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Posts posted by aheer22

  1. For every Shanahan and Hull, we get Lang, Bertuzzi, Calder, ect. He's kind of 50-50

    I'm thinking the reason Hossa hasn't been traded yet is that Kenny is in on that deal, and Stuart as well. we'll see.

    trade in your wings card, dude.. I would prefer that ignorant SOB's go follow a different team.. Hey, I have an idea.. Why dont you buy a card for whoever wins the cup every year? That way you have nothing to ***** about..

    good riddance

  2. I have Comcast in Sterling Heights and I don't have it yet. I called them but they had no clue what I was talking about...they kept bringing up the NHL Center Ice :blink:

    Just got off the phone with Comcast.. after talking to 3 different people that had no idea what the NHL network was I finally got someone who said it was scheduled to launch Comcast wide in January 2008.. not sure how accurate as there are reports of Nov and also reports that people in other states are watching already on comcast.. I'm seriously annoyed now..

  3. When I watched this the advertisement before the clip was for the Canadian Ballet and had a bunch of guys dancing around in leg warmers and toe shoes. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I just thought it was a funny lead in.

    Great brawl. This brings back some great memories. That kid should be ashamed of himself for running like that. He has a helmet on for god's sake.

    did you see the size of number 7!!? dude looked like a 30 yr old out there with a bunch of teenagers.. honestly I think the kid had the right idea.. probably there star player and 7 was out there looking to start s***..

  4. Anyone on Comcast have it yet? I know Comcast will be getting it, but did it launch yet?

    MLB's network is set to launch in 2009 (per Mediaweek and sportsbusinessjournal)..

    9:22 am on NOV 2nd and still no NHL Network on Comcast in Metro Det.. I have a couple friends on Direct TV and they are loving there NHL Network.. WHY MUST YOU CONTINUE TO TORMENT ME COMCAST!!!?

  5. from everything I have read JHo is just lacking the day in day out consistency to move up to DET.. remember, in college they only play 2 games a weekend (except for the holidays when they play a couple weekday games followed by holiday tourneys).. the point made earlier is right on: goalies take a long time to develop.

  6. heres a preview of whats to come..this is from 2 years ago so it wont be exactly the same (+ this is the Nike version).. the main point is dude looks like he is wearing his little sisters jersey (4 sizes too small)..

    IPB Image

  7. I hate the new streamlined jerseys on the players.. With pads on they look *** as hell.. However for the fan without pads I think it is a better overall fit (I have a new Team USA jersey and it is so much more comfortable then my Wings, Leafs and Habs jerseys)..

  8. Tell you what, when the ref isn't looking i'll cheap shot you in the face, maybe try to break your jaw or something, and once you've figured out what's going on it'll be about the time I start drilling lefts into your eye socket. Then i'll tell you that that bundle O joy in your wife's belly isn't yours, it's mine. Or maybe the milkman's. Then maybe i'll spit in your face for good measure.

    You still gonna shake my hand?

    You have no clue why he didn't shake hands. Darren McCarty didn't shake hands with Claude Lemieux years ago. He shook all the other Aves hand's but not Lemieux. Get it?

    if it was on the ice then yeah I would shake your hand.. and I didnt call McCarty a 'waste of flesh on skates' for nothing.. so what, because Chelios is Wings I'm supposed to give him a break? no.. I'm hockey fan first, wings fan second and I'm not a blind homer..

  9. Why would we want 2 #1 goalies. We already have 2 #1 goalies...so now we will just have 2 #1's that cost like $8 million dollars...

    Especially for the price...Hasek is the best shot we got...hopefully he doesn't retire

    who is the second number 1? Holland has already said J Ho is spending another year in GR.. if Ozzie were still a #1 he would be starting somewhere else..

  10. I say (like it matters a LOT, because I own..) if Dom wants to come back pick him up if not *meh* bring up Jimmy and let him play with Oz.. really the team is so good I don't think we really need a stellar regular season goalie to make the playoffs, and really as we've seen time and time again being an upper seed in the regular season doesn't mean doo-doo.

    unfortunately you do need a stellar goalie right now (see Legace led playoff debacle).. at this point in his career Ozzie is a back up.. plain and simple.. I would rather stand pat with the current forward group and bring in a stud goaltender than possibly waste a year with JHo and Ozzie in net.. I hate to sound like the idiot journalists, but you need a stud in goal to play into June.. I just think going with Flop Boy is taking too big of a risk..

  11. you obviously have a lot of reasons that you dont like Chelios, everyone has players they dont like. But I don't think we should be getting upset about one player not shaking the Ducks hands. I would be pretty upset if a majority of the team or the whole team just blew it off, but it was only one guy, and he shook the coaching staffs hands. The tradition wont end just because one guy was feeling too emotional to go through and shake all their hands.

    no.. I did like Chris Chelios for a long time.. I like what he does on the ice, not necessarily his views or what he does off the ice.. thats why it bothers me that he did something classless on the ice.. and come on, 'too emotional'? You are one of the most feared warriors in the game.. hockey is a game of emotions.. you have to take the good with the bad and just suck it up...

  12. For God sakes guys, just drop it already. This is not a life or death issue. He probably should have shoke their hands, but he didn't. That's just what happened. Let it go.

    what else is there to talk about? people just want to drop it cause he's wearing the winged wheel.. had he been wearing a retarded looking D this board would have been all over this for days.. + I'm at home with my pregnant bed ridden wife.. I havent been able to talk about this all week and am just now getting a chance to vent.. let some of us that didnt get to talk about this earlier in the week have our say as well..

  13. i can not believe there are 9 pages for this. doesnt anyone have anything better to ***** about ? let it go .so what if he didnt shake hands .maybe he had a case of the runs. no one will know until cheli tells us why . personally i dont need a reason . he did it , its done. what salami had to say was more classless then cheli not lining up for the shake .end the thread now please

    uh.. no.. this is a huge topic.. he disrespected a major tradition.. without tradition the NHL becomes no better than its trash talking no heart cousin -- the NBA..

  14. Who the f*** cares... I dont shake hands with people I dont respect.. and i'm sure the same goes for Cheli.. The Ducks team is made up of world class goons and babies.. did you hear the things some of these guys said in the media.. god knows what they say on the ice... Cheli is a class act veteran guy, and if he didnt shake hands with them, he had reason.......

    Chelios is anything BUT a class act.. I respected him when he first came to the Wings but not anymore.. this is just the last straw in a long list of bush league acts by Chelios.. who the f*** cares? I do.. This game is about tradition.. I dont care how badly youve been beaten or disrespected.. you shake hands after a series..

  15. Next why would SJ part with Toskala for a couple prospects and or picks at this point? That would be the biggest waste and SJ knows it. I agree that since every GM knows that they have two solid tenders that their asking price will be down, which is why you keep them until the price goes up. As I stated before, Trade Deadline time. Look how much Atlanta, San Jose and Nashville gave up to get the studs that they did. Toskala should be in the same boat as Roloson was during the 05/06 season, and the asking price will be sky high as a result of the way teams paid out during the deadline this season.

    So again, why would SJ give away Toskala for a couple prospects and or picks?

    SJS is not going to be dealing from a point of strength.. every one knows they need to deal a GT.. I argue that Toskala would be in the same boat as Biron (traded to PHI for a SECOND ROUND DRAFT PICK!!) I am just basing my arguments on history.. I dont see SJS getting much for Toskala.. Why would you give up an active roster guy when you know eventually they are going to want to dump cash to pick up some more parts?

  16. That's probably why the management won't sign Giguere, contract notwithstanding. You just basically answered your own question.

    The organization has high hopes for Howard, so they won't just toss him aside like a rag. I just hope he's as good as most say he is, since I never really seen him play all that much (expect for his little stint up here during the 2005-2006 season).

    saw him play quite a bit with UMaine and he was an absolute stud.. I was bummed when he left early as UMaine were cleary national championship favorites his senior year.. that said the wings are in no hurry to throw him into the pressure cooker.. thats evident that they plan on at least another year in GR for him.. goalies take longer to mature than skaters.. he could spend another year in GR and then a year as a back up.. why not lure Giggy with a 2 year deal? throw some money at him.. with a higher cap this season and the possibility of another 20% hike in the next 2 seasons you wouldnt have any issues signing your own guys.. its a better risk than Hasek any day of the week..

  17. Biron already signed an extension with Philly and Toskala still has another year under his current contract. They're not going anywhere.

    Both Biron and Toskala are in the same position: #1 goalies stuck on a team with more than one #1.. neither PHI nor SJS are going to get full market value for these guys.. yeah, the price might be high now, but if you wait awhile you should be able to get either for a couple prospects and or picks.. Biron may have signed an extension but the second he gets benched for Niittymaki his tune could change.. He has been sitting as a back up for a couple years now and everyone knows he is a bona fide top 10 GT..

  18. Howard (and I was a huge JHo fan when he played at UMaine and was ecstatic when the Wings drafted him) wont see any time in DET next year (unless someone gets hurt).. I have never been one to agree with 'evil' Drew Sharp, but in this case I think he may be right.. I'll also preface this by saying I have NEVER liked Hasek and his flopping syle (hence I affectionately call him Flop Boy) but I do have to give him and the Wings credit.. Hasek has been a top 5 goalie the past 2 years when he played (key word 'when') and when the Wings signed him on the cheap I said it was the best move they could make for 2007.. the 2007 season is over and its time to start playing for a 2008 cup as well as planning for the future.. Hasek is not part of the future.. JHo is not the answer unless you are starting over which clearly the wings are not.. J Ho's time will come.. Go out and pick up a top 5 or 10 keeper (Giggy, Toskala, Biron) that will keep you in the hunt for the next 3 to 4 years.. You have enough young guys that you shouldn't have any cap issues (also the cap ceiling should rise considerably next year)..

  19. Thanks for the feedback guys, I knew that hockeytown people were connaisseurs ;)

    Will there be advertising ? probably.... Now it's costing me money to have this on the net so..... For the Getty's pictures, I'm in the dark here :unsure: I tought that if you put their name you would be ok ! Can someone help me out with this legal crapp stuff ???

    Thanks again...

    sorry to freak you out.. I thought Gettys was like AP since Yahoo uses them.. you should be in the clear with them..

  20. Realistically, I don't think we can win. I hate Babcock's brute force approach on offense... shooting from anywhere and hoping the puck bounces off something and in.

    hate to tell you this, but the brute force offense is what works.. SJS didn't employ it and look where they are? BUF didn't use it and look what they are doing now? OTT and DET all of sudden woke up this year and started playing playoff hockey instead of looking for the perfect play..


    And you call yourself a FAN? You ACTIVELY come on here to dispel any sense of faith, and to profess that we have zero chance! My goodness!

    I know that I can get supremely caustic sometimes. I know that I can sound hurtful and condescending. All comments of mine that sound such are aimed at my distaste for the exact sort of attitude that this poster displays here.

    Hey, man--if I wouldn't get banned, I'd give you a real piece of my mind. I'll stick within the rules here, and tell you to take your defensively-pessimistic, bandwagon ass and hightail it out of here for good, because you're clearly no fan of the Detroit Red Wings.

    easy there killer.. you know you can be a fan and not be a complete and utter homer.. so what if your negative.. this is the place to vent those frustrations.. I am one of the biggest hockey fans around (and yes I started out a wings only fan back in the early 80's) and I will tell you the Wings messed up BIG time by blowing the last two games.. they are outgunned big time in this series and they have stayed in it by out working a more skilled opponent.. I do not expect ANA to make that mistake 3 games in a row.. do I hope the wings win on Tuesday? hell yeah! do I like there chances in a game 7 because of there experience? Hell yeah! I just don't see a solid ANA team getting outplayed again..

  22. your points are well taken.. hmm actually not.. if you love the clutching and grabbing and mugging watch college hockey.. it will take you back a few years.. ya know, when I get fed up with a sport I go and watch other versions of it.. you have great college, junior and high school teams in this area to follow.. and each of those levels are called a different way..