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Everything posted by MabusIncarnate

  1. MabusIncarnate

    2/13 GDT - 8:00 PM EST - Red Wings at Predators

    Great effort from Erne, Rinne probably wants that one back
  2. MabusIncarnate

    2/13 GDT - 8:00 PM EST - Red Wings at Predators

    Fabbri from Filppula, 1-0 Wings!
  3. So the news hit that made fans of Star Wars both rejoyce and cringe. Walt Disney is the proud new owner of Star Wars and plans on releasing 3 new movies beginning with Episode VII in 2015. There's been a lot of mixed opinions, but my personal stance is excitement. Considering the success of the Pirates of the Caribbean films and the visual impressiveness of John Carter, I think Star Wars may be in good hands. I'm excited about what's coming in the future, and I know theres a few SW fans on these boards. Thoughts and opinions of SW going to Disney? Are you excited or dreading the future of the franchise? Remember... The Force will be with you, always.
  4. MabusIncarnate

    2020 Draft Thread

    Well this was fun.
  5. MabusIncarnate

    2020 Draft Thread

    I have no words, what a complete joke. This should not have happened.
  6. MabusIncarnate

    2020 Draft Thread

    Oh that's amazing, a playoff team is getting 1st overall
  7. MabusIncarnate

    2020 Draft Thread

    i'm fuming.. what the f***
  8. MabusIncarnate

    2020 Draft Thread

    *Throws a chair* 4th AWESOME
  9. MabusIncarnate

    2020 Draft Thread

    Oh man Devils at 7.. that helps the odds Sens at 5.. oh man
  10. MabusIncarnate

    2020 Draft Thread

    Okay Gary let's get some balls in your hands and get this thing rolling
  11. MabusIncarnate

    2020 Draft Thread

    Here we go..
  12. MabusIncarnate

    2020 Draft Thread

    Get these horses off of my screen let's go Uncle Gary
  13. MabusIncarnate

    2020 Draft Thread

    I got beer just in case ...and rum and tequila
  14. MabusIncarnate

    2020 Draft Thread

    I just want top 2, i'm trying to temper expectations knowing Ottawa has double the chance, and our chance at 1 is 18.5% which is a bit better than a 1 in 6 chance. That's still not favorable but it's definitely possible. This team needs a difference maker.
  15. MabusIncarnate

    NHL Season officially suspended until further notice - March 12, 2020

    I'm not condoning it, but when I made that discord for when the site here has outages I basically told them I can't authorize LGW terms of use over there because I made it, not Matt, and it's unofficial and not tied into this website. If it turns into blatant racism or anything like that, I will remove it. If CRL want's to get his trolling out of his system on discord that's on him, and people can block him if they don't want to see it, respectfully. It seems like all of the site outages here have been ironed out so people are welcome to continue posting here under our rules and I will continue to moderate here accordingly.
  16. MabusIncarnate

    NHL Season officially suspended until further notice - March 12, 2020

    First off, the pics are amazing. Great work. This virus has flipped my entire life, much more than anticipated, and chaos is the best way to describe the past few weeks. I apologize for my absence but there have been a lot of vital and extreme changes in my life as a result of this pandemic and I simply don't have much time anymore to check in. I appreciate you guys keeping things civil and within the rules (for the most part) and i'll keep checking back when I can. Please feel free to send me a private message on here if there are any issues like mass spamming that floods the boards or an issue with a user, it will go to my email and I can respond quicker. Thanks guys, stay safe and healthy.
  17. MabusIncarnate

    NHL Season officially suspended until further notice - March 12, 2020

    We are official folks, in the meantime PLEASE continue your activity, but keep it within the terms of use, NO POLITICS. If you guys want a discussion thread going about the ongoing virus, with updates and whatnot, that's perfectly fine, but keep politics out of it entirely. This goes for discussion, memes, pictures, avatars, and anything inbetween. There are virtually millions of other places on the internet to discuss politics, keep it off of these boards. Everyone be safe, take care of yourself and your loved ones, don't get trampled for toilet paper, and we hope to have hockey back sooner than later.
  18. MabusIncarnate

    GDT - Yzermans Ex @ Stevies current trainwreck - 5:00 PM ET

    Yeah, Wings basically need to win out to lose best odds for first overall. That still only gives us an 18.5% chance of first overall, 81.5% chance of 2 - 4. I wish the odds were better, even having the best odds, the odds aren't in our favor.
  19. MabusIncarnate

    WAKE ME UP GDT - Black Birb Team @ Wheel Team - 4:30 PST

    I had a bit to drink last night, apologies for my off topic and random posting in the GDT.
  20. MabusIncarnate

    WAKE ME UP GDT - Black Birb Team @ Wheel Team - 4:30 PST

    If I spill beer on myself during a game it's easier to clean up if i'm not wearing clothes. Don't judge me.
  21. MabusIncarnate

    Congrats, General!

    I like some of you sometimes Happy 1.5 LGW
  22. MabusIncarnate

    WAKE ME UP GDT - Black Birb Team @ Wheel Team - 4:30 PST

    Bernier > Hasek confirmed Don't kill me Loo
  23. MabusIncarnate

    WAKE ME UP GDT - Black Birb Team @ Wheel Team - 4:30 PST

    I don't remember the last time I was awake that early
  24. MabusIncarnate

    WAKE ME UP GDT - Black Birb Team @ Wheel Team - 4:30 PST

    I'd work naked tbh