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Everything posted by marcaractac

  1. marcaractac

    Eddog vs. Seider

    Edvinsson had surgery in May with an expected 4-6 month recovery time. He'll be in GR to get back into game shape. It's ridiculous to expect a 20-year-old defenseman, who cannot put in work at the gym all summer, to step into the NHL and produce to start the season. Let's be realistic here.
  2. marcaractac

    SY or Mo: Who Changed Everything?

    Yes, it has been pissing off fragile male egos quite regularly.
  3. marcaractac

    News From Around the NHL *Mod warning page 75*

    It's wild to me that anyone thinks Boston could be anything better than a wildcard team this season. Yeah, they have two great wingers. Yes, they have good D. Yes they have good goaltending. But 82 games with that center depth and no money to address it? Good luck. I will not be surprised to see a bottom 10 finish. They are one key injury away from the bottom falling out.
  4. marcaractac

    News From Around the NHL *Mod warning page 75*

    Bergeron officially retires. Gonna be interesting to see how that team does with no top 6 center.
  5. marcaractac

    Hot Takes for the 2023/24 Season

    The big issue Sens had last season was goaltending. They've addressed that. They'll have a much better season between that and their own young players getting better. Wings have much more depth in the prospect pool. But we got nobody that can compare to guys like Stutzle and Tkatchuk up front. If the Wings are gonna be better than the Sens, it's got to be on depth. Because they have us beat on high-end talent.
  6. marcaractac

    SY or Mo: Who Changed Everything?

    Holld would have signed the same types of players, but he'd be throwing out 7-year deals like candy.
  7. marcaractac

    New New Prospects Thread

    If he ends up Barkov caliber, I'd certainly be less concerned about Larkin being in his 30s by the time the team contends. My concern was always what happens to this team once Larkin reaches regression age. I have no concerns about him for the duration of his contract. It's the years beyond that specifically. If we can get legit top 6 centers out of Danielson and Kasper, all is well.
  8. marcaractac

    2023 Offseason Thread

    Low risk, no reward
  9. marcaractac

    News From Around the NHL *Mod warning page 75*

    Hockey Canada already cleaned house shortly after all this went down, to begin with. The results of the investigation will be revealed real soon. Nike is just trying to distance itself while it's back in the media again.
  10. marcaractac

    2023 Offseason Thread

    The facts you dropped are exactly why there is no urgency to sign him asap. The fact he isn't signed yet means nothing outside of the fact there is zero risk of losing him.
  11. marcaractac

    News From Around the NHL *Mod warning page 75*

    Ahh, this is what you were talking about in the other thread.
  12. marcaractac

    2023 Offseason Thread

    Nah he just sucks
  13. marcaractac

    2023 Offseason Thread

    Like Comtois, he was on the rape allegation Team Canada WJC roster. Nobody touching those guys unless they come out of that investigation clean.
  14. marcaractac

    2023 Offseason Thread

    Comtois is a very likely part of that Hockey Canada rape thing. I don't think anyone touches him without seeing the results of the investigation.
  15. marcaractac


    A fair assessment. He is basically a 30-goal, 70-point winger. He'll but out the occasional 40-80, but 30-70 is likely his norm.
  16. marcaractac

    New New Prospects Thread

    Soderblom is gonna have a Franzen-like breakout in the coming seasons.
  17. marcaractac

    2023 Offseason Thread

    Zadina signs with the Sharks. Seeing Sharks fans getting excited about this is highly entertaining.
  18. marcaractac


    Please... You're the one who was crying about not wanting DeBrincat because it'll turn Raymond into Zadina.
  19. marcaractac


    I'm fine with losing Berg. But not Ras. Especially not Ras AND Berg.
  20. marcaractac

    2023 Offseason Thread

    It's been previously suggested in this thread that Mazur be included in a package for DeBrincat. I think that would be a big mistake.
  21. marcaractac

    2023 Offseason Thread

    Ffs don't trade Mazur unless you're getting a gritty scoring winger in return. That kid got it. The assets to give up for DeBrincat should not be anything too crazy. There is a very limited market for him, and he is probably closer to the player he was in Ottawa than he was in Chicago (because of Kane).
  22. marcaractac

    2023 Offseason Thread

    He'll get waived again when he doesn't win a roster spot and end up overseas. Whether it's via buyout or a loan, who knows.
  23. marcaractac

    2023 Offseason Thread

    Zadina cleared waivers. Lmao.
  24. marcaractac


    And Yzerman clearly knows this, which is why Dorion ain't getting no first. Sure, he'll get a late first as a TDL rental for him. But then he'll still be a Wing next summer.
  25. marcaractac

    2023 Hot Mom Watch - Draft Day GDT

    We got a center and a RHD. Success.