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Posts posted by kipwinger

  1. I really like those lines, but if it was any lines I could have with any Wings players, it would be almost the same, but:





    I would keep that 3rd line together until they become our 1st line, and then still keep them together until they all retire! Trade Kindl to the Jets for Stuart and bench Quincey:




    That team could win the Cup. I'm confident of that.

    I wish this would work, and I sure hope it still will...but given how bad Franzen, Weiss, and Alfie played together I'd be real hesitant to pencil them in together.

  2. I don't think a budget team like Nashville is going to cough up 28 million for 2 years of the new contract and then deal Weber. It just doesn't make sense.

    Yeah, this is what I'm thinking too. The amount of money they've invested in him keeps him there for a while, and the amount of money we'd have to pay him (including his bonuses) means we don't go get him. There is no way we trade for a guy that makes more than Dats or Z. Just not happening.

  3. I am going to be one of the first to have it written down. This summer, Ken Holland will pursue and most likely attain the services of Shea Weber. Nashville didn't like that contract to begin with and they are really riding the bottom of the NHL and will look for a new direction. Babcock will spend the Olympics schmoozing Weber and talking up the direction of the Red Wings, and when the Wings make the playoffs for the 23rd straight season this will solidify Weber's decision to want to come to Detroit. The price will be hefty, but it will involve our 1st round pick this season to give Nashville TWO picks in the top 17. It may include some guys that we do not want to lose, but for Weber, the price is worth it...

    You're off your rocker man, but I do appreciate your enthusiasm.

  4. Yes that's one way to put it, but personally I would leave the twins split. I throw Weiss on pavels wing because I believe he is the best guy to help get him going and feeling confident! If we get the Stephen Weiss of old, this team is gonna be so scary! If they can somehow keep all the kids up and get the dead weight out I would seriously put there forward group up against any other in the NHL!

    Weiss- datsyuk- alfy

    Nyquist- z- mule

    Tatar- Sheehan- jurco

    Abby- helm- glendening

    With this lineup you have 3 scoring lines, but they are also all defensively responsible. You have a kid line full of energy, skill, speed, determination, and hunger. You have an energy 4th line that is so fast and will give teams absolute fits, but they are also responsible and can match up with other teams top lines.

    Weiss is a natural center and has never played the wing consistently in his professional career. How would putting him in an unnatural position, in an unnatural system make him feel more comfortable and "get him going".

    Better to put Z on Weiss' wing if you're trying to coax along his offense considering Z produces better on the wing than he does at center.

  5. Henrik Zetterberg Pavel Datsyuk Tomas Jurco

    Johan Franzen Stephen Weiss Gustav Nyquist

    Tomas Tatar Riley Sheahan Daniel Alfredsson

    Justin Abdelkader Darren Helm Jordin Tootoo

    (Re: Tootoo - Yes, I'm trolling.)

    I like this. Except swap Helm and Sheahan (considering Helm learned how to score goals out of nowhere) and drop Tootoo for Miller (since you've already dropped one of our better PK guys in Andy).

    I like it because you've got a guy who can carry the puck into the zone on each line (Dats, Weiss, Helm, Sheahan), a guy who plays well without the puck on each line (Z, Franzen, Tatar, Abby), and a guy who's most successful when playing with the puck (Jurco, Nyquist, Tatar) on the others. Miller is obviously there for defense and special teams so who cares what he does with or without the puck.


    So right now Zetterberg, Datsyuk, Andersson, and Weiss are out but most likely all will be back after the Olympics.

    Bert sat last night for Alfredsson and Sammy was waived for Franzen's return.

    After the Olympics, there will be 3 players currently on the roster who will not be there. Here are some candidates to be sent down/waived:







    As the article mentions, Bert and Cleary are struggling offensively and could be waived. Knowing Babs' man-crush for Cleary I am assuming that Danny Boy stays on the team (he has an 'A' on for God's sake!). Bert has struggled but I think he has a net-front presence that can't be easily replaced, even by Franzen.

    So, at this point there is a hard decision to see who the "best guys" are. My picks to be sent down are Glendening (hate to see his grit go but they want goals), Jurco (similar to Tatar, not as productive as of late), and Sheahan (although he has played very good and the Tatar-Sheahan-Nyquist combo was great against FLA). But barring an injury-free Wings team (HA!) these guys will get plenty more games this season.

    Weiss has so little wiggle-room to fit into the offensive scheme it almost isn't fair. The young guys are playing like they have something to prove and are proving it. I think he could be the top trade-bait player (does he have an NTC/NMC?) if he doesn't produce immediately.

    Weiss does have an NTC if I recall correctly.

  7. Yes Kip, those are the projected season totals. BTW 248 goals as a team would be top 10 every year as well.

    Gotcha, mine were their current goal totals. I'll give you this, your team can hit. I didn't tally my hits yet, but I specifically put Okposo, Simmonds, and three hard hitting defenders on their to make sure they'd be tough to play against.

  8. I agree with Dickie about Green. I just moved to Washington D.C. in November and I watch a lot of Caps games. Green is ******* horrible. He plays zero defense, he's no good on the PP anymore, and he makes way too much money to be in and out of the lineup on a weekly basis. No thanks.

    I disagree with Dickie about Weber. He's hugely overrated defensively. Sure he can score, and he's pretty good defensively, but like Letang he's an offensive defenseman dressed up (and paid) like a two way guy. He's not. Plus, take a look at all the guaranteed money he gets based on insane bonuses. There's no way the Wings should bring in a guy who's going to make almost 30 million dollars a year for the next two or three years. And they definitely shouldn't gut their promising young forwards to do it.

  9. The play by most of the Griffins call ups is going to make things very interesting once we get the majority of our players back. If I had to guess, I would say that both Sheahan and Jurco will go back down. What I can't figure out is how you take Glendening out of the lineup (even for say Andersson).

    After watching the past few games both he (Glendening) and Lashoff have stood out to me. Not because they create great chances or play smart defensive hockey, but because both can be a bit nasty. I think that element more than say a crushing hitter or some big time fighter is what we've been missing most.

    Both of the those guys do play solid hockey, but they also get under people's skin. Glendening was all over Kane during the Chicago game and was at someone else earlier in the week. And Lashoff, although he may not crush people, can be down right nasty in front of his own net (see the Hossa exchange during the last game). These two guys make us harder to play against, maybe not physically so much but definitely mentally for the other team. I think the wings expected this out of Tootoo, but just got a guy who runs around, tries to put people through the boards and fights occasionally. I think the fact the two guys above are just on top of the other team from the get go pisses them off, especially if they're giving someone a hidden slash or crosscheck.

    Plus Glendening gives us something we currently don't have, a right-handed centerman.

    Said it before I'll say it again, I love Brian Lashoff. Despite never scoring, and being on the ice with linemates who never score, he's still a respectable -2...ya know...because he actually plays defense. A far cry from the defensive ubermensch that are Kindl and Smith.

  10. I would trade for fleischmann, get rid of Bert, Sammy, Cleary, and Quincy.. I would have my lines be

    Zetterberg, Datsyuk, Alf

    Fleisch, Weiss, Franzen

    Tatar, helm, nyquist

    Jurco, Sheahan, eaves/tootoo

    Kronwall, Eric

    Dekeyser, smith

    Lash, marchenko/sproul/alm



    I like your gusto, but you just gutted your penalty killing. Miller and Andersson are key components in one of the league's better PKs.

    Sounds good to me if Samuelsson would agree to it. You wouldn't think he'd be opposed to it, but he's not always easy to figure out.

    Agreed. I mean, it's entirely hypothetical. I was just trying to explain why I don't see Sammy as "unmovable" the way many do.

    Also, because it's possible doesn't mean it's probable.

    Also Also, I still don't want Fleischmann. I just think that's the kind of move Holland would do.

  11. You can add as many players as you can fit under the cap. For the playoffs, there is no cap I think

    Aha, so barring an injury to a player who makes a decent amount of money the Wings would be able to add nobody because we're up against the cap?

  12. You have it pegged, but the only problem is the Wings have no cap or roster space. Getting rid of bodies is a must if a move is going to be made. It's frustrating, to say the least. None of the GR guys should go back, but when everyone is healthy, I have no idea how this situation will be resolved. Even Eaves has proven his worth. He could be possible trade bait, but he doesn't give a whole lot of cap relief. If they waived one or all of Cleary, Bertuzzi and Sammy, it would give us roster space, but not cap space. Holland has backed himself into a corner with no good way out.

    I mean, he's definitely in a hot spot, but personally I don't think it's as bad as everyone says. Holland has always been reluctant to move potential, but if he is willing and can find the right deal around a young player, prospect, or pick then I don't see the vets being a problem. Here's why: If you're Florida and you're willing to trade Fleischmann for prospects and picks and Detroit is the right match for you, but the only way to make it work is to take Sammy as well, then you'd be stupid not to do it. Sammy's cap hit wouldn't matter because you've got plenty of room. You'd only have to pay about 1/3 of his salary because actual salary is pro-rated for the season. And finally, he's not under contract so he doesn't hurt you long term. Basically, You'd lose Fleischmann's bigger salary for Sammy's smaller one, and you'd gain the prospects and picks which wouldn't count against you financially until next year (at the earliest). At which point Sammy would be gone to free agency or retirement, and it wouldn't matter.

    Also since Sammy isn't playing much (at all) and he's getting paid either way, I don't see it being a hard sell to convince him to waive his no-trade clause to go "earn" his money soaking up the sun in Florida for a couple of months.

    Using the same formula you could potentially move anyone. Hell, if you can get clear of Sammy then everyone else would be a piece of cake.

  13. Former Wing prospect, European, fits the bill on most of Hollands requirements, but he's under 30 and over 6 ft.. Too young and too tall. ;) But I appreciate an actual realistic trade proposal. I could see it happening depending on if Florida would take some roster guys in return. But that goes against Holland's MO too. He usually only wants to trade draft picks.

    Unless something has changed, the last I heard was that Florida was trying to dump salary for prospects and picks. Given that Fleischmann has another year on his contract, and if the prospect-pick combo is still what they're after I could definitely see Holland offering our 2nd and a second stage prospect. Not a Jurco, Sproul, Mrazek type of prospect, but maybe a Marchenko, Pulkkinen, Ferraro type. Those are exactly the kinds of trades that Holland will make. It's that whole "offering something of value" thing that really jams him up.

  14. Legit question here for the forum. How does the roster expansion work after the trade deadline? I mean, how do the rules work to ensure that there is no cap circumvention? I legitimately don't know the nuts and bolts of this one.

  15. what about volchenkov?

    wasnt there rumblings he was on the block?

    {kindl}, (emmerton), (tootoo),*sammy*,(andersson),{glendening},{lashoff},(quincey),*cleary*

    cap, schmap.

    make it happen kenny!

    every trade has {one positive}, (one question), and *one negative*, so lets give them options!

    I absolutely love Anton Volchenkov, always have. But he makes way more money (4.25 million) than he's worth at this point in his career. The only way I'd consider it is if the Devils were willing to retain some salary.

    Plus he really doesn't help our transition woes, which in my opinion is the biggest shortfall of our defense. At this point he's a third pair stay at home guy, with excellent penalty killing skills. We really don't need that at this point as Lashoff, Ericsson, and Kronwall all kill penalties and Lashoff can do the work on the third pair for MUCH less money than Anton.

  16. Ok here is my expansion team. BTW I have a love/hate relationship with capgeek. lots of good info, never can get it to post over here.......

    King 18 G / Johansen 32 G / Okposo 32 G

    Niederreiter 14 G / Hanzel 24 G / Kassian 17 G

    Kulemin 11 G / Eller 16 G / Brouwer 15 G

    Greening 7 G / Wingels 17 G / Setoguchi 13 G

    Kulikov 7 G / Erik Johnson 12 G

    Smid 2 G / Petry 5 G

    Siedenburg 2 G / Fayne 4 G

    Bishop G

    total cap: 43.3 million

    total goals: 248

    total hits: 2966-500 hits more than any team over the last 10 full seasons!

    Other than Siedenburg everyone is 28 or younger, all RW are RHed, 3 of the D are RHed, and 2 of the C's are RHed.

    BTW I spent about 4 hours playing with this. Next time I will make it easier.

    What are the numbers beside their names? Those aren't their current goals, is that a projection for the season?

  17. Would penguins move letang? If anything they need more defensemen. Maybe Ericsson a shutdown guy

    Ericsson + Helm for Letang. Penguins need help defensively

    I think they'd move him. They're apparently thick with defense prospects and Letang isn't playing that well. Plus he makes a fortune. I could definitely see them trying to get out from under that cap hit, it's WAY too much for Letang (7.2 million).

    Which brings me to my second point. No way do the Wings trade for a guy who makes more than Datsyuk or Zetterberg. I just don't see it.

  18. So if i wanted stamkos he would have to have his cap hit at 2.5 mill since he is 23? damn this is going to be a bit more difficult than I thought.

    Exactly, based on the rules it's impossible to have Stamkos, Crosby, Zetterberg, Ovechkin, etc. etc. etc. You really have to find bargains and/or guys who are still good even though they're old. It's way harder that you think.