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Everything posted by martyrme19

  1. martyrme19

    Need answers for our roster next year

    son of a *****, thanks for the answer tho. i guess my next question is, who the hell is jon casey? and why was he in net because i dont recall him being their starter that year.
  2. martyrme19

    Need answers for our roster next year

    oh that is just too cool. thanks.
  3. martyrme19

    Interesting Fact

    hell, i'll just be happy if anyone BUT anaheim wins it. I just hate Brian Burke....I hope we can make him s*** himself again like we did in 02' when we put a hurtin on his nucks.
  4. martyrme19

    Go Ducks

    To the OP, I have no idea why so many guys jumped on you the way they did. I mean, I thought your post was reasonable and just happend to favor your favorite team, something we are all guilty of 100% of the time and there is nothing wrong with that. In my opinion, I think there is some validity to what some duck fans are saying. Now, our standard defense is damn good. We did allow the fewest shots during the season (right?), and we were amongst the best in GAA. However, that was with Kronwall and Scneider in the lineup....two huge key elements. Now one can make an argument that our defense is weak....many would contest that. But surely one must conclude that if not weak, our defense is weak-er. Then again, our current defense that we will have throughout the series did shut out the sharks in an elimination game. Does that mean Quincy is an improvement for our losses? Does that mean given more ice time, Lilja and Lebda actually better our D? Well, i'm sure it would be hardpressed for anyone to say with certainty that any of that is true. However it appears that those players at least have the skill to sustain. And thats why the wings will indeed have a great chance this series. Why is that so duck fans? Well lest you forget, Though statistically speaking you played "harder" teams this playoffs, most analyst project otherwise. The wild weren't much of an offensive team, a one-dimensional group that can be shut down with one line. They are full of inexperience which is painstakenly obvious in their D and their net. Backstrom had a great run sure....but ask any wings fan the importance of playoff experience when it comes to goalie, and they'll tell you why Legace is the biggest bum to ever walk to planet. (i personally think they're all idiots, but they support my argument in this case so hey) As well, the next team you played was the 'nucks. If given the choice, i think everyone would rather play them over SJ. At one point in the season, no one really took them seriously. then a few teams started to slip, they had a flux in their schedule, and voila...they were a playoff contender. The talent on that team doesnt suffice, and its quite obvious that they are no SJ or Detroit. The ducks have had the privelege of playing a few teams that arent quite built for the playoffs. The wings on the other hand....thats all they have played. They paid for it in the injury department...only time will tell if it was all for better or worse this coming series. Wings in 6
  5. you're an idiot. So who is the best of all time? Is it Hasek? Roy? Cheveldae? Well I got news for ya bud, not one of those goalies have won it every year and no goalie in the future will win every year. So one loss merits him as no longer one of the elite? Brodeur has played on the most premier level year after year on a steady and consistant basis....thats why he is deserving of the reputation he gets. No matter the roster in front of him, he has performed. Your gonna say that its because he has such a great defense in front of him? Give me a break....would anyone here trade the wings defense for theirs? hell no. so give it a rest.
  6. martyrme19

    Cherry on Neil

    well now that i think about it, you might be right. I didnt pay too close of attention to remember so i'd have to see the replay again, but if what youre saying is that neil came in to crash crosby event hough the defenseman already had him, then youre right, it was his blown coverage. Anybody else see the replay that can remember?
  7. martyrme19

    Cherry on Neil

    Well actually, Neil didn't cost his team a goal. Crosby was his man because he was closest to him, and he took him out of the play accordingly. It was the player behind Neil that ignored the guy in front that cost his team the goal. So your argument doesn't exactly work in that case.
  8. martyrme19


    Personally....I think he should give it a shot if he wants, and we should let him. I mean, get the tests done, do everything you can do to prevent it, but lets be honest.....the guy has been playing hockey for 20+ years and he's never had this problem before. With today's technology, i'm sure it wouldn't be too tedious for him to do any pregame ritual that he has to do "just in case". i know a lot of you guys will say that to sacrifice even the smallest possibility of death is absurd.....but ya know, theres a slight chance i could get hit by a car tomorrow by walking to class.....yet everyday 49,000 other students wake up and do the exact same thing. noteworthy: fischer has never, and i mean never, smoked a cigarette or had a drop of alcohol. His body is one of the best in the biz.
  9. martyrme19

    Developing a team in the Salary Cap Era

    Ok, i'm gonna go ahead and agree with what forsbergisafairy is saying....i think you other guys are just trying to play stupid. Ofcourse the ultimate goal for all teams in the nhl is to win the stanely cup....but a team like the penguins who will make the playoffs this year, will consider this a successful season because they made the playoffs....nevermind if they win the cup. If they win the cup, they will have exceeded their expectations this season. Just by making the playoffs, their head coach can bank on keeping his job the next couple years. flip that around.... if the red wings didnt make the playoffs this year, we'd all be ranting for joe kocur to be named head coach (we need grit anywhere we can find it right?) Now that isnt to say that no other teams management is saying that it is an absolute that their team brings home the cup. Teams like anaheim, nashville, san jose, detroit, buffalo, ottawa, new jersey, carolina, are probably all of the teams that comprise that list. However, since the early 90's.....which of all those teams can say that every year, winning the stanely cup was their realistic goal? And the fans of detroit can contest, its either cup or bust. Now right away you can wipe out anaheim, nashville, san jose, buffalo, ottawa, and carolina from that list because all of those teams have been cellar teams for many years (san jose not so much, just mediocre). Those years at the bottom has allowed them to aquire some great draft picks. Now in my opinion, its only detroit and new jersey who have remained the elite year after year. The avs and stars almost graized the list....alas they have had their struggles in the past and as of late. so does that help clear up what the OP was trying to say? god, i swear half of this board is retarted sometimes.
  10. martyrme19

    Screw Sidney, the Saviour Has Arrived

    lucky for me i wont lose any sleep if you dont wanna take my word. im sure if you spent a little research time you could figure it out for yourself. as for me, its not worth my time....this information was given to me from my professor last year, in which i'm gonna take it for truth since it was his main point of topic for one of his lectures. If i would have saved the source since last year i would gladly share it with you, but in any case i just took the information as a neat little tid bit that most people arent aware of.
  11. martyrme19

    Screw Sidney, the Saviour Has Arrived

    here's some credibility for you, and anyone else who falls to the mainstream annotation that jessica simpson is an idiot. Jessica indeed a member of Mensa. For those of whom who do not know what Mensa is, here's a brief explination: Mensa International is the largest, oldest, and best-known high-IQ society in the world. The organization restricts its membership to people with high testable IQs. Specifically, potential members must score within the top 2% (98th percentile) of any approved standardized intelligence test yes, you heard correct. Jessica SImpson is indeed smarter than everyone here on How she is casted on TV is just another way that events can be taken out of script and manipulated in a way to capture a specific audience. Now, I dont have a direct link as to any list that you can observe for yourself, but take my word for it. Last year I did a case study in my psychology class and came across this fact.
  12. martyrme19

    The "REAL" reason some Detroit fans dislike Fedorov

    Fedorov is like the really hot girlfriend you had back in highschool. you went out since you were a freshman, and everyone was jealous of you thought you were gonna get married and live happily ever after. But then college came, and she broke up with you. What a *****! you would scream. but really, you cant always blame her for leaving and seeing what else was out there. i mean, she was the HOTTEST girl back then so you cant really blame her for leaving you could you? well, you did blame her. and you came up with every reason why she was such a ***** and you are better off without her and shes worse off without you. but secretly, (youd never tell your friends) you wanted her back. But then after a couple years....word got back that your ex actually gained a few pounds and now she isnt so smokin hot and shes been dating the cracked out loser to flunked out of highschool. But ya know, somedays.....somedays you get sick of people telling you she got fat, even though they think its cheering you up. because really, you know that back in the day, she was really something special. she was beautiful. and ya know....maybe you can see yourself forgiving her...and getting back together with her. just as long as that ***** shed a few pounds first! i mean, does this make sense to you guys? i dunno, maybe its just me, but thats what it seems like. and i dunno, maybe no one else knows of a girlfriend like that....maybe its just me. but not giving up. sorry.
  13. martyrme19

    'Delayed Penalty' Goals

    The correct answer here should actually be "no". The fact that there is a delayed penalty does not mean that it is mandatory to pull your goalie. In fact, there is no rule saying once a penalty has been committed, the opposing team must pull their goalie until the penalty has been assesed. So in reality, a team could have a delayed penalty, and decide not to engage on the "man-advantage" as it has been put. However, the term "man-advantage" is, in technical terms, being used incorrectly. That is because even with the goalie being pulled, you're still playing 5-5. For a team could decide to pull their goalie for the entire game and play with 6 skaters. why would a team not do this? well, because this is viewed as a "disadvantage", not an "advantage". Therefore, when a team pulls their goalie on a delayed call, it should be viewed as a simple strategy to gain an edge. They are still putting themselves at risk however, if anyone remembers a few years back when adam oats of anaheim passed it back to his D-man and ended up scoring on his own net against the wings.