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Everything posted by Euro_Twins

  1. I'd be interested to see the rest of the re draft
  2. Can't watch the game. Just popping in to wish Calgary and market markstrom a beautiful SHUTOUT!
  3. Euro_Twins

    So, Evander Kane...

  4. Euro_Twins

    So, Evander Kane...

    So your plan is to bait people into insulting you, so you can act the victim? Yet you use borderline racism and insults to do it? You're just as bad or worse than any right wing anti Vax person and give liberals a bad name.
  5. Euro_Twins

    So, Evander Kane...

    Calm down. His estranged wife probably ratted him out
  6. Euro_Twins

    So, Evander Kane...

    Seems a bit harsh. Whatever
  7. Euro_Twins

    21-22 Season opener vs TBL (7:30pm)

    I got wings feed
  8. Euro_Twins

    21-22 Season opener vs TBL (7:30pm)

    I can't handle this right now! This isn't even real life. We're not this good. Oh my God I'm so happy
  9. Euro_Twins

    21-22 Season opener vs TBL (7:30pm)

    Holy! Little tuzzi!
  10. Euro_Twins

    Rumors Thread

    I hope so
  11. Euro_Twins

    Rumors Thread

    Everything is a rumor until it's not
  12. Euro_Twins

    2021 Training Camp, PTO's, Pre-Season Chat

    His wife must have approved of Raymond after all
  13. Euro_Twins

    Rumors Thread

  14. Euro_Twins

    So, Evander Kane...

    Who cares
  15. Euro_Twins

    2021 Training Camp, PTO's, Pre-Season Chat

    I'm OK with this. No use having veleno filling out 3/4 minutes when he can get some good hard minutes in the A. We're not making the playoffs either way and really just gives us an opportunity to draft a little higher
  16. Saying we're going to stink with him is a bit of a stretch imo. Even losing games I don't think we will stink this year, nor like the past couple anyway. Also were about 2 pieces away not 4. Top pairing D, and a top line center
  17. Euro_Twins

    2021 Training Camp, PTO's, Pre-Season Chat

    OK Jonas. I don't accept that as a reasonable answer.
  18. Euro_Twins

    2021 Training Camp, PTO's, Pre-Season Chat

    I'm not buying that. There's 31 teams, there's no reason some teams play 4 games and some get double that. It doesn't even give teams a chance to test their prospects
  19. Euro_Twins

    2021 Training Camp, PTO's, Pre-Season Chat

    I'm curious as to who makes these schedules? The wings will get 8 preseason games, while some teams like the hurricanes end up with 4? Shouldn't all the teams play the same amount of games?
  20. Probably for the best if he spends at least a year in gr tbh. The worse we do this year, the better forward we get in a great forward heavy draft. The worst thing this team could do this year is make a fluke run and make the playoffs.
  21. They've both been phenomenal. I'm going to call it now though. Lucas Raymond goes down as the best player drafted in 2020. Not Lafreniere, not Byfield, not stutzle, but Raymond!
  22. Euro_Twins

    SIGNED: Pius Suter 2 years $3.25M AAV

    Oh ok. I must have missed that. Pretty dumb on their part
  23. Euro_Twins

    SIGNED: Pius Suter 2 years $3.25M AAV

    How was he a Ufa? He's 25 and only played 1 season
  24. Euro_Twins

    2021 Off-Season (Too Soon?)

    We could probably sign hasek still...
  25. Euro_Twins

    2021 Off-Season (Too Soon?)

    Oh I've been following that train wreck all day with a smile thanking God steve is here and not ken. There is no direction with his signings. He just signs whoever. With Steve you can see a clear direction the team is being built. With Holland he just overpay whoever will sign the sheet