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Posts posted by diehardredwingsfan58

  1. On 4/22/2022 at 11:02 AM, Jonas Mahonas said:

    The Wings are 0-4 without Zadina in the lineup this year.

    Will be 0-8 by the end of next week.

    2 hours ago, redw1ngs said:

    Unlikely tho still possible Chicago/New Jersey could pass us in the standings. We have to lose our remaining 3 games in regulation and both teams would have to win there remaining 4 games. NJ have to 3 of 4 ROW. Chicago win in OT tonight would be nice.

    Both Chicago and New jersey would need to win out for that to happen, And those odds are pretty nil.

  2. On 4/13/2022 at 1:54 PM, town123 said:

    Hellburg for backup competition next year? 


    Does he see any action this year?

    Probably a game or two, Greiss is trash so he can't be any worse.

    On 4/13/2022 at 11:36 AM, redw1ngs said:

    Larkin: $7.1m x 8

    Bertuzzi: not extended

    Zadina: $2m x 2

    Stephens: 1.2m x 2

    Gagner: 1m x 1

    Staal: $1.8m x 1

    Walman: 1.5m x 1

    You're not getting Larkin for anything less then $8.0m x 8 he's not signing that low ball deal. Zadina is paid too much by $1.0m the rest look about right. I think Yzerman gets a deal done with Bertuzzi as well.

  3. 15 hours ago, marcaractac said:

    Lots of Wings info on the latest 32 thoughts podcast. 

    The belief is the Wings rebuild is gonna take longer than many think, as Yzerman is not done adding high-end draft picks. Will not take big UFA swings until then.

    Be prepared for more veteran UFA signings that can be flipped at the deadline.  

    LOL on the 32 thoughts podcast, Yzerman already stated that the rebuild is going to take longer and we need to be more patient. So the 32 thought podcast isn't telling us anything that we didn't already know from what Yzerman was saying.

    13 hours ago, bIueadams said:

    If that's the case then we should trade Bertuzzi. Still don't understand why Fabbri was extended though....

    Yeah sure let's trade Bertuzzi, Since it's going to be another 5 years or so let's trade Larkin as well and set back our rebuild another 10 years or so might as well trade everyone not named Seider and Raymond and see how much better we can become. Knowing we're not getting either Wright or Beddard it's going to be pretty bleak.

  4. On 3/31/2022 at 1:58 AM, Akakabuto said:

    When he is also Executive Vice President?

    Or was it maybe the Vice President of Hockey Operations? First move from Nick after coming back to the organization was to fire Al Sobotka.

    Nicklas Lidstrom is ruining this franchise.

    The firing didn't come from Yzerman, Personally it was probably Chris Ilitch himself that did the firing.

  5. 22 hours ago, Akakabuto said:


    Steve Yzerman is ruining this franchise. 

    Yzerman didn't make the decision to fire Sobatka, That comes from another area not related to Yzerman.

    37 minutes ago, Neomaxizoomdweebie said:

    I feel like alcohol may have been involved in this stunt. If he has a problem with the bottle, it may be the reason for his firing.

    This stunt? Per reports this has been going on for quite awhile. I'm sure alcohol is involved. Not just him but Karen Newman being let go due to monetary reasons.Higher ups are cleaning house.

  6. 3 hours ago, bIueadams said:

    Bertuzzis not gonna be traded. He's not even being held out of the lineup. Go home everyone. 

    His home is in Detroit, he just had his first born Michigan daughter. Yeah Bert isn't going anywhere.

  7. On 3/17/2022 at 8:48 PM, bIueadams said:

    Hopefully just Names. Bertuzzi is my boy. 

    Yeah i really don't want Bert to go either, But the vaxx thing i believe has soured Yzerman on him.