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Everything posted by nawein

  1. nawein

    Next Seasons Needs/Team Future

    Franzen and Almquist for the rights to Dwight King.
  2. nawein

    Least Favorite Wings Players

    Franzen and Kindl. Is there really a debate about this?
  3. nawein

    Next Seasons Needs/Team Future

    Or we could have the other team fill our pop machines for the next 3 years.
  4. Game 1 I watched the whole thing but as I was on my only bathroom break of the game pav scored. Game 2 I was at work. So do I watch the whole thing hoping for no goals or spend the whole game in the bathroom? I'm conflicted.
  5. nawein

    ALFIE is out tonight.

    I know it's crazy, I know it's ridiculous, I know it's insane, I know it's stupid, I know it probably wouldn't work; but, we should call up Athanasiou. Stick him with Helm and Jurco and let the utter speed spin Boston into the ground. His compete level would be through the roof because of the situation. It wouldn't hurt change the kill or PP any, all it would do is make us faster and we're trying to win with speed right?
  6. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. I'll set a cold one aside for him tonight and hopefully he can bring the wings some good luck and persuade the Hockey Gods to be forever on our side.
  7. nawein

    Lucic Spearing DeKeyser

    I'm a go to school and work a couple jobs so I don't make a ton of money but if I had to pay the same % of my income to spear Lucic in the balls I'd do it in a heartbeat. $15 well spent if you ask me. Not that I would actually do it; my point being that the fine doesn't hurt him at all.
  8. nawein

    Claude Julien wants less embellishment

    Want to stop diving, stop taking both. If the guy dives he gets the penalty and not the guy that "tripped him"
  9. nawein

    Next Seasons Needs/Team Future

    We all know Kenny will want to leave Mrazek in GR next year in case of injuries and I don't blame him. Good to have a great 3rd option. Gus is going to want a bigger contract than we want to give him. So, following our trend the last few years, I think theres a decent chance next year that our back up goalie is Marty Brodeur. Old, former face of a franchise comes to Detroit to die. We seem to like doing this. *see Modano amd Alfie* I hate it as much as the next guy but I wouldn't be surprised.
  10. nawein

    Would You Trade For Matt Greene's Rights?

    I'd trade Quincey's rights for Greene's rights just to feel like we got something for Q. Beyond that though, no. And I hope we don't sign him. I could see us going after a guy like Willie Mitchell though to anchor the third pair.
  11. Wings 3-2 in 2ot. Smith, Soderberg for them. Tatar, Franzen, Alfie with the winner.
  12. nawein

    WCQF - Series F - Blues vs. Blackhawks

    Penalty wasn't for the hit. Puck over glass immediately after the hit. Guys on nbc are boneheads and don't know what they're talking about.
  13. nawein

    Poking the Bear

    Nah, let's poke the **** out of this bear.
  14. nawein

    ECQF - Series A - Bruins versus Red Wings

    The more I think about it, the more I like our chances. If they stick with the lines in practice today I like the matchups it creates. 1. Pav on Bergerons line will be practically a stalemate neither side really has an advantage on the wings and that matchup features two of the best two way centers in the game. 2. Kid line on Krejci line (credit to Kip for this glorious idea). Kids will have the puck the whole time because they're hounds and fast. And I'm not worried about then getting crunched because you can't hit what you can't catch. Alternative to this is Glendenings line on this line to just shut them down. That's probably what Babs will go with but I don't like it as much 3. Helm on Soderberg. Franzen on Eriksson. Alfie on... Paille? I think. That one will be close too. 4. Glendening on Campbell. Beat em up hockey. If that's the matchup we can thank David Legwand for tilting the offensive advantage in our favor. If everything goes as planned we should ride David Legwand, the kid line, and Jimmy Howard to the conference semi's. I'm excited.
  15. nawein

    Round 1 Line Combinations

    Lines at the skate today are: 14-13-8 93-43-11 21-15-26 20-41-17 Edit: Per Khaaaaaan
  16. nawein

    2014 draft thoughts.

    Does Buffalo need a Jakub Kindl?
  17. nawein

    ROW vs Point based system

    Might as well throw fastest skater in too.
  18. nawein

    Round 1 Line Combinations

    We all know it's going to be: 93-13-8 21-15-14 26-43-11 20-41-17 Just so no one here is happy. If I got to decide I'd run with: 8-13-11 14-17-93 21-15-26 20-41-43 But then again I'm not the best coach in the world so..
  19. nawein

    Best Hits from the Playoff Streak

    I miss Vladdy.
  20. nawein

    ROW vs Point based system

    2 points for a win, 0 for a loss and play hockey until the game ends. They're professional athletes; if you're that worried about them getting tired go to a ten minute ot and give each team a point for being tied at the end. Shootouts are stupid. NBA doesn't end with a dunk competition, NFL doesn't end with a longest pass or field goal competition, MLB doesn't end with a home run derby. The shootout is a gimmick and takes away from the actual game. Play the sport until the game ends.
  21. nawein

    ECQF - Series A - Bruins versus Red Wings

    Team speed and a youthful ignorance to the fact that Boston is 10x better than us. Guys like Tatar, Jurco, Smith actually believe if they play fast and hard they can win. Combine that with the fact that all the pressure is on Boston to not lose and none is really on us since we're not supposed to win, and these kids just might be right.
  22. nawein

    First Round Predictions

    Avs in 6 Hawks in 7 Ducks in 5 Sharks in 7 Wings in 6 Bolts in 6 Flyers in 6 Pens in 5
  23. nawein

    Poll: Who was the Wings regular season MVP

    There's several people who without any of them we would not be in the playoffs today. Nyquist, for all the reasons mentioned above. Z, for putting the team in his back until his back broke. Kronner, for driving the ship with a steady hands after Z went down. Gus, for somehow figuring out how to win games while Jimmy was terrible. Entire season MVP for me is the guy who played the entire season and was honorary captain when Z went down. Kronwall. He really brought our d corps together and seemed to be a steadying influence for a lot of the kids. Without any of the guys listed above we wouldn't be where we are today, but Kronner was the most vital.
  24. nawein

    The other team

    The Jackets. I sort of feel we were somewhat responsible for building a hockey market there and I like the style of game that they play. In the west Dallas because go Nill and I hate everyone else.
  25. nawein

    Sproul and Ouellet recalled from Grand Rapids

    Same. They both deserve it. And nobody really talks about how DK went from 35 games a year in college to 65 this year paying 22 minutes a night in the best league in the world. He has to be exhausted.