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Everything posted by nawein

  1. nawein

    3/20 GDT - Penguins 4 at Red Wings 5 (OT)

    With a healthy wings roster? About as exciting as watching paint dry. Wings in 5 in that one.
  2. nawein

    Gustav Nyquist Appreciation Thread

    They're both 33, wouldn't be surprised if it's Nyquist.
  3. nawein

    3/20 GDT - Penguins 4 at Red Wings 5 (OT)

    2 things. 1: If we add a top 2 dman and stay relatively healthy next year, we have a legitimate shot at Lord Stanley I think. 2: I told you I liked being the underdog.
  4. nawein

    Gustav Nyquist Appreciation Thread

    Then we'd have like Z, and younger faster Z. And I like the sounds of that.
  5. nawein

    3/20 GDT - Penguins 4 at Red Wings 5 (OT)

    I kind of like being an underdog.
  6. nawein

    3/20 GDT - Penguins 4 at Red Wings 5 (OT)

    All I want out of this game is to see Glendening make Crosby cry. And at least one point.
  7. nawein

    Franzen calls out team

    And if you subtract the 7 games he didn't score in those months then he scored in every game he played in for 3 whole months. Subtracting facts to make your argument is asinine. Fact is when guys went down he stepped up. He can't carry the team forever and you can't expect him to score everygame when the other team knows that he's the guy.
  8. nawein

    Gustav Nyquist Appreciation Thread

    Thought it might be a good time to bring this up again. Kids been awesome this year and has been most of our offense lately. Leading the team in goals and 4th in points with 35 in 43 games in his first "full" season. He's got confidence and is turning into a leader on this team. Way to go, Goose! Edit: double posted
  9. nawein

    Maple Leafs 2 @ Red Wings 3

    Dk's played 23 minutes already. More than Kronner by a minute.
  10. nawein

    Franzen calls out team

    I don't see it either. All he did was go into more detail knstead of the typical "we lost we need to be better." I see no reason to read anything into this at all. They all look disengaged and unmotivated and scared. He's simply stating what we could all see. Only difference is he plays so woah huge deal.
  11. nawein

    % chance of making the playoffs

    The sad thing is aside from us winning all of those things are probable and none will happen.
  12. nawein

    Finally-TooToo called up

    Never said you were, and I never said I disagreed with you on the trust aspect. All I said was that your statement of him taking stupid penalties was invalid and used stats to back it up. So yes, a few stats can invalidate some of what you said.
  13. nawein

    Finally-TooToo called up

    I hate to pick one thing out of your post but I'm going to anyways because it's the only that I can statiscally disagree with and the rest is mostly opinion. Last year he didn't take as many stupid penalties as I was expecting and only seemed to put us in trouble with that a few times. Also for the entire time he has worn a Wings sweater his Penalty +/- is +2. So for every minor he takes, he draws 3. That's good for 8th on the team behind Pav, Z, Tatar, Nyquist, Alfie, Helm and Abdelkader. In comparison this year Quincey is -21, Kronwall is -15, and even a skilled guy in Franzen is -5. So as far as the stupid penalty thing, he helps in that regard more than he hurts.Edit: All stats taken from
  14. nawein

    U.S.A. vs Russia - Gold Medal Game - Sled Hockey

    My respect for these guys is through the roof. Hockey's a hard enough game to play with working legs and these guys just go out there and compete and play the game and it's awesome. For me, these guys are the epitome of not letting anything get in your way of doing what you love. Also, they're really good.
  15. nawein

    Anthony Mantha

    Mantha sat out his teams final regular season game today so he finished the season with 57 goals and 63 assists for 120 points in 57 games played. He also had 75 PIM and 286 shots. Shots were down from last years 323 in 67 games but set his personal highs in almost every other category. He won the scoring race by 14 points in 9 less games than the second place guy and was second in points per game (2.11) only to Drouin (2.26). He was also 9th in league +/-, but 7 of the 8 guys ahead of him all played for Halifax. I know +/- is highly controversial so take that for what you want. I was excited about this kid when we drafted him and he seems to have worked on improving his game which is great news for us. Hopefully he can tear it up when he gets to GR too. If he wants it bad enough and keeps working like he has been this kid could be a superstar for us one day.
  16. nawein

    Finally-TooToo called up

    Not sure either. I like what he brings to the table and we could definitely use some of it right now. I actually forgot that we still had him for a while there. I do think if we fall out of the race though he'll go back down and we'll bring up Callahan just to see if he can compete at the NHL level. Which is unfortunate for Toots. He seems like a good guy and at least deserves a shot to play in the show to prove he can still play and hopefully earn himself a contract for next season (I think we'll buy him out).
  17. nawein

    Finally-TooToo called up

    Yeah he's not going to score, but he seems to provide a good amount of energy every time he hits the ice. So if he can bring it and give us energy every ten minutes I think 6 minutes would be more than enough. Not a huge impact, but it could be the difference in the kids compete level for some other shifts and if it does that I would say it's a bigger impact than Bert's had lately. As long as he doesn't cost us a goal I think he'll help.
  18. nawein

    Finally-TooToo called up

    It seems like energy is exactly what this team has been lacking lately. Plus it's not like the guy he's replacing brought a whole lot of offense either. So all in all this might be an upgrade to our roster.
  19. nawein

    Injury Updates

    Per Khan's Twitter Babs said Bert may not be able to go tomorrow. Could we finally see Callahan? Edit: Tootoo recalled.
  20. nawein

    3/14 GDT : Edmonton Oilers 1 at Red Wings 2 (F/SO)

    As much as I hate it, I think Roy will get coach of the year. But I do agree with you the Babs hate is a little overstated here. So is the hate for everyone else currently on our roster though it seems.
  21. nawein

    3/14 GDT : Edmonton Oilers 1 at Red Wings 2 (F/SO)

    Looked like DK
  22. nawein

    3/14 GDT : Edmonton Oilers 1 at Red Wings 2 (F/SO)

    Speak more sir.
  23. nawein

    3/14 GDT : Edmonton Oilers 1 at Red Wings 2 (F/SO)

    We look, umm, disinterested.
  24. nawein

    If Kronwall isn't a #1

    Rich, I think you're missing the distinction between legit #1 defenseman and elite, superstar level defensman. Weber is elite. Weber is a superstar. Weber is easily a top 5 dman in the game, probably top 3. If that's your cutoff for #1 guy then you're right, Kronner is not that. But if that's your cutoff, then there might be 5 in the world. Kronwall would not be a #1 on any team, but he would be a #1 on a lot of teams. As far as the Quincey comment, before you tell everyone else on a public hockey forum that they're not allowed to voice their opinion on players because they're not qualified, show us your qualifications.
  25. nawein

    What would it take a get Shea Weber?

    Most I'd give up is Smith, Tatar, Sproul, and 2015 First and 2017 First but I doubt that would get it done.