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Posts posted by Euro_Twins

  1. On 7/19/2024 at 10:26 PM, Motor City Mullets said:

    Can I haz wut yur smokin? 

    Veleno is a 4th liner…Nothing stands out with what he does on ice…Not overly skilled nor is he physical…TBH I’d rather have seen that $$$ spent on Sprong.

    Don't feed the trolls. He constantly makes up silly names and down talks yzermans moves but then praises a signing of a 4th liner who should get paid half of what he's getting. 


    This is guys as big a troll as you can get

  2. On 6/22/2023 at 12:39 PM, bIueadams said:

    I want Ozzy to get in as much as the next guy... but Howard could have replicated what Ozzy did under the same circumstances.

    If you wouldnt HOF Howie you shouldnt HOF Ozzy. And thats why its about the hardware.


    Computer... simulate goalie flame war circa 2007. And computer, turn all foul language prohibitors... off

    Howard was borderline elite for 5 or 6 seasons on a worse team. He most definitely should've had a better team in front. He deserved it 

  3. 51 minutes ago, Motor City Mullets said:

    And who would you rather have - Kane or Trouba?

    1 dimensional offensive minded top line winger still capable of producing at a ppg pace OR the guy that could end that pretty boy's career with a borderline hit?



    Honestly trouba. 


    I still get sick seeing kane in a wings jersey. And that's good enough for me. 

  4. 32 minutes ago, TLGTrico said:

    Well at least Chicago can't move up for the next 4 years now

    Neither can we. It's in bettmans contract 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Scott R Lucidi said:

    This is where you fall right into the SCAM.  There is ZERO reason we need to not win the Stanley Cup next year with Petry, Chiarot, Holl, Perron, Czarnik, Fabbri, and Husso instead of not winning the Stanley Cup with Edvinsson, ASP, Johansson, Kasper, Berggren, Danielson, and Cossa.  YzerSCAM has convinced you certain players aren't ready.  

    Keep crying. 

  6. You must think you're super clever with that nickname. Seriously. I bet you could do a better job. 


    It's almost as if when you draft 18 year olds and never pick top 3 you have to let those players develop for 3-5 years and fill the roster with vets ...



    Or maybe I'm just a euroSCAM

  7. On 3/14/2024 at 8:59 PM, The 91 of Ryans said:

    Well where da phuck YOU been huh? 

    I've been around. I check in here and there and watch the boards occasionally. I've been interacting a bit of hf just because moar people though

    On 3/16/2024 at 2:39 AM, Motor City Mullets said:

    I’m at a point where I’ve accepted the fact that there will be no ‘April in the D’.

    Hoping there’ll be some changes this summer.

    April fools. There will be no playoffs fool. It was all an elaborate joke setup by dmac. Give everyone hope. And then smash our souls into a deep depression. 


    Everything is fine. 

  8. On 12/14/2023 at 7:08 PM, kipwinger said:

    That's the way to go. I got tickets last minute and I didn't really have time to grab anything first. I ran to a Meijer on 8 mile and looked for a plain red hoodie and they didn't have one so I was stuck with the team store because I really didn't have time to go any place else after that. I has happy with the hoodie I got at the team store but I don't like the hat at all. And I paid loads for both.

    Well I hope this is the night Kane breaks out then. Gonna be a tough game though, a real test. If we can come out of this injury stretch with a few gutsy wins it might be the thing that galvanizes this team into a winner. Fingers crossed.

    You went to Meier's on 8 mile? Kudos to you