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Posts posted by diehardredwingsfan58

  1. On 5/20/2023 at 1:14 PM, Mattm88 said:

    This crap has no place in hockey, he hasn't made it in the NHL so now he goes to the worlds to act tough. Joe needs to go not only from the worlds but the NHL as well, what a complete loser. 


    What he did was totally wrong and extremely dangerous, But to say he should be banned out of hockey is totally moronic and very biased. he's being suspended for 5 games for Team Canada. And I'm pretty sure that Yzerman will get with him and say you'll never ever do this crap while on my team.

    Stomping on someone is never good, But it's not like Joe Veleno is the only player that has ever done something like this so reckless and foolish. Niederreiter did the exact same thing and only got one game while Veleno who has no issues in flagrant penalties got five games.

  2. On 5/5/2023 at 1:16 PM, Walman6million said:

    Walman, Raymond, Mazur, Kasper, and Veleno at worlds. Do these guys plan on spending any time in Detroit this offseason?...

    Kasper isn't at the worlds, He has a busted knee cap. Pretty sure he was going home to Austria to rest up.

  3. 18 hours ago, Walman6million said:

    Garrioch saying Debrincat wont sign in Ottawa

    He went to OTT for a 7th, 39th, and a 3rd.

    Maybe we can have him for our 19th, 40th, and 41st? Would be the goal scorer we need. 

    I'd take Bruce Garrioch with a grain of salt, He's usually more wrong than right. My gut tells me that DeBrincat will resign with Ottawa.

  4. 1 hour ago, TLGTrico said:

    Well, if Edvinsson is making this team next season, we're gonna have to either let Walman walk or move someone to the right side.

    Chiarot can play the rightside, Pretty sure that won't stop Yzerman from resigning jake Walman. If he can keep him for a reasonable deal.

  5. 2 hours ago, Walman6million said:


    Literally only SY associates are in on Bertuzzi? Holland, Nill, and Brisebois. Strange.

    Supposedly Calgary and Toronto as well, Along with Florida. So not all Yzerman associates.

    Jakob Chychrun was a healthy scratch tonight, So it sounds like a Chychrun trade deal is getting close.

    Kailor Yamamoto is returning Wednesday to the Edmonton to face Detroit. So Jesse Pulujarivi either traded or too waivers by Tuesday.


  6. 2 hours ago, LeftWinger said:

    Well Horvat just got 8x$8.5M, what does this mean for Larkin?


    If anything, It definitely means that Larkin is a $9,000,000 per player. And probably will be playing elsewhere next fall. If he truly wants to remain in Detroit and i think he does. Than Yzerman should offer him the 8 x $8,500,000 Horvat deal and be done with it.

  7. 21 hours ago, marcaractac said:

    Larkin will be a Bruin next season. You heard it here first.

    I'll bet you you're wrong, There's absolutely noway Boston can afford Larkin. They've around $21,000,000 to spend and Pastrnak will cost them between $11,000,000 to $12,000,000 per plus they've $4,500,000 performance bonuses that need to be paid out to both Bergeron and Krejci and they need to sign 7 players. No way are they going to afford Larkin. If i'm Larkin i don't take anything less than $10,000,000 per to play there.

    FYI Boston has the oldest core in the league average 30 on their forward core 28 on defense. They need to get younger not older. Once Bergeron, Krejci and Marchand are gone that team will be tanking. Larkin would be a fool to leave a young up and coming Red Wings team for an aging Bruins team who's window is closing fast.


  8. 2 hours ago, F.Michael said:

    Wouldn't surprise me to see Walman traded by the deadline.

    Yeah if we get a 2nd for him.

    Yzerman has been eyeing him since his junior days, Pretty sure Yzerman will resign him. he's been really good with Mo Seider.



  9. 4 hours ago, marcaractac said:

    According to Woodward Sports, Yzerman is not budging on his Larkin offer and will basically play the Stamkos game. Man if we lose Larkin for nothing because of Yzerman's ego...

    Stop spreading misinformation, I just watched the Woodward Sports episode in question, Under anytime did they ever say that Yzerman wouldn't budge. it wasn't even brought up at all.

  10. 3 hours ago, marcaractac said:

    According to Woodward Sports, Yzerman is not budging on his Larkin offer and will basically play the Stamkos game. Man if we lose Larkin for nothing because of Yzerman's ego...

    How would Woodward Sports know what Yzerman will or will not do, Outside of D Mac Woodward sports is run by a bunch of hacks who no nothing about hockey. The latest offer from Yzerman to Larkin according to Darren Dreger is 8 x $8,500,000 which is way more than enough for Larkin and it's right in his comparable ranges. Woodward sports is a joke most of them outside of Dmac are a bunch of idiots and they don't no a single thing of what Yzerman will or will not do.

  11. 1 hour ago, Jonas Mahonas said:



    Im looking at this like this: SY offered 7.5 x 8.  Larkin's agent wants 9 x 8.  They will eventually settle on 8.25 x 8.  But SY will get the benefit of making sure Larkin doesnt have an injury through the end of the year that will impact his next season/career.  I think this is just good business by Stevie.

    Yzermans original offer to Larkin was 8x8 it's now up to 8x8.5 per Darren Dreger So we shall see.

  12. 7 hours ago, kipwinger said:

    The dudes from the Winged Wheel Pod are reporting that Larkin's initial ask was 9.5-9.7 and Yzerman's initial offer was 8.4 million. There's no reason to think this thing doesn't get done at 9-9.1 million. Makes you wonder if this isn't all a big ploy to influence future negotiations. Like, if SY is willing to hardball his captain over 500K then if you're a young guy or a depth guy you're going to think twice about pushing too hard.

    Anyway, take it for what it's worth. That podcast is rightfully criticized around here (and it should be) but they do seem pretty plugged into the organization. Not hard to imagine that they have a source.

    That came from Darren Dreger who was on the Friedman Marek podcast, And Dreger was the one that mentioned that Yzerman opened up with a 8 x $8,000,000 offer to Dylan Larkin and Larkins camp came back at 8 x $9,500,000.


    And they also mentioned that Yzerman is currently talking to Bertuzzi's agent on a new deal.

    On 1/16/2023 at 4:29 PM, Jonas Mahonas said:

    Vrana going full cokehead f u c k e d the Yzerplan up.  What a disaster.  If we could dump all our players and go expansion draft style in 2023, I would.

    You can blame Kuznetsov for making Vrana a full blown crackhead from his days with the Capitals. I'm even surprised that Kuznetsov is still playing hockey.

  13. On 12/24/2022 at 9:07 PM, Jonas Mahonas said:

    Name me a Swedish goalie with a cup.  

    That's impossible, They don't exist.

    On 12/31/2022 at 9:35 AM, redw1ngs said:

    Biggest bust in franchise history

    LOL You do understand that most Goalies don't even mature until thy're 23 years old. And Cossa is 20 now

  14. On 1/3/2023 at 1:57 PM, bIueadams said:

    Ryan Merkley has requested a trade out of SJ. 22 year old RHD drafted in the 1st round. Has played well in AHL but only 39 games in the NHL so far and didnt do much. 

    Zadina for Merkley straight up? 

    I'd do that in a heartbeat, We need an upgrade on our RD.