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MileHighWingsGuy last won the day on May 16 2020

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About MileHighWingsGuy

  • Rank
    3rd Line Checker

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    The Wild Wild West

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  1. MileHighWingsGuy

    2020 Draft Thread

    Think good thoughts, we got this!! The Wings will rise again!!
  2. MileHighWingsGuy

    2020 Draft Thread

    So when the GMs sit in a room for the reveal on television they know ahead of time if they are big winners or losers...
  3. MileHighWingsGuy

    2020 Draft Thread

    When the lottery is held behind closed doors it gets even more artificial. The whole NHL lottery system is horrid.
  4. MileHighWingsGuy

    NHL Season officially suspended until further notice - March 12, 2020

    Looks like they approved the 24 team playoff! Let’s get going!!
  5. MileHighWingsGuy

    2020 Draft Thread

    Hope Yzerman is ready for this draft. 6 picks in the first 65 could be huge for this team.
  6. MileHighWingsGuy

    2020 Draft Thread

    I don't really care to be honest. It was painful to watch this last year and do take issue with teams close to the playoffs butt hurt because they don't have a shot at the top pick. If you have a team as bad as the Wings were you should have better than 18% odds.
  7. MileHighWingsGuy

    2020 Draft Thread

    I'm not sure why the NHL went to this every loser team gets a shot at #1 approach. To watch a team like the Redwings on ice every night with only an 18% chance at the number one slot seems like a horrid system to begin with. I hate the lottery format, everything is behind the scenes and seems very manipulated. GMs, ownership and the league should have a straight forward you finish last you pick first approach so there is no underlying doubt about any situation. The NFL has mastered the draft process, wish the NHL would follow suit.
  8. MileHighWingsGuy

    2020 Draft Thread

    Every day that passes moves us closer to the realization the league must implement a draft sequence in a timely manner. If the draft happens sometime in June as eluded to that puts the pressure on deciding the order and getting on with planning for the big event. If the league moves to the old format we draft first or second, any idea when that lottery would take place? I see each day passing as giving us better odds to land the first overall selection. Surprised there isn't greater conversation on this as I'm geeked for it!!
  9. MileHighWingsGuy

    LGW Buyouts

    Which one still loves Jimi?
  10. MileHighWingsGuy

    Larkin Next?

    Team can't score goals and we trade a 30 goal scorer. You want true addition get rid of the idiot warming the bench in the coach's role. Its an embarrassment he's still got his job and worse that we debate whether he will still be here next year. Now back to the tank...
  11. MileHighWingsGuy

    Larkin Next?

    At what point do we fire the idiot behind the bench? Stop trading our talent, stop complaining about good young guys and get a staff to grow them. AA is gone, now we're onto Larkin and talking trash about him, good Lord this season has sucked!!
  12. MileHighWingsGuy

    Larkin Next?

    Was it the flawless backchecking that saved the other 3 goals? Wonder what 30 goal scorer Blashill will find to hide on the 3rd line now...huge void.
  13. MileHighWingsGuy

    Larkin Next?

    Well we traded AA might as well trade Larkin and maybe you can field a team of non-scoring back checkers that you all can drool over and save the rest of us time tuning in.
  14. MileHighWingsGuy

    AA traded to oilers

    Kind of funny any member of this squad would talk trash about AA, like anyone had room to judge him. Everyone got their wish...all anyone could dream of the last two years was trading AA, well it’s happened boy this team sure will be fun to watch with him gone bet scoring and defense both improve!! Idiots. Hope he tears it up.
  15. AA is one of the only things worth watching on this team, has been for a couple years. Hope Stevie doesn't pull the trigger if the return isn't right.