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Everything posted by Euro_Twins

  1. Euro_Twins

    [Retired] Official Lockout Thread

    Bettman added that the offer calls for no salary rollback and the revised schedule - if implemented - would see every team play an extra game every five weeks. NHLPA executive director Donald Fehr said the offer - which is at least six years in length - is an "excellent start" and he would go over it with his membership in a 5pm et conference call. I have not seen anything about HRR but in the NHL's last proposal they had HRR definitions stay the same, so who knows it is quite possible they did the same here.
  2. Euro_Twins

    Sacrifice the full season to guarantee Bettman's removal? This article states the NHL/Bettman have caved, offered the so desired 50/50 revenue split, a full 82 game season, adding 1 game every 5 weeks, so we may not see an end to Bettmans reign anytime soon, but possibly an end to the lockout this week... fingers crossed, here's to hoping
  3. Euro_Twins

    Sacrifice the full season to guarantee Bettman's removal?

    I must apologize, I quoted the wrong person on my thread, although it truly is not the owners choice, Bettman decided to use the lockout as a negotiating tactic three times. Nonetheless this was the post I meant to quote
  4. Euro_Twins

    Sacrifice the full season to guarantee Bettman's removal?

    I don't want to seem rude, just thought I'd mention 23 owners CAN overturn Bettman, 22 cannot overrule him
  5. Euro_Twins

    Sacrifice the full season to guarantee Bettman's removal?

    I voted yes, but the voices in my head have explained to me that I am not insane. This is filled with inaccuracies, he had plenty of options, a lockout should be a last resort, not a bargaining chip. He could have made more realistic proposals over the summer, he could have sat down with Fehr and a mediator to negotiate a deal, He could have had the players continue playing under the old CBA while he negotiated, and set a deadline, i.e. if we dont have a cba by December we cancel the winter classic and all preceeding it, so a mid-season lock-out, then the league wouldn't be losing revenue. He could have gotten a group of players, the owners, and fehr together and hashed out a rough deal of what everyone would be semi-happy with. To say the lockout is all the owners is pure ignorance, yes the players may be partially at fault for not negotiating better, blah blah blah but the main fact stands that Bettman is the one stopping THEM fromplaying NHL hockey right now, and it is all by his choice. I have said it before and will say it again, all owners are not on Bettmans side, they knew he had his 8 votes, so in order to seem strong to the pa they all voted yes to the lockout, but it was Bettmans idea, not the owners, most of the owners would love for the nhl to be in full throtle right now.
  6. Euro_Twins

    Sacrifice the full season to guarantee Bettman's removal?

    So you are telling me, we could have been watching hockey right now? Boo to the players for turning it down
  7. Euro_Twins

    Sacrifice the full season to guarantee Bettman's removal?

    Even if Bettman got the vote, it wold still take 23 teams to override him (yes, still a depressing number) and bettman getting a vote does destroy a legimtimate vote, the problem is not enough owners want to stand up against him...
  8. Euro_Twins

    Sacrifice the full season to guarantee Bettman's removal?

    It is 23/30, only 8 owners need to side with Bettman, so 7 or less on his side overrules him They do not all love gary bettman. Most sided with him because it only takes 8 owners to give him full power, so they did not want the nhl to seem weak, and like they weren't all on the same page to the pa. Many owners do not agree with the lockout, but it will take 23 owners to overrule Bettman
  9. Euro_Twins

    [Retired] Official Lockout Thread

    No, not all issues are major issues by any stretch of the imagination. They are not locking out the players beczuse the players refuse to take drug tests after the trade deadline, they are locking them out because of money. All of these secondary issues can be sorted out during the season once they sign a deal, these are not deal breaking issues they are discussing, and I believe they are only discussing it to give the illusion to fans that they are making progress, as if the fans are stupid enough to fall for their parlour tricks
  10. Euro_Twins

    2012 Baseball thread

    How in anyway as a sports fan in general can you say that is a let down, forget who you are rooting for. This is a great playoff run in every series, tigers go up 2-0, end up having to win it in game 5 after valverde messes up a chance to take it in game 4, The cardinals rally 4 runs in the 9th inning to win the series, when they had two outs and two strikes on 5 of their hits in the ninth. The Giants rally back from a 0-2 start to take the series 3-2, The yankees went up 2-0, and in game 4 went 13 innings before the yankees lost to force game 5, and then obviously the yanks win game 5 to close out the series. These games are unpredictable and fun to watch.
  11. Euro_Twins

    [Retired] Official Lockout Thread

    That is not all they talk about, I heard when Bettman and Fehr have their private meetings they talk about new ways to screw everyone over while smoking expensive cigars and drinking 50 year old scotch
  12. Euro_Twins

    [Retired] Official Lockout Thread

    Yes I know there has not yet been a proposal, I was merely quoting Tsn's article about how the PA was currently in the process of drafting a new proposal, when it will be submitted is yet to be determined, for now they have not finished drafting it yet.
  13. Euro_Twins

    2012 Baseball thread

    I'm glad you have faith, it's nice to see someone else have faith... Problem will be if they decide to close with Valverde again(history shows it's a possibility) I hope they are smart enough to sit him a for a long time though *gingers crossed*
  14. Euro_Twins

    [Retired] Official Lockout Thread

    I don't know if you skipped over it or what, but I did directly quote the article in my post; Read the fourth paragragh, and you will see where daly says that quote exactly.
  15. Euro_Twins

    2012 Baseball thread

    Why does Valverde always have this habit of screwing up everything for the tigers in the post-season? I mean they had a two run lead, he just needed 3 outs, 1 inning he couldn't get a single strike-out, only a pop fly for an out and let three runs in. If he put half the effort into practicing his pitching game as he puts into his stupid shennanigans pre-pitch, they may have won the game. Now the tigers don't get the extra game rest and face a possible elimination after being up 2-0 in the series... rant over, I just wish Leyland would trade him/bench him... sad really, even after he pulled the same stuff last year, ok rant is seriously over now.
  16. Euro_Twins

    [Retired] Official Lockout Thread

    Great, the next round of cancellations will be on my birthday it's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to. Check out this link, according to tsn the union is working on a proposal after the nhl "urged" the pa to submit a new proposal.
  17. Don't post stuff on here that makes me want to cry lol
  18. I can't agree with this more, I can picture the smile on his face right before getting pelted with tomatoes...
  19. Euro_Twins

    [Retired] Official Lockout Thread

    I agree that we would still be in the same spot we are in now, but I may have been a little bit happier knowing that they were negotiating for 9 months before cancelling games, rather then 2 months
  20. Euro_Twins

    Where Do You Rank Our Defense?

    *correction, thats what you do when you are capable of doing so. We made attempts to get Suter & Parise, and Bouwmeester and other D-men aswell. Calgary will not give us bou without making us heavily over pay for them, we already got white after they didn't want him, and they saw how that turned out. Now that they have control over it they and every other team are not going to want to be the ones who add the missing piece to detroit. Unfortunately, Suter, greene, carle among others did not want to go to detroit.Even Columbus wouldn't give us Nash for what Holland and Babcock described as a hell of a deal (I heard Flip, Franz, and Nyquist were offered) So if you were Holland what would you do?
  21. Euro_Twins

    Hudler removed from KHL team, suffers injury

    I got my stats from the NHL page, took them straight from there
  22. Euro_Twins

    Hudler removed from KHL team, suffers injury

    I was talking about Radulov's entire KHL career, not his recent games only. Also I was merely poking fun at Hudler for being, well... Hudler. Thanks for ruining my fun
  23. Euro_Twins

    Hudler removed from KHL team, suffers injury

    like his career
  24. Euro_Twins

    Hudler removed from KHL team, suffers injury

    Datsyuk 7 points in 9 games, +7 rating, Ove had 4 points in 3 games, +5 rating, Malkin has 19 points in 11 games and a +16 rating. The goals per game are pretty equal in the KHL as they are to the nhl (5.27 goals/game in nhl, 5.47 in khl), but with far less talent, so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Hudler being payed 4mil a year should be able to score points in the khl. Even Radulov gets 1.5 points/game in the khl
  25. Euro_Twins

    Hudler removed from KHL team, suffers injury

    Right but Zetterberg also had a crap first half of the season in general. You fail to see the point that it is the KHL, not the NHL. There is not very much talent in the KHL, he should be able to score.