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Everything posted by bcw420

  1. bcw420

    Brandon Wong

    How is a statement like any jersery Brandon gets will be the Wong number not hostile and offensive? Does he not have a tougher time to make it to the pro level without that kind of BS and not funny statement about his race? Even if it is meant to be a joke you think it's even funny after it has been told for the 100th time? Another one I have heard is Wong's Wings now? Sorry this is wrong and I hate to say it but racist. It is demeaning Brandon where we all should be celebrating this significant accomplishment of this young man, it shows there are those out there ready to mock his heritage and bring him down.
  2. bcw420

    Brandon Wong

    It's strange because Brandon is Asian, and of course I an Asian and I really like to see him play in the NHL. I been going on some blogs and the attacks he gets I feel are unfair. But hey it's part of being different in a negative way and having a stupid name which is easy to mock and demean. I mean it's a free country to a certain extent and all I wish is he get a fair opportunity to play.
  3. bcw420

    Brandon Wong

    Hardly give him a fair chance, you obviously aint of fan of him and that is okay. Just like I aint your fan either. Affirmative action man.
  4. bcw420

    Wong is not wrong

    Brandon had an assist. Wow this would be historic another Wong derful guy making it. There was a Micheal Wong that briefly played for the Red Wings back in the 70's. Wong can play for those Wong haters.
  5. bcw420

    Brandon Wong signs ATO with Griffins

    Sun Ting Wong, 2 wong make a white. Asians do find this offensive and let me tell you why as a social civil rights activist. Its racist, it not like a blonde joke because there is no stigma being blonde and rather the opposite it is a social desirable physical characteristic. Second, there is still racial prejudice around. Associating wong with wrong is demeaning and insulting. Why no jokes about brad and good 2 rons dont make a right? Could there be a racial element to this joke? History of exclusion, that is why there are so few Asians in general, not socially or popular group. These jokes are unacceptable, demeaning, insulting and not funny. If we had more nice things to say about Asians then we might be willing to let it slide, however in this society non whites are looked down upon as less worthy. I hope this is a lesson to those on the forum, let make this world better and more equal and respectful than before.