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Gaborik, absolutely. Hes played in a very strict defensive style his entire career. He is also a great playmaker on top of being a very good goal scorer.

Yea, I'd love to have 7 million in that picture of health. WRONG!!

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Yea, I'd love to have 7 million in that picture of health. WRONG!!

Alot of the "problems" could pertain to the Wild's medical staff. There was controversy this season because Minnesota had a chance for the playoffs but Gaborik felt that it was in his best interest to sit out games and heal, instead of pushing it and causing further injury.

Gaborik won't be demanding $7 million, no team will give it to him.

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Alot of the "problems" could pertain to the Wild's medical staff. There was controversy this season because Minnesota had a chance for the playoffs but Gaborik felt that it was in his best interest to sit out games and heal, instead of pushing it and causing further injury.

Gaborik won't be demanding $7 million, no team will give it to him.

Really? Is that why he's missed at least 20% of the regular season in 4 or his 8 career seasons? Or, I guess it could be that massive 22 points he's scored in 29 career playoff games. Ahhh, now I get your point. What a lame argument.

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Really? Is that why he's missed at least 20% of the regular season in 4 or his 8 career seasons? Or, I guess it could be that massive 22 points he's scored in 29 career playoff games. Ahhh, now I get your point. What a lame argument.

22 points in 29 games, on the Wild? Yeah, that is pretty decent.

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Hossa was the one player for Pittsburgh that I feared the most in the Stanley Cup Finals last year. He played with high energy every shift, as I remember.

I believe his offense will come around. If so, we'll forget all about these past few games and be saying "OMG HOSSA" all over again.

Cyber high-fives all around.

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22 points in 29 games, on the Wild? Yeah, that is pretty decent.

I can see how you'd say that (by the way, didn't Hossa have more points than that in last year's playoffs alone?) But that's not the point here. Sure, Hossa is struggling on the offensive end.....can't dispute that. Haven't we forgiven Dats for more than one poor playoff season? And that's not a knock on Dats....absolutely love the guy. Facts are, Hossa is a physical beast, he took a serious pay discount to play here, from what I understand he is a great guy in the clubhouse, and, more importantly, the playoffs aren't over yet. Who knows what he'll do before it's all over. But, in my opinion, the guy's given enough to this team to deserve more respect that you're giving him.

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Gaborik, absolutely. Hes played in a very strict defensive style his entire career. He is also a great playmaker on top of being a very good goal scorer.

HAHA. You'd rather have Gaborik, a guy who's played more than 66 games only 4 times out of his 8 years in the league? It's clear that you have some kind of strange vendetta against Hossa; did he refuse to take a picture with you or something? $7 mill for a guy that spends more time in the doctor's office than on the ice; now there's a great move!

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Here's the deal. It's Hossa or Flip, Huds and Sammy. Which do you think is playing better half way through the playoffs? Obviously it's Flip, Huds and Sammy.

Enjoy watching Hossa this year because he isn't outplaying the 3 guys combined and he is making Kenny's decision alot easier.

Hossa had 1 good playof year in his career. I tried to tell everybody that last July but nobody wanted to listen especially the OMG Hossa contingent.

I hope he picks it up but it's not looking good.

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Holland looks like a sheer genius for signing Mule longterm and waiting on Hossa. I really really wish I could hear the thought process of Holland as he watches the supprting cast tear it up and Hossa go invisible. As fans we really can't ask for a better scenario. We are up 2-0 in the WCF and Hossa has yet to show. Either we sleep well and spend that dough on guys like Erickson, Leino, Abdelkader, Helm, Hudler going forward or maybe Hossa's demands for that long term deal are diminishing to stay with the Wings.

Edited by MileHighWingsGuy

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Holland looks like a sheer genious for signing Mule longterm and waiting on Hossa. I really really wish I could hear the thought process of Holland as he watches the supprting cast tear it up and Hossa go invisible. As fans we really can't ask for a better scenario. We are up 2-0 in the WCF and Hossa has yet to show. Either we sleep well and spend that dough on guys like Erickson, Leino, Abdelkader, Helm, Hudler going forward or maybe Hossa's demands for that long term deal are diminishing to stay with the Wings.

You really think so? Wouldn't the Datsyuk signing defy that logic? He was a playoff ghost and was being run out of town on these boards, too.

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BTW, I'd much rather have 71 pts in 74 games. :thumbup:

You mean, 68 points in 88 games...

Hossa .77 PPG

Gaborik .76 PPG

They're nearly identical, except Gaborik has never played with a player similar to Kovalchuk, Datsyuk, Crosby, Malkin or Lidstrom.

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You really think so? Wouldn't the Datsyuk signing defy that logic? He was a playoff ghost and was being run out of town on these boards, too.

Datsyuk, even has a playoff ghost, got fair market value. Danny Briere got nearly $9 million per season that year, you don't think Philly would have thrown the same money at Datsyuk?

$6.7 mill for Datsyuk is a steal even if he never scores a goal in these playoffs.

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Here's the deal. It's Hossa or Flip, Huds and Sammy. Which do you think is playing better half way through the playoffs? Obviously it's Flip, Huds and Sammy.

Enjoy watching Hossa this year because he isn't outplaying the 3 guys combined and he is making Kenny's decision alot easier.

Hossa had 1 good playof year in his career. I tried to tell everybody that last July but nobody wanted to listen especially the OMG Hossa contingent.

I hope he picks it up but it's not looking good.

Surely you're not insinuating that it was a mistake to sign Hossa back in July, are you? All things considered (regular season and playoffs to this point), I'd think you'd be in a very small minority of Wings fans if you did, right?

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Datsyuk, even has a playoff ghost, got fair market value. Danny Briere got nearly $9 million per season that year, you don't think Philly would have thrown the same money at Datsyuk?

$6.7 mill for Datsyuk is a steal even if he never scores a goal in these playoffs.

Oh give me a break. That's not what people were saying when we got eliminated in '07 on good 'ol LGW. All of the rest of the goonies on these boards (that are mirror images of you with Hossa) wanted Datsyuk GONE. There were even rumors of trading him for Olesz, and people were CLAMMERING for the deal to get done. It's a neverending cycle here.

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You mean, 68 points in 88 games...

Hossa .77 PPG

Gaborik .76 PPG

They're nearly identical, except Gaborik has never played with a player similar to Kovalchuk, Datsyuk, Crosby, Malkin or Lidstrom.

And no, I mean 71 pts in 74 games. Meaning he plays full seasons- Gaborik doesnt.

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Oh give me a break. That's not what people were saying when we got eliminated in '07 on good 'ol LGW. All of the rest of the goonies on these boards (that are mirror images of you with Hossa) wanted Datsyuk GONE. There were even rumors of trading him for Olesz, and people were CLAMMERING for the deal to get done. It's a neverending cycle here.

Im fully aware of what pepole have been saying about Datsyuk on these boards. Ive been around here since the beginning. I have been supporting Datsyuk since his rookie season, I was even a proponent of trading him to Washington just so he could play for a team that would actually respect him, instead of bitching at the guy.

The truth is, the guy wasn't supposed to make it to the NHL. Hes now in the running for both the Hart and Pearson. He has two Stanley Cup's with this team and has led it in scoring since Sergei Fedorov left.

What else can the guy do?

Hes never going to be Swedish and therefor he'll always be #2, no matter what.

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Im fully aware of what pepole have been saying about Datsyuk on these boards. Ive been around here since the beginning. I have been supporting Datsyuk since his rookie season, I was even a proponent of trading him to Washington just so he could play for a team that would actually respect him, instead of bitching at the guy.

The truth is, the guy wasn't supposed to make it to the NHL. Hes now in the running for both the Hart and Pearson. He has two Stanley Cup's with this team and has led it in scoring since Sergei Fedorov left.

What else can the guy do?

Hes never going to be Swedish and therefor he'll always be #2, no matter what.

My mind fails me....is Hossastrom a Swede?

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Especially when he had 71 pts in the regular season, and is averaging a point every other game in the playoffs.

Yes and it makes just as much sense to lump Datsyuk in with Hossa, as you have done countless times...

Datsyuk is working his tail off, while Hossa floats around and Holmstrom plays his game.

Datsyuk scored 97 points in the regular season and is up for the Pearson/Hart/Selke

Hossa scored 71 points and is up for.......? A new contract on a different team.

Im sick of seeing "Datsyuk and Hossa need to step up".

Datsyuk has, if anything, feel free to throw Zetterberg's name into the mix also. The empty net king has been pretty "Ghostly" in most games and all season.

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Yes and it makes just as much sense to lump Datsyuk in with Hossa, as you have done countless times...

Datsyuk is working his tail off, while Hossa floats around and Holmstrom plays his game.

Datsyuk scored 97 points in the regular season and is up for the Pearson/Hart/Selke

Hossa scored 71 points and is up for.......? A new contract on a different team.

Im sick of seeing "Datsyuk and Hossa need to step up".

Datsyuk has, if anything, feel free to throw Zetterberg's name into the mix also. The empty net king has been pretty "Ghostly" in most games and all season.

Were you the victim of beating by a Swedish bully as a child?

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Were you the victim of beating by a Swedish bully as a child?

Nope just a victim of a rabid fan base so obsessed with country of origin instead of performance. The same fans that overrate one player and belittle another.

Case in point.. Nick Lidstrom. Guy apparently doesn't make mistakes, even though Getzlaf walked all over him all series long. If he has a give away, no one sees it, if he gets out muscled in front of the net its because the refs aren't calling anything.

The same fan base that said Lidstrom should have been league MVP since 1997? You know, better than Gretzky, Howe or Orr, the great Nick Lidstrom.

While Chris Osgood plays his balls off and gets no respect. Datsyuk leads the team year in and year out, is just as consistent as Lidstrom and still plays second fiddle to Zetterberg.

Its Yzerman/Fedorov all over again, except this time its Lidstrom/Zetterberg vs Datsyuk.. the greedy Russian.

Even though Lidstrom made around $70 million since the year 2000.. and "The Captain" was pulling in $6-$8 million as a third line defensive center.

Fedorov was compensated fairly and so is Datsyuk. It just so happens that Zetterberg signed a terrible deal a few years back, so the fan base thinks that he is god.

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Hes a "Stud" shutting down the second line of Chicago and not scoring against the same second line, second defensive pairing, etc.

Datsyuk is making plays, even setting up Hossa.

When your 40 goal scorer, highest paid player on the team, sniper isn't scoring goals and games are going into overtime or the series goes seven games, its a liability.

Replace Hossa with Helm and you wont see a different result.

He isn't scoring and that is a problem, but it's not a huge problem when you consider he is an even plus/minus. I'm pleased with the fact that even though he is not scoring, he is keeping the opponent off the score sheet.

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