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Everything posted by landslide19

  1. landslide19

    Should Wings fans be rooting for the Aves?

    Thats because Aves ARE birds. Spelling "Avs" with an "e" (Aves) makes no sense whatsoever, it completely changes the meaning from an abreviated plural form of Avalanche to a classification of bird, not to mention the added "e" gives it a long "A" at the beginning. Which would completely change the pronounciation.
  2. landslide19

    Should Wings fans be rooting for the Aves?

    Can't be relied on to make it to the WCF?!?....hmmm thats weird coming from a Detroit fan, a team famous for running away with the regular season standings and flopping first or second round. I love the creativity here......Suckalanche....Dives. Come on at least "Deadwings" rhymes. And who are these Aves you speak of? Aves are a class of warm blooded, egg laying birds that possesses up to 10,000 different species. AVS is an abreviation for an Avalanche, a natural disaster consisting of mass amounts of snow sliding rapidly down a mountain side, causing extreme damage to life and property that lie in their path.