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Everything posted by marcaractac

  1. marcaractac

    Hockey Canada

  2. marcaractac

    Hockey Canada

    Remember when the real blueadams had a meltdown thinking this account was me? With how rapey Hockey Canada has been, I'm not shocked there is an attempt being made to police their locker rooms.
  3. marcaractac

    Rumors Thread

    It's an Eklund-originated rumor I wouldn't look too much into it.
  4. marcaractac

    Detroit Lions 2023 Thread

    Which was fine when he had Megatron to depend on. I am a fan of Stafford. All I am really getting at is the difference in quality between Stafford and Goff is marginal at best, which makes that trade really good for the Lions.
  5. marcaractac

    Detroit Lions 2023 Thread

    He's literally top 5 in the league in completions 20+ yards
  6. marcaractac

    Detroit Lions 2023 Thread

    To be fair, in the Stafford era, management never took the time to build a proper team around him. It was always slap a couple of star players in the lineup and hope for the best. This team is just built right. Holmes is really good at what he does. One more draft and this team has all the pieces to be a contender. Hopefully, they go the 49ers route and create a standard of winning that can continue for many years. They get to constantly develop QB's by practicing against the best defense in the league.
  7. marcaractac

    Detroit Lions 2023 Thread

    That Stafford trade is wild to look back on. Even if Goff was trash, the Lions still made out like bandits in that deal with what they used the picks for. The fact that they STILL have a QB they can win with is ******* wild.
  8. marcaractac

    Would you bring back Babcock?

    I do wonder how Bowman would be perceived if he coached today. He was pretty hard on players too.
  9. marcaractac

    Would you bring back Babcock?

    How can you coach someone who doesn't make mistakes?
  10. marcaractac

    Detroit Lions 2023 Thread

    Yeah despite the Lions' issues, it was nice to see them battle back to force OT. Though I did think settling for the FG at the end to tie it was very lame. People also need to realize this team is still 1-2 years away from being legit contenders. It's a very young team and the D could use another draft.
  11. marcaractac

    News From Around the NHL *Mod warning page 75*

    2008/9 Fedorov would not have been a difference maker in that finals game 7. Especially at the cost of Flip. Rafalski only having one leg left was the difference. Hell, if you swap Flip for Feds the Wings may not win that 2008 cup either.
  12. marcaractac

    Detroit Lions 2023 Thread

    The loss yesterday doesn't worry me. It's a very young defense, although they certainly need a couple of legit defensive tackles. In the end, before the season started, I'd imagine pretty much everyone expected a 1-1 record at this stage.
  13. marcaractac

    New New Prospects Thread

    To be fair, Kasper had to rehab his knee for most of the offseason. I'm not shocked to see him be a step behind.
  14. marcaractac

    News From Around the NHL *Mod warning page 75*

    For sure. I don't think there was any ill intent by the leadership by any means. It's just when looking at it from the perspective of the young players who were uncomfortable with it, seeing their captain stick up for it in the media may have been a bummer. In the end, Babs should have ******* known better. What a clown.
  15. marcaractac

    2023 Offseason Thread

    I don't think it's worth getting bent out of shape over a couple of prospect games playing behind some of the worst defense I've ever seen. As long as he shows the same type of growth in GR that he had in Toledo last season, I'd say everything is on track with him (Cossa). He's gonna struggle from time to time. What is important is that he grows and learns from it.
  16. marcaractac

    News From Around the NHL *Mod warning page 75*

    What happens with the players with a letter on that roster now? They clearly stuck up for Babs despite making the young players very uncomfortable. Clearly, team leadership doesn't have their back. Of course, family men will be fine with sharing phone photos. It's gonna be all pictures of their kids and s***. But 20 year olds? C'mon man. No 20 year old is gonna be comfortable showing their cell phone pictures to their boss.
  17. marcaractac

    New New Prospects Thread

    Seems pretty par for the course around here yeah
  18. marcaractac

    Mo/Ray/Ras Contract Watch

    Ahh, so there is zero growth and development in players once they reach the NHL. Got it. Development doesn't stop. Great players are always looking to grow and improve. Players develop in junior/college/AHL/overseas until they reach a point where they can produce in the NHL. From there, they continue to work on their game. This is how they become great players. I can write it in crayon for you if you still have trouble understanding.
  19. marcaractac

    Mo/Ray/Ras Contract Watch

    Imagine nerfing a player's development to polish up an old player for the trade deadline. Scott must have all the best drugs.
  20. marcaractac

    Would you bring back Babcock?

    Yeah, can't really blame that loss on Babs either. That Ducks roster was stacked. We didn't even have Rafalski yet. Not to mention Franzen has yet to pop off at this stage.
  21. So 6 days until the site goes down
  22. marcaractac

    Would you bring back Babcock?

    Lids is def the best of the 4, but the Duck duo is easily 2 and 3. So as a pairing, yeah they got it in the bag. Having said that, 2008 Detroit had the better top 4 than the 2007 Ducks. The best d-pairing to ever take the Ice was Lids and Weber in that All-Star game years back though. They dominated. Sure it was just an All-Star game, but f*** they were good. I don't disagree with Babs being mid at all, but I don't think he gets the blame for 2009. There were some brutal key injuries that run. Rafalski was basically a cripple in those finals. The Pens just had a little more in the tank at the end of that series. I'll never forget that goal where Staal blew right past Raf. That was the turning point of that series that the Wings just didn't have enough to recover from. 100% agree with the rest though.
  23. marcaractac

    Would you bring back Babcock?

    Not to mention that first pair D. Good lord...
  24. marcaractac

    Would you bring back Babcock?

    Never forget when his powerhouse Canadian roster was only able to beat Latvia 1-0 in the 2014 Olympics. Giggy's insane run was the 2003 playoffs. Anaheim was just actually a good team in 2007.
  25. marcaractac

    Mo/Ray/Ras Contract Watch

    The question then is, if he does break out and hit a PPG pace, what does his next contract look like then? I feel a bridge deal at that point risks a more significant future cap hit. So does a ppg season warrant an 8-year deal to keep the long-term cap hit down? If so, what does said cap hit look like?