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Everything posted by Euro_Twins

  1. Euro_Twins

    2021 Off-Season (Too Soon?)

    He kicked some tires...
  2. Euro_Twins

    2021 Off-Season (Too Soon?)

    I don't expect us to sign anyone of note. Nor should we. Leddy was as big a move as I'd like to see, but nedeljkovic was just a massive power move dick swing by Steve and I'll take it. I'd really just like to see the kids flourish and maybe get another top 10 this year before we start pushing for playoffs
  3. Euro_Twins

    2021 Off-Season (Too Soon?)

    Going from an impressive 3 year run to being run out of town by the worst fan base in hockey. Sorry petr.
  4. Euro_Twins

    2021 Off-Season (Too Soon?)

    Wow. Big moves lmao
  5. Euro_Twins

    Red dead redemption 2

    Anyone picking it up tonight or planning on getting it? 9 PM I'll be picking up my pre order, can't wait!
  6. Euro_Twins

    2020 Free Agency

    Hot take we get Krug and Holtby I think Yzerman is going to go hard (pun intended?) For a top pair dman.
  7. Euro_Twins

    2020 Free Agency

    I know. All my hot takes are cold now
  8. Euro_Twins

    2020 Free Agency

    Can someone use their photoshop skills to make a photo of bobby ryan as the "saviour" of detroit?
  9. Euro_Twins

    2020 Free Agency

    I'm going to say hes traded twice over the contract, with salary retention
  10. Euro_Twins

    2020 Free Agency

    Happily. Pay me league minimum. I'll do it. I dont care how much s*** you talk about me, I'll be making bank
  11. Euro_Twins

    2020 Free Agency

    Yzerman is smart. No point in rushing the rebuild. Plus you have a lot of teams in cap hell going out and signing guys, and unless we can get Krug, there's no point chasing guys. Might as well just wait for teams to offer us their 1st round picks to eat their cap hits (looks at william nylander)
  12. Euro_Twins

    2020 Free Agency

    Dont worry guys Yzerman Is Kicking Some Tires
  13. Euro_Twins

    2020 Free Agency

    He will. That's why I wanted him here
  14. Euro_Twins

    My wife is threatening me with divorce.

    Are you a professional hockey player? Or do you play in a beer league?
  15. Euro_Twins

    Seider for Captain

    To be fair, I love it here
  16. Euro_Twins

    Seider for Captain

    Welcome to lgw. can I grab you a cold coffee and some stale donuts while you realize you made a big mistake coming here?
  17. Euro_Twins

    2020 Draft Thread

    Well theres conspiracy theorists, habitual pessimists, career trolls, and like 2 people who desperately want to have a legitimate hockey conversation. screw those 2 guys
  18. Euro_Twins

    2020 Draft Thread

    Awe look at you guys and your conspiracy theories. I love how this forum has already basically announced this draft as a bust because of reasons
  19. Euro_Twins

    2020 Draft Thread

    Dont forget who our swedish scout is...
  20. Euro_Twins

    2020 Draft Thread

    Lol. In 3 years when multiple guys from this draft turn into studs I'm going to refer back to this How many players has yzerman drafted that turned into studs? Yet we've got our armchair gms here CRYING because he drafted someone they didnt want. Boohoo.
  21. Euro_Twins

    2020 Draft Thread

    Just popped in to see how negative kip would be wasnt disappointed. I'm not sure why he hasnt become gm yet
  22. Euro_Twins

    Pride and Player Sexuality

    That's cute
  23. Euro_Twins

    Robby Fabbri Extended

    Honestly kip. Your opinion is basically useless. Every gm probably overlays a little for a few players. You seem to think yzerman has some track record of over paying all these garbage players. If that were true how did he build a beast cup contending team that's 100% cap compliant? And dont give me the no tax garbage
  24. Euro_Twins

    LGW Member Zoom Discussions

    Calm down ladies.
  25. Euro_Twins

    Robby Fabbri Extended

    Omg it's a 2 year contract. Get over it. It in no way hurts the team. If he plays poorly we get burned a little bit. If he plays really good we win. We have tons of cap, and nothing to spend it on anyway.