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Everything posted by joesuffP

  1. Kind of hard to keep track of the Griffins around here. I know some of you guys watch a lot of games, thought it would be nice to see updates on how our prospects have been. I know AA has been lighting it up since being sent down but I heard Mantha was scratched randomly despite playing well on this stretch.
  2. joesuffP

    And we are off and running for Preseason

    Chiarot or Holl will be scratched in game 1
  3. joesuffP

    And we are off and running for Preseason

    Make room for Edvinsson and Soderblom! Danielson will make the team next year!
  4. joesuffP

    Mo/Ray/Ras Contract Watch

    Teams are missing the plot with some of these long term deals. Is getting bad value for 4 years really worth saving 2M for the last 4 considering this is best case scenario and worst case is crippling your team for 8 years
  5. joesuffP

    The Yzerplan to Date

    I’ll always have blind faith that Yzerman is smarter than me when building a team. Theirs no other person I would rather have as GM
  6. joesuffP

    Rumors Thread

    Plus all these short mid tier deals are ripe for a trade package for the next disgruntled star. This is what the NBA does and why these average roster players with middle tier salary are actually worth a lot when trading in a cap crunched league
  7. joesuffP

    Rumors Thread

    Theirs no predicting these lines. Lalonde has so many options to show some nice coaching chops. If you suck you sit because theirs a full lineup of legit NHLers now
  8. joesuffP

    Hot Takes for the 2023/24 Season

    Wings come out flying to start the season and are the talk of the league but end up in a 3-way wildcard battle down the stretch with Boston and Tampa
  9. joesuffP

    News From Around the NHL *Mod warning page 75*

    Take their playoff spot and their pick
  10. joesuffP

    SY or Mo: Who Changed Everything?

    I know Seider will be great because I already take home for granted on this team. I am more focused on guys like Edvinsson and Raymond taking a leap because Mo is just going to do his thing night in and night out
  11. joesuffP


    So this is a bigger trade than Brad Stuart in 07/08 right? Making this the biggest Red Wings trade since Hasek? Shanahan?
  12. joesuffP


    Larkin + Raymond for Stutzle + Debrincat
  13. joesuffP

    Nate Danielson

    His game will take him to the NHL quicker than most centres in this draft
  14. joesuffP

    2023 Hot Mom Watch - Draft Day GDT

    Our prospect pool is so loaded
  15. joesuffP

    2023 Hot Mom Watch - Draft Day GDT

    We’ll never have to draft a centre again
  16. joesuffP

    2023 Hot Mom Watch - Draft Day GDT

    Theirs no rush man. We sign him for nothing next offseason as a true 40 goal guy or as a 20-30 guy
  17. joesuffP

    2023 Hot Mom Watch - Draft Day GDT

    So we either get Pelinkka or Moore
  18. joesuffP

    2023 Hot Mom Watch - Draft Day GDT

    What if Moore is there at 17
  19. joesuffP

    2023 Hot Mom Watch - Draft Day GDT

    I want Pelinkka
  20. joesuffP

    2023 Hot Mom Watch - Draft Day GDT

    Nobody is pissed? Seemed like the safe pick
  21. joesuffP

    2023 Hot Mom Watch - Draft Day GDT

    I was just watching Edvinsson season highlights and it showed his mom after his first NHL goal and the quality was kinda terrible but she’s a total babe
  22. joesuffP

    Jeff Blashill

    So what is Blashill going to do to make this team play a sustainable type of winning hockey? I believe their is something wrong with his philosophy. Sure we can squeak out a couple of wins here and there but the team is fundamentally flawed. He has trouble identifying the teams strengths and weaknesses. I know the roster has issues but a good coach can adapt. Since he has taken over the team has nosedived in all possession metrics and individual players performance. What is Blashill good at exactly? The team look completely out of sync more often than not. I truly believe this team is much better than their performances in the last two years
  23. joesuffP

    2018 Prospects Watch

    My jimmies will always be rustled between the pro-tankers and the people that try to defy greatness
  24. joesuffP

    2018 Prospects Watch

    This zadina gimmick is so lame
  25. joesuffP

    Helm and Rasmussen

    Looked like he separated his shoulder pretty badly