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Guest DatsyukianDeke13

Fiddler says Refs favor us, Babcock has players skate on off day

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ok, fiddler, even if you do believe that game series has been tilted against the coyotes by the refs. Why would you go to the press and ***** about it. Your suppose to be a professional, but you acting like a *****. Whining and complaining doesn't win you games, working hard does. How about you try some of that.

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Hey if I had a name like Vernon Fiddler, I'd also be a little upset at life.

If I was in the bottom 5% of a league and didn't realize it, I'd think other people would be getting breaks.

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when you make excuses before the final game is even played, you've already lost

True. I also feel a lack of respect from the Coyotes (or most of them) towards the Wings.

It's hard to beat an opposing team when you make excuses and cannot respect them.

si vis pacem para bellum

I love that saying.

Edited by RedLightGoesOn

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Guest Lidstromboli

fiddler is a moron for thinking the refs favor the wings

but everyone is right in thinking the refs favor the penguins

makes sense

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But if I made $1,100,000 a year.. upset at life over.

Mo' Money Mo' Problems.

fiddler is a moron for thinking the refs favor the wings

but everyone is right in thinking the refs favor the penguins

makes sense

Well what do you want him to say, something like "Well I'm actually suprised at how lenient the Ref's have been in calling our constant interverence penaltys, and I really think the Wing's should get more of the benifit of the doubt based on their less physical style of play and leadership"?

He's trying to get a few free calls for his team, which I believed worked. ****** move, but it's allowed and works, don't fault him, fault the people who buy into it.

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did you read my post or just that one line

Sorry the way it was formatted (or maybe just how firefox showed it), it seems like you intentionally pressed space, which lead me to believe it was different thought. And just for the record I did NOT give you the Neg.

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I realize why everyone is hating on Fiddler; whiners don't belong in sports, nor do excuses. Despite this, and although I really don't like Phoenix, this is not the first time that questions have been raised in public regarding favouritism for our team. I'm not sure if any of you recall the series a few years ago against the Canucks when Brian Burke raised similar questions on a very public stage.

Although the Wings do not need the help, as they are stacked with great talent and leadership, I must say that sometimes I can see where these accusations come from. The fact is that the Wings are too good. When teams and the players on them reach epic levels, they do, as Fiddler suggests, gain tons of respect from around the league. Refs, as unbiased as they attempt to be, are not immune to this. i.e. Zetterberg is so good that he would never be accused of purposely pushing a net off in a 5 on 3 penalty kill... Holmstom is so respected for his hard work and ability that he can draw penalties on other teams by actually holding other players and pulling them down on him..

I am not suggesting that wrong calls or miscalls are only made in favour of the Wings; refs are human and make errors almost every game that unjustly benefit teams, regardless of what crest is on there sweater. It does seem however that the respect for the Red Wings does bring with it more benefits. Its kinda like the Lakers. Ever watch Kobe for 5 minutes and not draw a questionable foul every 30 seconds? Of course the NHL is not nearly that bad, but just try to be a little unbiased watching the next game and use a little logic, not emotions, to make judgments. Otherwise use your emotions and be no different than the other ignorant fans around the league that think that not matter what, every call made for their team is a good one, and everyone against is a bad one.

That being said tho, I would like to re-itterate that the Red Wings don't NEED any unconscious bias to win. Were awesome without it and are gunna beat the Penguins in the finals this year anyway... It just makes it a little easier to have your respect cut you a couple breaks along the way.

Edited by rockshithot

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