. Do you really think many organizations have more than 3 kids playing pro hockey right now?

    yeah our goalie prospects are sick.... and jimmy is a really good goalie. im not at all worried about our goalie situation, ozzie scares me a little though but howard has confidence and skills which is a great combination.

  10. Paying $250 for an authentic jersey from the NHL so they can line their pockets with pure profit makes me sick. How much do you think they're paying to manufacture the jerseys here in the USA? I'm here to support the Red Wings, not overpaid NHL executives. Maybe you should start an American bootlegging operation so I can buy from you...

    i would if i could, beleive me. you do have good points... i just assume buy american in this economy, it isn't always an option though i do understand.

  11. hey osgod, you might want to sand down that pine on the bench so your boy osbad doesn't get splinters in his ass, he better get comfy as long as howard is around.

    actually my jersey was made in america, its by reebok... you see, since the economy has been people like me check tags, try to only buy things that are made in USA.

    for example, i needed a cutting board.... went to a couple of small shops in my city and they all had plastic ones, all made in china of course, you didn't even have to look you could just tell. so i went online, found a vermont company that makes them of beautiful hardwood... not plastic. so i spent close to 100 instead of 15 bucks, but my board will be around for years, not months, and my money went into an americans pocket. id rather spend more money on an american product then save money and have to buy a chinese cutting board every year for the rest of my life.

    1 trillion and rising.... and im the idiot because i buy american? you ******* obamarons....