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Posts posted by LadyRedWing

  1. On 3/6/2018 at 11:31 AM, Neomaxizoomdweebie said:

    By retread, I meant someone who was banned and rejoined under a new name. There are also some who post in here under multiple user names. Not that I mind however, we need all the posters we can get!

    I promise I am not one of those :)  Im trying to help post whatever comes up in my  news feed if it isnt already here.  I love the wings, and nah i wouldnt want trouble ;)

  2. He is suspended three games... per the score : backes suspended


    was it enough of a  suspension, or should it have been more games? some are saying that it should be way more than three because it was a :"headshot"  what do you all think?


    at the bottom of this paragraph on the score it says more to come..

  3. 14 hours ago, Neomaxizoomdweebie said:

    Welcome to LGW. Unless of course, you're a retread, than shame on you.:ninja:


    I voted yes, and I think its likely he's re-signed. He wants to be here, he just started a family, he didn't seem all that enthusiastic about being traded to a contender. 

    I believe the reason he wasn't traded is because the return wasn't good enough. I think there were teams interested, I would be shocked if someone wasn't willing to throw at least a lower draft pick out there for him, despite his injury.  I think it was more of Holland not wanting to sour his relationship with Green by accepting a lowball offer for him. The only reason he would do that is if he is interested in bringing Green back. I also think that if Holland got anything from Green that he wasn't serious about re-signing, he would have traded him for the best offer, even if it was lower. (Like Mrazek). Seems like both of them are on the same page.

    That said, I am thinking a 3 year/15 million dollar deal. 6.0 year 1, 5.0  year 2, 4.0 year 3. Makes it a 5 mil cap hit.

    Thanks for the welcome :)  LOL I will certainly not try to be a retread. :lol:

  4. I'll Give it a B, reason being is that he did make a good deal for tatar, and he got rid of mrazek, which all in the inevitable end makes out better for Detroit. I mean we got what, 11 picks? there is bound to be one or two that could be nhl ready! I am not sure if most would agree with me on that, but It is a possibly  is not ? 

    anyhow, LGRW!

  5. I don't know how they would feel about it, but I can say this much Id take less to have security on the team that I wanna be on . I think Larkin might, but I am not too sure about AA, I think Mantha could possibly. but we will have to see towards summer time what happens with all this - there are going to be some changes with those draft picks - we may get one possibly two that are NHL ready. At this point I believe it is a wait and see.