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Jimmybigrigs69 last won the day on July 21

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About Jimmybigrigs69

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    2nd Line Scorer

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  1. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    I dont trust lightning spies
  2. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    I wouldn't call 1 min a game a significant special teams role. Regular PKers hover around 2 min a game. He was likely only on the PK at all because Walman was hurt. But then something happened with Walman when he returned, because Jake went from top pair and top PK, to bottom pair and no PK, and/or healthy scratch. Yzerman also said Edvinsson has to earn his spot at camp. I won't at all be surprised if Edvinsson plays great, earns his spot, and plays all 82 games. But if it's same as last year, and everyone's healthy, I'd send him down until an injury promotes him. Who are you waiving in favor of Ed?
  3. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Maata, Fischer, and Veleno don't PK on a regular basis. He was behind Seider, Chiarot, Petry, and Walman on the PK with only 19 minutes.
  4. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    I dont really agree on the comparison. I think Ed has all the potential to be just as good offensively and defensively as Mo. He's just not having the lightning fast development that Mo had. Sure Seider got PP time right away... but he also got PK time as well. Ed got neither. Because Seider was clearly a stud from day 1, and Ed is clearly not a stud yet. I don't dislike the prospect, i just dont see the need to rush him onto the roster, and if he's the Dman we can waive, it makes sense to waive him.
  5. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Seider did the same in GR, but with him it translated to the NHL immediately. That didn't happen with Ed last year, so it may very well not this year.
  6. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    I don't think this at all. He's been REALLY good in GR. But IMO he didn't look ready for a top4 NHL role last year when he was up. If his game is at that same level coming out of camp, and we don't have room on the roster, he should absolutely go down and play the #1 role in GR some more. Intead of waiving a different player. We signed Gus because no one on the backend can score besides Seider, Edvinsson included last year. Had Edvinsson put up pts last year we likely don't sign Gus, and Eddogs place in the NHL is guaranteed. But he didn't put up pts. So here we are. We have to excercise patience with a prospect like Edvinsson. Worst thing we could do right now is say "here's a top4 spot and a pp unit, go be what we hope you can be one day be" and then have him fall flat. 100%
  7. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    I think we are going to see a lot of Edvinsson next year. But in the event of a roster squeeze, if he's playing anything like he did last year still, he's the one going down.
  8. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    We do not all know that. You and few others seem to believe it. And you're ignoring the fact that Yzerman also said he won't be waiving AJo. Or is that another Yzerscam lie in your book? Edvinsson is going to have to play a lot better than last year to squeeze out a vet.
  9. Jimmybigrigs69

    whose #1?

    He just doesn't have elite level moves. If the goalie coach taught him how to stack the pads he would make a lot more of those tough east to west saves. But he never stacks the pads, and wonder if that's due to repeated groin injuries or something. But if that's the case, just barrel role or something? Hoping the flexible finn will show him these moves this season.
  10. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    That's not a certainty at all. Yzerman has already said he doesn’t have a spot on this team at this moment and will need to earn it at camp. We've been over this. Yzerman has already said he won't be waiving Johansson. Why? He's 21 years old, and didn't do much during his time up last year. Spending more time in GR is probably good for him. Eddog will never be as good as Seider.
  11. Jimmybigrigs69

    whose #1?

    Newsy went with the vet in Reimer in game 1 last season. I expect he'll do something similar and play Talbot in game 1 this year. But after that I expect a rotation of Lyon and Husso. Lyon deserves the looks after last season, but he's really not that impressive of a goaltender, so I don't think #1 is truly all his. Husso and Talbot will be afforded every chance to take it. Best man wins. Like last year.
  12. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    With Lagesson and Edvinsson in GR, and Johansson in Detroit, we have $18.544 mil in cap space. That's with 10 forwards, 6 Dmen, and 3 goalies. Once Raymond, Seider, and Berggren are signed, we will be at 12, 7, and 3. 18.5 should be more than enough to sign all 3. No one NEEDS to be bought out fellas.
  13. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Pretty much. He's the only non-core player that's eligible besides Petry. And a Petry buyout barely saves us any money. I don't think we buyout Husso... unless SY really needs the money for another move.
  14. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Now compare the minutes these players eat to how much Sprong plays. Points aren't everything partner.
  15. Jimmybigrigs69

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Now how do you feel?