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Everything posted by nawein

  1. My apologies. My point was simply that the trade was of a benefit to us now because our C group looks substantially better with Legwand as opposed to entirely taken from GR.
  2. nawein

    If Kronwall isn't a #1

    If Kronwall doesn't qualify as elite to you, then neither should Seabrook. Also Yandle is nowhere near as good as Kronwall in the defensive zone. And all I have to say about Chara is watch him closely next time you watch the B's. He's a good defenseman no doubt, but far from elite. He's not even the best all around defenseman on his team.
  3. nawein

    If Kronwall isn't a #1

    Couldn't agree more. He's got a nice hard shot and he's big and strong but that's it. Can't skate, his awareness is poor, positioning is bad, doesn't have good hands, but everyone just looks at his size and shot. I've thought that for years.
  4. nawein

    Weiss - who would take him next season and does he have a full NTC

    Tootoo. They're not going to buy out Franzen and they said that last year. Especially not now after he's actually been good this year. Weiss was signed post lockout so we can't use a compliance buyout on him. Tootoo is the best option.
  5. nawein

    3/7 GDT: Devils 4 at Red Wings 7

    Yes. This. I've actually thought that he might suffer from depression for quite a while now, dating back to a season or two ago. As a neuroscience major and having suffered from fairly severe depression in the past I think that this is actually a legitimate possibility from what I can see. Now I don't have a degree yet or anything, but he definitely shows the symptoms. And medications/therapies for that are a crapshoot at best. Usually takes several attempts to find something effective even for the best psychiatrists. So yeah, this could actually be legit.
  6. nawein

    Mark Fayne

    If people keep calling Kronner a number 2 I might lose it. He's our number one, he was Sweden's number one, he'd be a number one on over half the teams in the league. He's not a superstar or a legend, but he's a legit number one defenseman. If you honestly can't see the difference then, well, I don't know.
  7. I agree that nobody knew what could happen, but my point is that Weiss has proven that he can play in this league when healthy. Jarnkrok has not. I'm not disagreeing that in 3 years I would probably rather have Jarnkrok than Weiss. But right now I'd still rather have a guy that has proven he can play than one who hasn't. And I'd take Legwand over both of them.
  8. The previous 10 year NHL career may have had something to do with it.
  9. nawein

    Ken Holland's Moves From 2009-2014

    Holland is stupid and only makes bad decisions didn't you know? I mean come on if you're going to post here you need to ignore all the good things Holland and any vets bring to the table and only focus on the bad. Rule number one around here.
  10. nawein

    Ken Holland's Moves From 2009-2014

    Side note, the trades for the two seconds with Ottawa and the Leino trade with Philly landed us Jurco, XO, and Backman. So not too bad really. Gave up Matt Puempel.
  11. I don't hate this deal, but I don't love it either. I've always been a big fan of Legwand and I hope he comes here and makes all of you eat crow. Sure it sucks to lose a prospect like Jarnkrok, but he is not all everyone is making him out to be. We're fine on C for the foreseeable future and honestly we can draft a C the puts up the numbers he was at a younger age with a bigger frame. I was excited about him, sure. But Legwand fills a need we have now and makes our forward corps incredibly deep. The more I step back and rationally think about this, the more expendable and replaceable Jarnkrok seems and the more I realize we needed a good C now. If Legwand can play wing when we get some guys back and resigns, I think I like this deal.
  12. nawein

    Edler-Kesler Vs. Ehrhoff-Stewart

    2 things: 1 you don't need an MBA to see we have a few spare parts we should get rid of. 2 capable at D but not proficient is like saying he can do it but he can't, since proficient means being competent with something.Those things said since removing the dead weight is pretty much an unrealistic option and I'd like to watch a good hockey team, I'd love Ehrhoff, or Edler, or Kesler. I hate Kesler, but he'd make us better and harder to play against. And the defenseman, well, that need has been made plenty clear.
  13. nawein

    Steve Ott to possibly be moved to Detroit.

    By Tootoo's role I meant annoying agitator that everyone hates to play against and forces the other team to keep their head up. Trust me, I realize Ott is way more valuable than Tootoo.
  14. nawein

    2014 draft thoughts.

    Let's wait a little longer than 9 months to call it a bad pick. Was everyone the was picked before Datsyuk a bad pick? Give it a few years to see how it pans out. Could be a great pick. Who knows.
  15. nawein

    Next Seasons Needs/Team Future

    I think actually, if we're looking at having the best defense we can next year without drastically overpaying, and with the way he's played after a rough start this year, we should resign Quincey. I didn't get to see the game tonight, but I've been thinking of it lately. There's not a lot of options on the market, and no matter how much we love the kids I don't think they're the answer yet. I'd trade Kindl at the draft to move up a bit, but, I really don't think Q has been as bad as LGW has made him sound. Plus he knows the system, doesn't seem to ever get hurt, and has made pretty decent strides lately. A pay cut is probably in order, but I wouldn't be opposed to having him back.
  16. nawein

    The beginning of a new season.

    Not to mention that we've been without 1 of our 2 best forwards for almost the whole season.
  17. nawein

    Olympic Team Roster

    I can't figure out how to post the roster from capgeek on my phone but that roster is roughly 20 mil over the cap..
  18. nawein

    Anthony Mantha

    And to add to that this year Drouin is averaging 2.15 points per game, while Mantha is averaging 2.14. Doesn't mean it'll translate, but it's definitely worth getting excited over. Is anyone on here from the area and has seen him play recently or can give a first hand account of how his game is night in and night out?
  19. nawein

    Mike McKee

    If he can't play hockey at at least an Emmerton level, he won't be here. End of story. Kenny and Babs aren't going to have a fighter in the lineup that brings little else to the team. See: Tootoo, Jordin.
  20. nawein

    Anthony Mantha

    I have him on pace to finish the season at 62 goals and 126 points since theres only 12 games left until the playoffs? Unless I'm missing something. I do like 85 and 178 a lot better though.
  21. nawein

    If we become sellers...

    I agree with you that I don't think he wants to, but if it comes down to it he wants to win a cup and he's on his last legs. I found this in an article on written on July 5th. "We had a lot of discussions here with our family leading up to this the last few days and it pretty much came down to a selfish decision in terms of I have not won the Stanley Cup," Alfredsson said. "I feel with Ottawa, they're getting closer and closer and definitely going in the right direction and have a really bright future in front of them, but at this stage of my career I just don't have the time to wait for that." This kind of confirms what we're all saying in a weird way. He wants to be in Detroit for the culture, and selfishly he wants to win a cup. He wouldn't want to move his family again obviously, but as a rental he wouldn't have to. He could sign again here next year to try again if it didn't pan out that he wins it this year. I just feel like he has one, maybe two years left to win a cup and if four months away from his family significantly increases his chances to do that, he'd do it. Edit: I can't spell.
  22. nawein

    If we become sellers...

    Add Alfie to the list as a possible mover. Not that I think he wants to move but he came here to win a cup, without Z we're not going to win a cup. He left the only team he'd ever played for to win a cup so I'm not naive enough to think he has some sort of loyalty to Detroit where he would rather play here than have a shot.
  23. nawein

    Trade deadline fast approaching - who should we target?

    Late round picks seem to work out well for us, I'd take a few of those. Let's say Alfie wants to be moved, not that I think he does but let's pretend, what could we get for him?
  24. nawein

    Andreas Athanasiou

    It's pretty cool how we draft people late and the next year they kind of explode offensively. For example: Athanasiou and Nyquist. Those are just off the top of my head. I'm sure theres more ala Z and Pav probably. I'm too lazy to look it up. Anyways, I'm getting excited for this kid.
  25. nawein

    Zetterberg out with herniated disc

    Why is the entire world suddenly freaking out about Z taking another maintenance day? He pretty much takes one every day there's not a game. I don't get the feeling that this is any different.